this is a Data Provider Extension of an IBM ODM DSI solution project to call Watson Cognitive Services.
Here are the instructions to create and configure such an extension. A sample DSI solution project is also provided. This solution features an extension that uses Watson Sentiment Analyzer through Watson Alchemy client API for Java. For this reason, you will need Watson Alchemy API service deployed in bluemix. Once you have this service deployed in Bluemix, you are given with an api key. You will need this key to query Watson Sentiment Analyzer. In the sample DSI project, the api key is defined in the solution properties. This key correspond to the Watson Alchemy service deployed in my Bluemix account. You can use it, but you may want to deploy your own Alchemy API service in Bluemix. Then you can update the key in the solutin proporties.
NOTE: A DSI extension for Watson requires adding in the DSI extension project the client libraries of Watson. For this reason is not recommended to have other extensions non related to Watson in the same DSI extension project.
create a DSI extension project of your solution anad add to it a Data Provider Extension that, alt least, accept a text and provides a Sentiment and a score (numeric).
in your extension project add a new folder "lib" and import the latest Watson client library: java-sdk-3.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
add lib/java-sdk-3.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the Java build path of your extension project.
4.1. In "Dependencies" tab add packages javax.naming,, 4.2. In "Runtime" tab att to the classpath (in this order): lib/java-sdk-2.9.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar, . 4.3. In "Build" tab check the lib/java-sdk-3.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- You're ready to code you Data Provider code to call Watson. The sample solution shows a sample using Alchemy API.