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  • Loading branch information
DraTeots committed Feb 6, 2025
1 parent bd9d860 commit 926d912
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Showing 2 changed files with 123 additions and 111 deletions.
26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions pyrobird/pyrobird/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,14 @@ def guess_output_name(input_entry, output_extension='.firebird.json'):
"-e", "--entries", "entries_str", default="0",
help="Entry/event number to convert. Could be value, comma separated list or range. E.g '--entry=1,3-5,8'"
"-c", "--collections", "collections_str", default="",
help="Comma-separated list of collection types to convert. "
"For example: 'tracker_hits,tracks'."
# TODO @click.option("-t", "--type", "input_type", default=None, help="Input file type. Currently only edm4eic supported")
@click.argument("filename", required=True)
def convert(filename, output_file, entries_str):
def convert(filename, output_file, entries_str, collections_str):
Converts an input EDM4eic ROOT file to a Firebird-compatible JSON file.
Expand All @@ -59,14 +64,20 @@ def convert(filename, output_file, entries_str):
Use `-o -` or `--output -` to output the JSON data to stdout instead of a file.
This allows the command to be used in pipelines.
Use `-c` or `--collections` to specify specific collections to convert:
- tracker_hits - edm4eic::TrackerHitData
- tracks - edm4eic::TrackSegmentData with associated tracks
Currently, only EDM4eic format is supported.
**Example usage:**
convert mydata.root
convert mydata.root --output output.firebird.json
convert mydata.root --output - | less
convert mydata.root --collections=tracks
import uproot

Expand All @@ -84,16 +95,25 @@ def convert(filename, output_file, entries_str):
# Parse use entries input
entries = parse_entry_numbers(entries_str)

# Parse collections string
collections = None
if collections_str:
collections = [x.strip() for x in collections_str.split(',') if x.strip()]

# Do we have valid entries?
for entry_index in entries:
if entry_index > num_entries - 1:
err_msg = f"Entries provided as: '{entries_str}' " \
f"but entry index={entry_index} is outside of total num_entries={num_entries}"
raise ValueError(err_msg)

# Extract the first event from the tree
event = edm4eic_to_dict(tree, entries, origin_info={"file": filename})
origin_info = {
"file": filename,
"entries_count": num_entries

event = edm4eic_to_dict(tree, entries, origin_info, collections=collections)

# Convert the event data to JSON format
json_data = json.dumps(event)
Expand Down
208 changes: 100 additions & 108 deletions pyrobird/pyrobird/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,15 @@ def parse_entry_numbers(value):
def tracker_hits_to_box_hits(tree, branch_name, entry_start, entry_stop=None):
"""Converts vector<edm4eic::TrackerHitData> to HitBox format dictionary"""

result = {
"name": branch_name,
"type": "TrackerLinePointTrajectory",
"originType": ["edm4eic::TrackPoint", "edm4eic::TrackSegmentData"],
"paramColumns": ["px", "py", "pz", "charge", "phi", "theta", "qOverP", "chi2", "ndf"],
"pointColumns": ["x", "y", "z", "t", "dx", "dy", "dz", "dt"],
"lines": []

# Read only 1 event if entry_stop is not given
if entry_stop is None:
entry_stop = entry_start + 10
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,12 +185,19 @@ def track_segments_to_line_trajectories(tree, branch_name, entry_start, entry_st
if entry_stop is None:
entry_stop = entry_start + 1

result = {
"name": branch_name,
"type": "TrackerLinePointTrajectory",
"originType": ["edm4eic::TrackPoint", "edm4eic::TrackSegmentData"],
"paramColumns": [],
"pointColumns": ["x", "y", "z", "t", "dx", "dy", "dz", "dt"],
"lines": []
# -- Grab the arrays for the main TrackSegmentData
seg_length = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.length'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
seg_lenerr = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.lengthError'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
seg_begin = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.points_begin'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
seg_end = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.points_end'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
seg_points_begin_index = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.points_begin'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
seg_points_end_index = ak.flatten(tree[f'{branch_name}/{branch_name}.points_end'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()

# TODO selecting Tracks by track_objid_index will not work because of
# If the file also has a one-to-one relation to Track => read the objectIDs
# (Many times stored in _CentralTrackSegments_track/*):
track_objid_index = None
Expand All @@ -190,43 +206,22 @@ def track_segments_to_line_trajectories(tree, branch_name, entry_start, entry_st
objid_branch_base = f'_{"_".join(branch_name.split())}_track' # e.g. _CentralTrackSegments_track
if objid_branch_base in tree.keys():
# inside that we typically have .index and .collectionID
track_objid_index = ak.flatten(
entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop
track_objid_coll = ak.flatten(
entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop
track_objid_index = ak.flatten(tree[f'{objid_branch_base}/{objid_branch_base}.index'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
track_objid_coll = ak.flatten(tree[f'{objid_branch_base}/{objid_branch_base}.collectionID'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()

# -- Now get the TrackPoints for "CentralTrackSegments.points"
# Typically, Podio names the sub-collection something like "CentralTrackSegments_points"
# and the relevant fields are "position.x", "time", "positionError.xx", etc.
# If your file changes naming, you must adapt these patterns.

# We guess the naming: "_CentralTrackSegments_points/..."
# Podio names the sub-collection something like "_CentralTrackSegments_points/..."
# For safety, we search among keys that start with _<branch_name>_points'
points_collection_name = f'_{branch_name}_points'
if points_collection_name not in tree.keys():
# Possibly the file organizes them differently, or there are no points
# We return an empty dictionary if not found
return {
"name": branch_name,
"type": "TrackerLinePointTrajectory",
"originType": ["edm4eic::TrackPoint", "edm4eic::TrackSegmentData"],
"paramColumns": ["px","py","pz","charge","phi","theta","qOverP","chi2","ndf"],
"pointColumns": ["x","y","z","t","dx","dy","dz","dt"],
"lines": []
return result

def get_points_field_array(field_suffix):
"""Helper to flatten points arrays from the sub-collection."""
full_branch = f'{points_collection_name}/{points_collection_name}.{field_suffix}'
return ak.flatten(
tree[full_branch].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)
return ak.flatten(tree[full_branch].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()

# Grab the trackpoint fields
p_x = get_points_field_array("position.x")
Expand All @@ -241,106 +236,103 @@ def get_points_field_array(field_suffix):
# p_path = get_points_field_array("pathlength")
# p_patherr = get_points_field_array("pathlengthError")

# # TODO selecting Tracks by track_objid_index will not work because of
# -- Optionally load track collection to get momentum, charge, etc.
# We'll do a quick attempt for "CentralCKFTracks", but if that doesn't exist,
# we'll skip.
ckf_branch = "CentralCKFTracks"
ckf_exists = (ckf_branch in tree.keys())
params_branch = "CentralCKFTrackParameters"
params_exists = (params_branch in tree.keys())

# If present, read the relevant arrays for indexing
if ckf_exists:
t_px = ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.momentum.x'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
t_py = ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.momentum.y'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
t_pz = ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.momentum.z'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
t_charge= ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.charge'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
t_chi2 = ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.chi2'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
t_ndf = ak.flatten(tree[f'{ckf_branch}/{ckf_branch}.ndf'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
if params_exists:
trk_theta = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.theta'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
trk_phi = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.phi'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
trk_qoverp = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.qOverP'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
trk_loc_a = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.loc.a'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
trk_loc_b = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.loc.b'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
trk_time = ak.flatten(tree[f'{params_branch}/{params_branch}.time'].array(entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop)).to_list()
result["paramColumns"] = [
# fallback
t_px = t_py = t_pz = t_charge = t_chi2 = t_ndf = []
trk_theta = []
trk_phi = []
trk_qoverp = []
trk_loc_a = []
trk_loc_b = []
trk_time = []

lines = []
n_segments = len(seg_length)
for i in range(n_segments):
beg = seg_begin[i]
end = seg_end[i]
# gather the track points [beg..end)
n_segments = len(seg_points_begin_index)

if params_exists and n_segments != len(trk_theta):
print(f"WARNING: len(CentralCKFParameters) != len({branch_name}). Might be a sign of format change or broken tree")

# Check, we should have the same number of segments and parameters
for seg_index in range(n_segments):
segment_points = []
for j in range(beg, end):
dx = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_exx[j]) if p_exx[j] > 0 else 0.0
dy = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_eyy[j]) if p_eyy[j] > 0 else 0.0
dz = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_ezz[j]) if p_ezz[j] > 0 else 0.0
dt = p_terr[j]
for point_index in range(seg_points_begin_index[seg_index], seg_points_end_index[seg_index]):
# In that snippet, p_exx[point_index] is assumed to be the 𝜎^2 in the x,y,z-coordinate of point’s position.
# x2.0 represents “plus-or-minus one sigma” as the entire width in that direction.
dx = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_exx[point_index]) if p_exx[point_index] > 0 else 0.0
dy = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_eyy[point_index]) if p_eyy[point_index] > 0 else 0.0
dz = 2.0 * np.sqrt(p_ezz[point_index]) if p_ezz[point_index] > 0 else 0.0
dt = p_terr[point_index]
# pointColumns => [x, y, z, t, dx, dy, dz, dt]
point_val = [
point_val = [p_x[point_index], p_y[point_index], p_z[point_index], p_t[point_index], dx, dy, dz, dt]

# Attempt to get track params from the track reference
params_list = []
if track_objid_index is not None and i < len(track_objid_index):
trk_index = track_objid_index[i]
# check if we can read from 'CentralCKFTracks'
if ckf_exists and trk_index < len(t_px):
px = t_px[trk_index]
py = t_py[trk_index]
pz = t_pz[trk_index]
ch = t_charge[trk_index]
# compute phi, theta, qOverP
p_mag = math.sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz) if pz == pz else 0
if p_mag > 1e-12:
phi = math.atan2(py, px)
theta = math.acos(pz / p_mag)
q_over_p = ch / p_mag
phi = 0.0
theta = 0.0
q_over_p = 0.0
chi2 = t_chi2[trk_index]
ndf = t_ndf[trk_index]
params_list = [px, py, pz, ch, phi, theta, q_over_p, chi2, ndf]
# No track info available
params_list = []
if params_exists and seg_index < len(trk_theta):
params_list.append(trk_time [seg_index])

line = {
"points": segment_points,
"params": params_list

comp_dict = {
"name": branch_name,
"type": "TrackerLinePointTrajectory",
"originType": ["edm4eic::TrackPoint","edm4eic::TrackSegmentData"],
# A recommended set of columns for 'params' and for 'points'
"paramColumns": ["px","py","pz","charge","phi","theta","qOverP","chi2","ndf"],
"pointColumns": ["x","y","z","t","dx","dy","dz","dt"],
"lines": lines
return comp_dict
result["lines"] = lines
return result

def edm4eic_entry_to_dict(tree, entry_index, custom_name=None):
tracker_branches = tree.typenames(recursive=False, full_paths=True, filter_typename="vector<edm4eic::TrackerHitData>")
# >oO debug: pprint(type())

def edm4eic_entry_to_dict(tree, entry_index, custom_name=None, collections=None):
# the result of this function
components = []
for branch_name in tracker_branches.keys():
components.append(tracker_hits_to_box_hits(tree, branch_name, entry_index))

# 2) convert CentralTrackSegments => TrackerLinePointTrajectory, if present
seg_collection = "CentralTrackSegments"
if seg_collection in tree.keys():
line_comp = track_segments_to_line_trajectories(tree, seg_collection, entry_index, entry_stop=entry_index+1)
if not collections:
collections = [

# Hits:
if "tracker_hits" in collections:
tracker_branches = tree.typenames(recursive=False, full_paths=True, filter_typename="vector<edm4eic::TrackerHitData>")
# >oO debug: pprint(type())

for branch_name in tracker_branches.keys():
components.append(tracker_hits_to_box_hits(tree, branch_name, entry_index))

# Tracks
if "tracks" in collections:
# TODO selecting all TrackSegmentData will not work because of
# track_branches = tree.typenames(recursive=False, full_paths=True, filter_typename="vector<edm4eic::TrackSegmentData>")
seg_collection = "CentralTrackSegments"
if seg_collection in tree.keys():
line_comp = track_segments_to_line_trajectories(tree, seg_collection, entry_index, entry_stop=entry_index+1)

entry = {
"id": custom_name if custom_name else entry_index,
Expand All @@ -350,17 +342,17 @@ def edm4eic_entry_to_dict(tree, entry_index, custom_name=None):
return entry

def edm4eic_to_dict(tree, entry_ids, origin_info=None):
def edm4eic_to_dict(tree, entry_ids, origin_info=None, collections=None):
entries_data = []

if isinstance(entry_ids, int):
entry_ids = [entry_ids]

for entry_id in entry_ids:
entries_data.append(edm4eic_entry_to_dict(tree, entry_id, custom_name=None))
entries_data.append(edm4eic_entry_to_dict(tree, entry_id, custom_name=None, collections=collections))

result = {
"version": "0.01",
"version": "0.02",
"origin": origin_info,
"entries": entries_data
Expand Down

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