Example scripts using the Close.io API
Before you start, you should already have git
, python-2.7
and virtualenv
installed. For OS X users, we recommend MacPorts.
Next, you have to install the API Client.
pip install closeio
from closeio_api import Client
import urllib
api = Client('YOUR_API_KEY')
# post a lead
lead = api.post('lead', data={'name': 'New Lead'})
# get 5 most recently updated opportunities
opportunities = api.get('opportunity', params={'_order_by': '-date_updated', '_limit': 5})
# fetch multiple leads (using search syntax)
lead_results = api.get('lead', params={
'_limit': 10,
'_fields': 'id,display_name,status_label',
'query': 'custom.my_custom_field:"some_value" status:"Potential" sort:updated'
$ git clone https://github.com/closeio/closeio-api-scripts.git
$ cd closeio-api-scripts
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python scripts/merge_leads.py -k MYAPIKEY
Check out scripts/
for more detailed examples.
If you have any questions, please contact support@close.io