- cities.json defines bounding boxes for various metro areas, which are used by chef-metroextractor to produce weekly extracts.
You need to perform the following tasks for us to accept a pull request:
- update cities.json with your changes. Do not modify cities.geojson, it will be generated automatically when your pull request is merged.
- run the included tests, which will validate:
- the syntax of the json
- that the bounding boxes being sumbitted are valid
- that the bounding boxes for cities all fall within their encompassing upper level bounding box (e.g. north_america)
- the top/left/bottom/right bbox parameters should be carried out to the thousandths (three digits to the right of the decimal)
If you're unable to run the test suite locally, you can submit a pull request, but if the specs fail there will be a delay in getting your request resolved.
If in doubt, just submit an issue with your request rather than a pull request.
You will need to have a Ruby 2.x environment, then simply:
bundle install
bundle exec rake
Passing tests will look similar to the following:
Preparing sandbox
rm -rf /Users/grant/repos/mapzen/metroextractor-cities/spec/tmp
mkdir -p /Users/grant/repos/mapzen/metroextractor-cities/spec/tmp
cp -r Rakefile README.md spec/bbox_spec.rb spec/geojson_spec.rb spec/json_spec.rb spec/ruby_spec.rb spec/whitespace_spec.rb tasks/build_geojson.rb tasks/default.rb tasks/test.rb /Users/grant/repos/mapzen/metroextractor-cities/spec/tmp
Running rubocop
rubocop /Users/grant/repos/mapzen/metroextractor-cities/spec/tmp
Inspecting 9 files
9 files inspected, no offenses detected
Validating cities.json bbox's
Validating cities.json syntax
Checking cities.json for invalid whitespace
Validating cities.geojson syntax
- license: GPL
- authors: [email protected]