A zoo of learning resources
Eduzoo App
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-app/eduzoo-app.html">
Eduzoo Exhibit
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-exhibit/eduzoo-exhibit.html">
Eduzoo Definition
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-definition/eduzoo-definition.html">
Eduzoo Example
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-example/eduzoo-example.html">
Eduzoo Video
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-video/eduzoo-video.html">
Eduzoo Quiz
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-quiz/eduzoo-quiz.html">
Eduzoo Quiz Choice
<link rel="import" href="http://educationzen.github.io/eduzoo-components/eduzoo-quiz/eduzoo-quiz-choice.html">
The fastest way to create new eduZOOs is using Vagrant.
download and install Vagrant from vagrantup.com/downloads.html
make sure, VirtualBox is installed
clone the eduZoo repository
change to the root folder of the cloned repository
vagrant up
Vagrant will do a lot of things to provide you everything you need, which could take a while. Don't worry, it will start faster next time :)
After finish you can now browse to http://localhost:8083/eduzoo to enjoy your local eduZOOs. Try to change something and refresh the browser!
When you are finished stop your machine with vagrant hold
To update your machine, e.g. when a new version of the eduZOO-components where released just type vagrant destroy
and then vagrant up
to restart your machine