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PA: Product and Presentation

Eduardo Brito edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 1 revision

PA: Product and Presentation

An online bidding platform destined for car model lovers, allowing them to sell or complete their private collections, by participating in real-time traditional auctions and interacting with other worldwide collectors.

A9: Product

A website for participating in live auctions of car models. You can choose from different scales, brands and colours. A user can create its auctions, bid and comment on other user’s ones, and search through all the available models. Besides this, it is also possible to add a given seller or auction to their favourites, as well as to manage their profile page, edit their information or check their statistics. The user is informed about all the main events of the website through notifications. The administrators of the system can promote a user to admin statute, ban users and schedule/cancel auctions.

1. Installation

To run our website locally simply clone the repository (link here) and run the following command on the root of the repository:

sudo docker run -it -p 8000:80 -e DB_DATABASE="lbaw2155" -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw2155" -e DB_PASSWORD="VP764843" lbaw2155/lbaw2155

2. Usage

URL to the product:

2.1. Administration Credentials

Administration URL:

Email Password
[email protected] aflowerden0
[email protected] nberrisford1
[email protected] gmcfadin2

2.2. User Credentials

Type Email Password
basic account [email protected] fbrauned
basic account [email protected] rkemmey1x
basic account (banned) [email protected] mtaffrey1

2.3 Mailtrap

email: [email protected]

password: bibjigkhzhslpoiapg

3. Application Help

The website has several ways to help the user, from tooltips and default values/tips in input fields to a textual description of some fields. For example, on the search page, every search option is followed by an explication.

In the auction cards presented on the search page, each value presented is associated with a representative icon and a small description when in hover.

The user also receives feedback messages for every important action done. For instance, a red warning shows every time a user tries to bid in an auction whose highest bid is already of their authorship. In the next image, we can see the message shown on the profile page if the user is banned.

4. Input Validation

Every input is validated, not only on HTML but also on the server-side. For example, when a user tries to bid in an auction, the input is validated to warrant that its value is higher than the value of the last bid.

While logging in, the user inputs are also verified, and a red warning shows up if the credentials don't match the database records.

If the user tries to bid with a value that is higher than the BuyNow value, a message is also shown to inform him the action will end the auction with a final value equal to the BuyNow defined.

5. Check Accessibility and Usability

Accessibility: Accessibility checklist report

Usability: Usability checklist report

6. HTML & CSS Validation


CSS: CSS Validation

7. Revisions to the Project

There were some small changes in the design and layout of some pages to better suit the framework's usage and also some additions and changes to the User Stories.

8. Implementation Details

8.1. Libraries Used

  • Laravel - PHP Framework
  • Bootstrap - Front-end toolkit
  • Mailtrap - Email Testing tool

8.2 User Stories

US Identifier Name Module Priority Team Members State
US001 See Home User High Eduardo Brito, Paulo Ribeiro 100%
US002 Advanced Search User High Eduardo Brito, Paulo Ribeiro 100%
US003 Auction Page User High Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ponte 100%
US101 Sign-In Visitor High Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ponte 100%
US102 Sign-Up Visitor High Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ponte 100%
US103 Password Recovery Visitor High Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ferreira 100%
US201 Manage Auctions Administrator High Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ferreira 100%
US202 Logout Administrator High Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US300 Profile Page Registered High Paulo Ribeiro, Pedro Ponte 100%
US301 Logout Registered High Pedro Ponte, Eduardo Brito 100%
US310 Delete Profile Registered High Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US401 Create an Auction Seller High Pedro Ponte, Eduardo Brito 100%
US501 Bid in a given auction Bidder High Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US004 See About Us User Medium Paulo Ribeiro, Eduardo Brito 100%
US005 Profile Page User Medium Paulo Ribeiro, Eduardo Brito 100%
US204 User Reports Administrator Medium Pedro Ponte, Paulo Ribeiro 100%
US206 Notifications Registered Medium Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ferreira 100%
US302 Manage Favourite Auctions Registered Medium Paulo Ribeiro, Pedro Ponte 100%
US303 Manage Favourite Sellers Registered Medium Paulo Ribeiro, Pedro Ponte 100%
US308 Notifications Administration Medium Eduardo Brito, Pedro Ferreira 100%
US309 Report Users Registered Medium Paulo Ribeiro, Pedro Ponte 100%
US006 FAQ Page User Low Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US304 Rating Users Registered Low Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US307 Statistics Registered Low Pedro Ponte, Paulo Ribeiro 100%
US403 "Buy Now" Option Seller Low Pedro Ponte, Eduardo Brito 100%
US502 "Buy Now" Bidder Low Paulo Ribeiro, Pedro Ponte 100%
US503 Comment an auction Bidder Low Pedro Ferreira, Eduardo Brito 100%
US104 Sign-In with external API Visitor Low 0%
US105 Sign-Up with external API Visitor Low 0%
US203 Answer User Doubt Administrator Low 0%
US305 Remove Comments Registered Low 0%
US306 Question Administrator Registered Low 0%
US402 Access to Auction Statistics Seller Low 0%

A10: Presentation

1. Product presentation

An online bidding platform destined for car model lovers, allowing them to sell or complete their private collections, by participating in real-time traditional auctions and interacting with other worldwide collectors.

URL to the product:

2. Video presentation

Google folder

Revision History

Changes made to the first submission:


GROUP 2155, 04/06/2021