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tensorflow implementation of YOLO v2

This repository contains an implementation of YOLOv2 and is based on Vivek Maskara's blog, which in turn follow Yumi's blog. The backbone network is Joseph Redmon's Darknet, but in this repository it is of course implemented in tensorflow.


The following Python modules are required to run the code

Loss function evaluation

Mathematical details on the loss function can be found in this notebook. One major difference is the implementation of the computation of the term in the confidence loss which computes the IoU of a predicted bounding box $\mathcal{B} (x^p_{i,j},y^p_{i,j},w^p_{i,j},h^p_{i,j})$ with all ground truth bounding boxes and checks that the maximum IoU does not exceed 0.6. Instead of using the trick in Yumi's blog, namely passing a tensor with all true bounding boxes through the network, this tensor is constructed when evaluating the loss function. For this, the indices of all true bounding boxes $\mathcal{B}(x_{i',j'},y_{i',j'},w_{i',j'},h_{i',j'})$ are extracted from the ground truth tensor, which has shape $M\times S \times S \times B\times(5+C)$, and used to construct a tensor of shape $M\times M\times N_{\text{buffer}}$ with tf.gather_nd() and tf.scatter_nd() calls. Here $M=8$ is the batchsize (I couldn't train with larger batches due to memory limitations) $S=13$ is the number of gridboxes in each direction, $B=5$ is the number of anchor boxes and $C$ is the number of classes ($C=80$ for COCO and $C=20$ for PascalVOC). $N_{\text{buffer}}$ is the size of the true anchor box buffer, and ideally this should be larger than the total number of true anchor boxes.


When training with the training notebook, darknet is initialised with Joseph Redmon's weights for Darknet. These weights can be can be downloaded with


Anchor box generation

The anchor boxes are generated with k-means clustering, as described in the YOLO9000 paper. This is done for both the PascalVOC and for the COCO datasets in this notebook. The results are stored in the json files anchor_boxes_coco.json and anchor_boxes_pascalvoc.json.

The following figure shows the anchor boxes for the COCO (left) and PascalVOC (right) datasets.

Anchor boxes

Code structure

All code is contained in the src subdirectory. The following notebooks implement the high-level algorithms:

  • GenerateAnchorBoxes.ipynb: Generate anchor boxes for YOLOv2 model, both for the COCO and the PascalVOC dataset.
  • ReadImages.ipynb: Read some images from the COCO and PascalVOX datasets and visualise them with ground-truth annotations
  • TrainModel.ipynb: Train darknet with the YOLOv2 loss function and save the weights to a specified directory.
  • EvaluateModel.ipynb: Generate some predictions with a trained model and visualise them together with the ground-truth bounding boxes.

The following python files implement the key classes and functions:

  • Auxilliary functions for dealing with anchor boxes. Implements k-means clustering with the IoU metric.
  • The Darknet model with weights initialised from a specified datafile
  • Class for generating training data in the tensorflow dataset format. The datagenerator classes operate on image readers.
  • Classes for reading annotated images from the COCO and PascalVOC datasets using the OpenCV module.
  • YOLOv2 loss function, see here for a detailed mathematical discussion.
  • Functions for post-processing predictions. Currently this implements standard non-max suppression (NMS) and soft-NMS.


The code can process images from the COCO and PascalVOC datasets. I used the 2017 train/val data from COCO and the VOC2012 data. The relevant classes COCOImageReader and PascalVOCImageReader are implemented in


Loss history from training on the entire trainval PascalVOC 2012 dataset, validating on the val subset.

Loss history

The following image shows an example detecting. Predicted bounding boxes are shown in cyan, the ground truth is shown in yellow.

Sample detection


  • Redmon, J., Divvala, S., Girshick, R. and Farhadi, A., 2016. You only look once: Unified, real-time object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 779-788). arxiv:1506.02640
  • Redmon, J. and Farhadi, A., 2017. YOLO9000: better, faster, stronger. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 7263-7271).arxiv:1612.08242
  • Bodla, N., Singh, B., Chellappa, R., Davis, L. S. Soft-NMS -- Improving Object Detection With One Line of Code arxiv:1704.04503


tensorflow implementation of YOLO v2







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