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pre-commit-ci[bot] committed Jul 24, 2024
1 parent dc24c8a commit 8928170
Showing 14 changed files with 361 additions and 309 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .idea/epic.iml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .idea/modules.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .idea/vcs.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

138 changes: 69 additions & 69 deletions .vscode/settings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
"files.associations": {
"cmath": "cpp",
"__locale": "cpp",
"__string": "cpp",
"regex": "cpp",
"string": "cpp",
"string_view": "cpp",
"__nullptr": "cpp",
"exception": "cpp",
"initializer_list": "cpp",
"new": "cpp",
"optional": "cpp",
"stdexcept": "cpp",
"typeinfo": "cpp",
"cctype": "cpp",
"clocale": "cpp",
"cstdarg": "cpp",
"cstddef": "cpp",
"cstdio": "cpp",
"cstdlib": "cpp",
"cstring": "cpp",
"ctime": "cpp",
"cwchar": "cpp",
"cwctype": "cpp",
"array": "cpp",
"atomic": "cpp",
"bit": "cpp",
"*.tcc": "cpp",
"bitset": "cpp",
"chrono": "cpp",
"codecvt": "cpp",
"compare": "cpp",
"concepts": "cpp",
"condition_variable": "cpp",
"cstdint": "cpp",
"deque": "cpp",
"map": "cpp",
"unordered_map": "cpp",
"vector": "cpp",
"algorithm": "cpp",
"functional": "cpp",
"iterator": "cpp",
"memory": "cpp",
"memory_resource": "cpp",
"numeric": "cpp",
"random": "cpp",
"ratio": "cpp",
"system_error": "cpp",
"tuple": "cpp",
"type_traits": "cpp",
"utility": "cpp",
"fstream": "cpp",
"iomanip": "cpp",
"iosfwd": "cpp",
"iostream": "cpp",
"istream": "cpp",
"limits": "cpp",
"mutex": "cpp",
"numbers": "cpp",
"ostream": "cpp",
"semaphore": "cpp",
"sstream": "cpp",
"stop_token": "cpp",
"streambuf": "cpp",
"thread": "cpp",
"filesystem": "cpp",
"ios": "cpp"
"files.associations": {
"cmath": "cpp",
"__locale": "cpp",
"__string": "cpp",
"regex": "cpp",
"string": "cpp",
"string_view": "cpp",
"__nullptr": "cpp",
"exception": "cpp",
"initializer_list": "cpp",
"new": "cpp",
"optional": "cpp",
"stdexcept": "cpp",
"typeinfo": "cpp",
"cctype": "cpp",
"clocale": "cpp",
"cstdarg": "cpp",
"cstddef": "cpp",
"cstdio": "cpp",
"cstdlib": "cpp",
"cstring": "cpp",
"ctime": "cpp",
"cwchar": "cpp",
"cwctype": "cpp",
"array": "cpp",
"atomic": "cpp",
"bit": "cpp",
"*.tcc": "cpp",
"bitset": "cpp",
"chrono": "cpp",
"codecvt": "cpp",
"compare": "cpp",
"concepts": "cpp",
"condition_variable": "cpp",
"cstdint": "cpp",
"deque": "cpp",
"map": "cpp",
"unordered_map": "cpp",
"vector": "cpp",
"algorithm": "cpp",
"functional": "cpp",
"iterator": "cpp",
"memory": "cpp",
"memory_resource": "cpp",
"numeric": "cpp",
"random": "cpp",
"ratio": "cpp",
"system_error": "cpp",
"tuple": "cpp",
"type_traits": "cpp",
"utility": "cpp",
"fstream": "cpp",
"iomanip": "cpp",
"iosfwd": "cpp",
"iostream": "cpp",
"istream": "cpp",
"limits": "cpp",
"mutex": "cpp",
"numbers": "cpp",
"ostream": "cpp",
"semaphore": "cpp",
"sstream": "cpp",
"stop_token": "cpp",
"streambuf": "cpp",
"thread": "cpp",
"filesystem": "cpp",
"ios": "cpp"
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions compact/tracking/vertex_barrel_sensors.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<constant name="VertexBarrelMod2_rmin" value="VertexBarrelMod_rmin + 1.2*cm"/>
<constant name="VertexBarrelMod3_rmin" value="12.0*cm"/>

<comment> I am adding additional definitions here to create submodules.
<comment> I am adding additional definitions here to create submodules.
Those ensure I can properly built the RSUs from pixel matrices, inactive area and stuff </comment>

<!-- Submodule 1 = 3Tile unit -->
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<constant name="Submodule3_length" value="0.06 * mm"/>
<constant name="Submodule3_thickness" value="40 * um"/>
<!-- <constant name="Submodule2_vis" value="VertexSupportLayerVis"/> -->

<!-- Submodule 4 = Biasing -->
<constant name="Submodule4_width" value="0.06 * mm"/>
<constant name="Submodule4_length" value="10.773 * mm"/>
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
length="21.666 * mm"
vis="TrackerServiceVis" /> -->

<module_component name="UpperLeftTile"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/.idea/misc.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/.idea/modules.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/.idea/src.iml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/.idea/vcs.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

133 changes: 71 additions & 62 deletions src/BarrelTrackerWithSensorThick_geo.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -44,32 +44,31 @@ using namespace dd4hep::detail;
* @author Whitney Armstrong
static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)
static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e,
SensitiveDetector sens) {
typedef vector<PlacedVolume> Placements;
xml_det_t x_det = e;
Material air = description.air();
int det_id =;
string det_name = x_det.nameStr();
DetElement sdet(det_name, det_id);

map<string, Volume> volumes;
map<string, Placements> sensitives;
xml_det_t x_det = e;
Material air = description.air();
int det_id =;
string det_name = x_det.nameStr();
DetElement sdet(det_name, det_id);

map<string, Volume> volumes;
map<string, Placements> sensitives;
map<string, std::vector<VolPlane>> volplane_surfaces;
map<string, std::array<double, 2>> module_thicknesses;

PlacedVolume pv;

// Set detector type flag
dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag(x_det, sdet);
auto &params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(
auto& params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(sdet);

// Add the volume boundary material if configured
for (xml_coll_t bmat(x_det, _Unicode(boundary_material)); bmat; ++bmat) {
xml_comp_t x_boundary_material = bmat;
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_boundary_material, params,

// dd4hep::xml::Dimension dimensions(x_det.dimensions());
@@ -81,27 +80,29 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e

// Loop over the supports
for (xml_coll_t su(x_det, _U(support)); su; ++su) {
xml_comp_t x_support = su;
double support_thickness = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(thickness), 2.0 * mm);
double support_length = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(length), 2.0 * mm);
double support_rmin = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(rmin), 2.0 * mm);
double support_zstart = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(zstart), 2.0 * mm);
std::string support_name = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(name), "support_tube");
std::string support_vis = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(vis), "AnlRed");
xml_dim_t pos(x_support.child(_U(position), false));
xml_dim_t rot(x_support.child(_U(rotation), false));
Solid support_solid;
xml_comp_t x_support = su;
double support_thickness = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(thickness), 2.0 * mm);
double support_length = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(length), 2.0 * mm);
double support_rmin = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(rmin), 2.0 * mm);
double support_zstart = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(zstart), 2.0 * mm);
std::string support_name =
getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(name), "support_tube");
std::string support_vis = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(vis), "AnlRed");
xml_dim_t pos(x_support.child(_U(position), false));
xml_dim_t rot(x_support.child(_U(rotation), false));
Solid support_solid;
if (x_support.hasChild(_U(shape))) {
xml_comp_t shape(x_support.child(_U(shape)));
string shape_type = shape.typeStr();
support_solid = xml::createShape(description, shape_type, shape);
string shape_type = shape.typeStr();
support_solid = xml::createShape(description, shape_type, shape);
} else {
support_solid = Tube(support_rmin, support_rmin + support_thickness, support_length / 2);
Transform3D tr = Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(0, 0, (support_zstart + support_length / 2)));
Transform3D tr =
Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(0, 0, (support_zstart + support_length / 2)));
if (pos.ptr() && rot.ptr()) {
Rotation3D rot3D(RotationZYX(rot.z(0), rot.y(0), rot.x(0)));
Position pos3D(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0));
Position pos3D(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0));
tr = Transform3D(rot3D, pos3D);
} else if (pos.ptr()) {
tr = Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0)));
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
tr = Transform3D(rot3D, Position());
Material support_mat = description.material(x_support.materialStr());
Volume support_vol(support_name, support_solid, support_mat);
Volume support_vol(support_name, support_solid, support_mat);
pv = assembly.placeVolume(support_vol, tr);
// pv = assembly.placeVolume(support_vol, Position(0, 0, support_zstart + support_length / 2));
@@ -119,16 +120,16 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
// loop over the modules
for (xml_coll_t mi(x_det, _U(module)); mi; ++mi) {
xml_comp_t x_mod = mi;
string m_nam = x_mod.nameStr();
string m_nam = x_mod.nameStr();

if (volumes.find(m_nam) != volumes.end()) {
printout(ERROR, "BarrelTrackerWithFrame",
string((string("Module with named ") + m_nam + string(" already exists."))).c_str());
throw runtime_error("Logics error in building modules.");

int ncomponents = 0;
int sensor_number = 1;
int ncomponents = 0;
int sensor_number = 1;
double total_thickness = 0;

// Compute module total thickness from components
@@ -154,33 +155,38 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
double frame_width2 = 2.0 * frame_height2 / tanth;

Trd1 moduleframe_part1(frame_width / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2, frame_height / 2);
Trd1 moduleframe_part2(frame_width2 / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2 + 0.01 * mm, frame_height2 / 2);
Trd1 moduleframe_part2(frame_width2 / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2 + 0.01 * mm,
frame_height2 / 2);

SubtractionSolid moduleframe(moduleframe_part1, moduleframe_part2, Position(0.0, frame_thickness, 0.0));
Volume v_moduleframe(m_nam + "_vol", moduleframe, description.material(m_frame.materialStr()));
SubtractionSolid moduleframe(moduleframe_part1, moduleframe_part2,
Position(0.0, frame_thickness, 0.0));
Volume v_moduleframe(m_nam + "_vol", moduleframe,
v_moduleframe.setVisAttributes(description, m_frame.visStr());
m_vol.placeVolume(v_moduleframe, Position(0.0, 0.0, frame_height / 2 + total_thickness / 2.0));
Position(0.0, 0.0, frame_height / 2 + total_thickness / 2.0));

double thickness_so_far = 0.0;
double thickness_sum = -total_thickness / 2.0;
for (xml_coll_t mci(x_mod, _U(module_component)); mci; ++mci, ++ncomponents) {
xml_comp_t x_comp = mci;
xml_comp_t x_pos = x_comp.position(false);
xml_comp_t x_rot = x_comp.rotation(false);
const string c_nam = _toString(ncomponents, "component%d");
Box c_box(x_comp.width() / 2, x_comp.length() / 2, x_comp.thickness() / 2);
Volume c_vol(c_nam, c_box, description.material(x_comp.materialStr()));
xml_comp_t x_comp = mci;
xml_comp_t x_pos = x_comp.position(false);
xml_comp_t x_rot = x_comp.rotation(false);
const string c_nam = _toString(ncomponents, "component%d");
Box c_box(x_comp.width() / 2, x_comp.length() / 2, x_comp.thickness() / 2);
Volume c_vol(c_nam, c_box, description.material(x_comp.materialStr()));

// Utility variable for the relative z-offset based off the previous components
const double zoff = thickness_sum + x_comp.thickness() / 2.0;
if (x_pos && x_rot) {
Position c_pos(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff);
Position c_pos(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff);
RotationZYX c_rot(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0));
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Transform3D(c_rot, c_pos));
} else if (x_rot) {
Position c_pos(0, 0, zoff);
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Transform3D(RotationZYX(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0)), c_pos));
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol,
Transform3D(RotationZYX(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0)), c_pos));
} else if (x_pos) {
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Position(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff));
} else {
@@ -233,38 +239,38 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
xml_comp_t x_barrel = x_layer.child(_U(barrel_envelope));
xml_comp_t x_layout = x_layer.child(_U(rphi_layout));
xml_comp_t z_layout = x_layer.child(_U(z_layout)); // Get the <z_layout> element.
int lay_id =;
string m_nam = x_layer.moduleStr();
string lay_nam = det_name + _toString(, "_layer%d");
Tube lay_tub(x_barrel.inner_r(), x_barrel.outer_r(), x_barrel.z_length() / 2.0);
Volume lay_vol(lay_nam, lay_tub, air); // Create the layer envelope volume.
Position lay_pos(0, 0, getAttrOrDefault(x_barrel, _U(z0), 0.));
int lay_id =;
string m_nam = x_layer.moduleStr();
string lay_nam = det_name + _toString(, "_layer%d");
Tube lay_tub(x_barrel.inner_r(), x_barrel.outer_r(), x_barrel.z_length() / 2.0);
Volume lay_vol(lay_nam, lay_tub, air); // Create the layer envelope volume.
Position lay_pos(0, 0, getAttrOrDefault(x_barrel, _U(z0), 0.));

double phi0 = x_layout.phi0(); // Starting phi of first module.
double phi_tilt = x_layout.phi_tilt(); // Phi tilt of a module.
double rc = x_layout.rc(); // Radius of the module center.
int nphi = x_layout.nphi(); // Number of modules in phi.
int nphi = x_layout.nphi(); // Number of modules in phi.
double rphi_dr = x_layout.dr(); // The delta radius of every other module.
double phi_incr = (M_PI * 2) / nphi; // Phi increment for one module.
double phic = phi0; // Phi of the module center.
double z0 = z_layout.z0(); // Z position of first module in phi.
double nz =; // Number of modules to place in z.
double z_dr = z_layout.dr(); // Radial displacement parameter, of every other module.

Volume module_env = volumes[m_nam];
DetElement lay_elt(sdet, lay_nam, lay_id);
Volume module_env = volumes[m_nam];
DetElement lay_elt(sdet, lay_nam, lay_id);
Placements& sensVols = sensitives[m_nam];

// the local coordinate systems of modules in dd4hep and acts differ
// see
auto &layerParams =
auto& layerParams =

for (xml_coll_t lmat(x_layer, _Unicode(layer_material)); lmat; ++lmat) {
xml_comp_t x_layer_material = lmat;
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_layer_material, layerParams, "layer_material");
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_layer_material, layerParams,

// Z increment for module placement along Z axis.
@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
double z_incr = nz > 1 ? (2.0 * z0) / (nz - 1) : 0.0;
// Starting z for module placement along Z axis.
double module_z = -z0;
int module = 1;
int module = 1;

// Loop over the number of modules in phi.
for (int ii = 0; ii < nphi; ii++) {
@@ -284,20 +290,22 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e

// Loop over the number of modules in z.
for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++) {
string module_name = _toString(module, "module%d");
string module_name = _toString(module, "module%d");
DetElement mod_elt(lay_elt, module_name, module);

Transform3D tr(RotationZYX(0, ((M_PI / 2) - phic - phi_tilt), -M_PI / 2), Position(x, y, module_z));
Transform3D tr(RotationZYX(0, ((M_PI / 2) - phic - phi_tilt), -M_PI / 2),
Position(x, y, module_z));

pv = lay_vol.placeVolume(module_env, tr);
pv.addPhysVolID("module", module);
for (size_t ic = 0; ic < sensVols.size(); ++ic) {
PlacedVolume sens_pv = sensVols[ic];
DetElement comp_de(mod_elt, std::string("de_") + sens_pv.volume().name(), module);
DetElement comp_de(mod_elt, std::string("de_") + sens_pv.volume().name(), module);

auto &comp_de_params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(comp_de);
auto& comp_de_params =
comp_de_params.set<string>("axis_definitions", "XYZ");
// comp_de.setAttributes(description, sens_pv.volume(), x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(),
// xml_det_t(xmleles[m_nam]).visStr());
@@ -325,7 +333,8 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thick(Detector& description, xml_h e
// Create the PhysicalVolume for the layer.
pv = assembly.placeVolume(lay_vol, lay_pos); // Place layer in mother
pv.addPhysVolID("layer", lay_id); // Set the layer ID.
lay_elt.setAttributes(description, lay_vol, x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(), x_layer.visStr());
lay_elt.setAttributes(description, lay_vol, x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(),
sdet.setAttributes(description, assembly, x_det.regionStr(), x_det.limitsStr(), x_det.visStr());
133 changes: 71 additions & 62 deletions src/BarrelTrackerWithSensorThin_geo.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -44,32 +44,31 @@ using namespace dd4hep::detail;
* @author Whitney Armstrong
static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)
static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
SensitiveDetector sens) {
typedef vector<PlacedVolume> Placements;
xml_det_t x_det = e;
Material air = description.air();
int det_id =;
string det_name = x_det.nameStr();
DetElement sdet(det_name, det_id);

map<string, Volume> volumes;
map<string, Placements> sensitives;
xml_det_t x_det = e;
Material air = description.air();
int det_id =;
string det_name = x_det.nameStr();
DetElement sdet(det_name, det_id);

map<string, Volume> volumes;
map<string, Placements> sensitives;
map<string, std::vector<VolPlane>> volplane_surfaces;
map<string, std::array<double, 2>> module_thicknesses;

PlacedVolume pv;

// Set detector type flag
dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag(x_det, sdet);
auto &params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(
auto& params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(sdet);

// Add the volume boundary material if configured
for (xml_coll_t bmat(x_det, _Unicode(boundary_material)); bmat; ++bmat) {
xml_comp_t x_boundary_material = bmat;
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_boundary_material, params,

// dd4hep::xml::Dimension dimensions(x_det.dimensions());
@@ -81,27 +80,29 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,

// Loop over the supports
for (xml_coll_t su(x_det, _U(support)); su; ++su) {
xml_comp_t x_support = su;
double support_thickness = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(thickness), 2.0 * mm);
double support_length = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(length), 2.0 * mm);
double support_rmin = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(rmin), 2.0 * mm);
double support_zstart = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(zstart), 2.0 * mm);
std::string support_name = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(name), "support_tube");
std::string support_vis = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(vis), "AnlRed");
xml_dim_t pos(x_support.child(_U(position), false));
xml_dim_t rot(x_support.child(_U(rotation), false));
Solid support_solid;
xml_comp_t x_support = su;
double support_thickness = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(thickness), 2.0 * mm);
double support_length = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(length), 2.0 * mm);
double support_rmin = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(rmin), 2.0 * mm);
double support_zstart = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _U(zstart), 2.0 * mm);
std::string support_name =
getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(name), "support_tube");
std::string support_vis = getAttrOrDefault<std::string>(x_support, _Unicode(vis), "AnlRed");
xml_dim_t pos(x_support.child(_U(position), false));
xml_dim_t rot(x_support.child(_U(rotation), false));
Solid support_solid;
if (x_support.hasChild(_U(shape))) {
xml_comp_t shape(x_support.child(_U(shape)));
string shape_type = shape.typeStr();
support_solid = xml::createShape(description, shape_type, shape);
string shape_type = shape.typeStr();
support_solid = xml::createShape(description, shape_type, shape);
} else {
support_solid = Tube(support_rmin, support_rmin + support_thickness, support_length / 2);
Transform3D tr = Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(0, 0, (support_zstart + support_length / 2)));
Transform3D tr =
Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(0, 0, (support_zstart + support_length / 2)));
if (pos.ptr() && rot.ptr()) {
Rotation3D rot3D(RotationZYX(rot.z(0), rot.y(0), rot.x(0)));
Position pos3D(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0));
Position pos3D(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0));
tr = Transform3D(rot3D, pos3D);
} else if (pos.ptr()) {
tr = Transform3D(Rotation3D(), Position(pos.x(0), pos.y(0), pos.z(0)));
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
tr = Transform3D(rot3D, Position());
Material support_mat = description.material(x_support.materialStr());
Volume support_vol(support_name, support_solid, support_mat);
Volume support_vol(support_name, support_solid, support_mat);
pv = assembly.placeVolume(support_vol, tr);
// pv = assembly.placeVolume(support_vol, Position(0, 0, support_zstart + support_length / 2));
@@ -119,16 +120,16 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
// loop over the modules
for (xml_coll_t mi(x_det, _U(module)); mi; ++mi) {
xml_comp_t x_mod = mi;
string m_nam = x_mod.nameStr();
string m_nam = x_mod.nameStr();

if (volumes.find(m_nam) != volumes.end()) {
printout(ERROR, "BarrelTrackerWithFrame",
string((string("Module with named ") + m_nam + string(" already exists."))).c_str());
throw runtime_error("Logics error in building modules.");

int ncomponents = 0;
int sensor_number = 1;
int ncomponents = 0;
int sensor_number = 1;
double total_thickness = 0;

// Compute module total thickness from components
@@ -154,33 +155,38 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
double frame_width2 = 2.0 * frame_height2 / tanth;

Trd1 moduleframe_part1(frame_width / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2, frame_height / 2);
Trd1 moduleframe_part2(frame_width2 / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2 + 0.01 * mm, frame_height2 / 2);
Trd1 moduleframe_part2(frame_width2 / 2, 0.001 * mm, m_frame.length() / 2 + 0.01 * mm,
frame_height2 / 2);

SubtractionSolid moduleframe(moduleframe_part1, moduleframe_part2, Position(0.0, frame_thickness, 0.0));
Volume v_moduleframe(m_nam + "_vol", moduleframe, description.material(m_frame.materialStr()));
SubtractionSolid moduleframe(moduleframe_part1, moduleframe_part2,
Position(0.0, frame_thickness, 0.0));
Volume v_moduleframe(m_nam + "_vol", moduleframe,
v_moduleframe.setVisAttributes(description, m_frame.visStr());
m_vol.placeVolume(v_moduleframe, Position(0.0, 0.0, frame_height / 2 + total_thickness / 2.0));
Position(0.0, 0.0, frame_height / 2 + total_thickness / 2.0));

double thickness_so_far = 0.0;
double thickness_sum = -total_thickness / 2.0;
for (xml_coll_t mci(x_mod, _U(module_component)); mci; ++mci, ++ncomponents) {
xml_comp_t x_comp = mci;
xml_comp_t x_pos = x_comp.position(false);
xml_comp_t x_rot = x_comp.rotation(false);
const string c_nam = _toString(ncomponents, "component%d");
Box c_box(x_comp.width() / 2, x_comp.length() / 2, x_comp.thickness() / 2);
Volume c_vol(c_nam, c_box, description.material(x_comp.materialStr()));
xml_comp_t x_comp = mci;
xml_comp_t x_pos = x_comp.position(false);
xml_comp_t x_rot = x_comp.rotation(false);
const string c_nam = _toString(ncomponents, "component%d");
Box c_box(x_comp.width() / 2, x_comp.length() / 2, x_comp.thickness() / 2);
Volume c_vol(c_nam, c_box, description.material(x_comp.materialStr()));

// Utility variable for the relative z-offset based off the previous components
const double zoff = thickness_sum + x_comp.thickness() / 2.0;
if (x_pos && x_rot) {
Position c_pos(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff);
Position c_pos(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff);
RotationZYX c_rot(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0));
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Transform3D(c_rot, c_pos));
} else if (x_rot) {
Position c_pos(0, 0, zoff);
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Transform3D(RotationZYX(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0)), c_pos));
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol,
Transform3D(RotationZYX(x_rot.z(0), x_rot.y(0), x_rot.x(0)), c_pos));
} else if (x_pos) {
pv = m_vol.placeVolume(c_vol, Position(x_pos.x(0), x_pos.y(0), x_pos.z(0) + zoff));
} else {
@@ -233,38 +239,38 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
xml_comp_t x_barrel = x_layer.child(_U(barrel_envelope));
xml_comp_t x_layout = x_layer.child(_U(rphi_layout));
xml_comp_t z_layout = x_layer.child(_U(z_layout)); // Get the <z_layout> element.
int lay_id =;
string m_nam = x_layer.moduleStr();
string lay_nam = det_name + _toString(, "_layer%d");
Tube lay_tub(x_barrel.inner_r(), x_barrel.outer_r(), x_barrel.z_length() / 2.0);
Volume lay_vol(lay_nam, lay_tub, air); // Create the layer envelope volume.
Position lay_pos(0, 0, getAttrOrDefault(x_barrel, _U(z0), 0.));
int lay_id =;
string m_nam = x_layer.moduleStr();
string lay_nam = det_name + _toString(, "_layer%d");
Tube lay_tub(x_barrel.inner_r(), x_barrel.outer_r(), x_barrel.z_length() / 2.0);
Volume lay_vol(lay_nam, lay_tub, air); // Create the layer envelope volume.
Position lay_pos(0, 0, getAttrOrDefault(x_barrel, _U(z0), 0.));

double phi0 = x_layout.phi0(); // Starting phi of first module.
double phi_tilt = x_layout.phi_tilt(); // Phi tilt of a module.
double rc = x_layout.rc(); // Radius of the module center.
int nphi = x_layout.nphi(); // Number of modules in phi.
int nphi = x_layout.nphi(); // Number of modules in phi.
double rphi_dr = x_layout.dr(); // The delta radius of every other module.
double phi_incr = (M_PI * 2) / nphi; // Phi increment for one module.
double phic = phi0; // Phi of the module center.
double z0 = z_layout.z0(); // Z position of first module in phi.
double nz =; // Number of modules to place in z.
double z_dr = z_layout.dr(); // Radial displacement parameter, of every other module.

Volume module_env = volumes[m_nam];
DetElement lay_elt(sdet, lay_nam, lay_id);
Volume module_env = volumes[m_nam];
DetElement lay_elt(sdet, lay_nam, lay_id);
Placements& sensVols = sensitives[m_nam];

// the local coordinate systems of modules in dd4hep and acts differ
// see
auto &layerParams =
auto& layerParams =

for (xml_coll_t lmat(x_layer, _Unicode(layer_material)); lmat; ++lmat) {
xml_comp_t x_layer_material = lmat;
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_layer_material, layerParams, "layer_material");
DD4hepDetectorHelper::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(x_layer_material, layerParams,

// Z increment for module placement along Z axis.
@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
double z_incr = nz > 1 ? (2.0 * z0) / (nz - 1) : 0.0;
// Starting z for module placement along Z axis.
double module_z = -z0;
int module = 1;
int module = 1;

// Loop over the number of modules in phi.
for (int ii = 0; ii < nphi; ii++) {
@@ -284,20 +290,22 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,

// Loop over the number of modules in z.
for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++) {
string module_name = _toString(module, "module%d");
string module_name = _toString(module, "module%d");
DetElement mod_elt(lay_elt, module_name, module);

Transform3D tr(RotationZYX(0, ((M_PI / 2) - phic - phi_tilt), -M_PI / 2), Position(x, y, module_z));
Transform3D tr(RotationZYX(0, ((M_PI / 2) - phic - phi_tilt), -M_PI / 2),
Position(x, y, module_z));

pv = lay_vol.placeVolume(module_env, tr);
pv.addPhysVolID("module", module);
for (size_t ic = 0; ic < sensVols.size(); ++ic) {
PlacedVolume sens_pv = sensVols[ic];
DetElement comp_de(mod_elt, std::string("de_") + sens_pv.volume().name(), module);
DetElement comp_de(mod_elt, std::string("de_") + sens_pv.volume().name(), module);

auto &comp_de_params = DD4hepDetectorHelper::ensureExtension<dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters>(comp_de);
auto& comp_de_params =
comp_de_params.set<string>("axis_definitions", "XYZ");
// comp_de.setAttributes(description, sens_pv.volume(), x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(),
// xml_det_t(xmleles[m_nam]).visStr());
@@ -325,7 +333,8 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithSensor_thin(Detector& description, xml_h e,
// Create the PhysicalVolume for the layer.
pv = assembly.placeVolume(lay_vol, lay_pos); // Place layer in mother
pv.addPhysVolID("layer", lay_id); // Set the layer ID.
lay_elt.setAttributes(description, lay_vol, x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(), x_layer.visStr());
lay_elt.setAttributes(description, lay_vol, x_layer.regionStr(), x_layer.limitsStr(),
sdet.setAttributes(description, assembly, x_det.regionStr(), x_det.limitsStr(), x_det.visStr());
242 changes: 138 additions & 104 deletions src/BarrelTrackerWithSensor_geo.cpp

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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