3 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Breadcrumb by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1338
- Extending Custom error class from NodeJS Error by @saiprakash-v in #1341
- HLM-1118 | unit tests and coverage for vc-certify-consumer by @ajay-beehyv in #1342
- HLM-1046 | unit tests for certification service by @saiprakash-v in #1339
- HLM-1045 | unit tests by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1340
- change password screen by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1343
- HLM-1164 | Making tenant portal available on baseURL by @saiprakash-v in #1346
- reset-change password screens by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1345
- HLM-1137 | Email and Password validation by @ajay-beehyv in #1344
- HLM-1137 | fix back button in update password by @ajay-beehyv in #1350
- HLM-1098 | View inbuilt attributes by @saiprakash-v in #1348
- UI audit changes by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1353
- Generic dropdown by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1354
- HLM-1099 | Create schema page and custom attributes by @ajay-beehyv in #1355
- styles-specific to create schema by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1357
- HLM-1099 | create schema page UI fixes by @ajay-beehyv in #1367
- HLM-1121 | Preview schema by @ajay-beehyv in #1362
- Hlm 1097 | manage schema by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1356
- HLM - 1104 | schema attributes by @ajay-beehyv in #1370
- test and publish by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1371
- HLM-1433 | Integrate test and publish by @ajay-beehyv in #1375
- HLM-1103 | json upload changes by @saiprakash-v in #1373
- JSON flow by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1376
- removing anonymous role in tenant schema by @saiprakash-v in #1378
- HLM-912 | Removing hardcoded facility country code by @saiprakash-v in #1377
- QA-testing by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1385
- json flow bug fixes by @saiprakash-v in #1390
- ui fixes by @saiprakash-v in #1393
- explore api linking by @saiprakash-v in #1394
- HLM-1102 | Upload template by @ajay-beehyv in #1389
- explore api linking ui fixes by @saiprakash-v in #1395
- manage-templates by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1406
- Initial commit before integration with utils by @saiprakash-v in #1407
- bugs from qa by @saiprakash-v in #1408
- UI-bug-fixes(Manage Upload Temp) by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1409
- Hlm 1512 fixes by @saiprakash-v in #1411
- HLM-1512 by @saiprakash-v in #1410
- multi-templates select by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1412
- HLM-1517 | Add Timezone to formatDate by @ajay-beehyv in #1415
- default template selected for test and publish screen by @saiprakash-v in #1416
- HLM-1618 | Manage schema loading and handle manage template close by @ajay-beehyv in #1426
- test and publish "go back" to previous screen by @saiprakash-v in #1422
- UI-Fixes by @bhanuprakash-egov in #1429
Full Changelog: 3.1.0-generic...3.5.0-generic