Back-end for warframe market stats written using Python Flask. Pay a visit at to try the web interface!
This project is made for learning purposes. Please don't expect the endpoints to work reliably.
Warframe Market is a great app that allows users to place their orders for in-game items. Not only that, users also use this app to determine item prices based on its statistics. However, accessing the statistics page through the app requires a few clicks and loads away. This custom API is made to summarize all the information I need to determine item prices in a single request.
to get item price information which includes:
- Latest daily average price
- Lowest offer from online seller
- Highest offer from online buyer
- 90 days line chart of related transactions
Rank 0 and max rank stats are available for mods and arcanes. Note that requests is limited to 1 request per second. This is to comply to warframe market public API recommendation of 3 request per second, as each request to this custom API will gather information from 3 endpoint in the warframe market public API (item information, order information, and statistics).
Big thanks to Digital Extremes for the great game, also to Warframe Market team to provide such a useful public API. This project is made for learning purposes, and all information used belong to their respective owners.