- today button
- min & max dates
- array of available dates
- multi date picker (select multiple dates)
- date range picker (select two dates: start & end)
- multidate & rangedate can't be used at the same time!
- dateFormat, headingSelectedFormat, & headingNotSelectedFormat properties are moment.js format strings; doc: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
API DOC & DEMO: https://edwardsharp.github.io/sched-datepicker/
DEMO: https://edwardsharp.github.io/sched-datepicker/components/sched-datepicker/demo/index.html
bower i edwardsharp/sched-datepicker -S
$ polymer test
...or visit /components/sched-datepicker/test/sched-datepicker_test.html (e.g. http://localhost:8080/components/sched-datepicker/test/sched-datepicker_test.html)
create a github issue?
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0)