Generate random data to test your application
Clone repo with git clone
, create and active virtual environment with python -m venv venv
and . venv/bin/activate
, then install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ -c 2 -t templates/people.json -w stdout
[{"name": {"lastName": "Shannon", "firstName": "Rhonda"}, "tags": ["nihil", "fngheqnl", "impedit", "consequatur"], "age": 30, "state": "Hawaii, AR", "sex": "F", "phone": "03744269231", "single": true, "street": "4081 Sharon Ranch Apt. 197", "postcode": "ZIP: 02709-0053", "times": {"createdAt": "2017-02-13 13:14:08", "updatedAt": "2017-09-23 15:37:29"}, "email": "[email protected]"}, {"name": {"lastName": "Hanson", "firstName": "Robert"}, "tags": ["quasi", "##tuesday###", "deserunt", "laborum"], "age": 104, "state": "Nevada, FL", "sex": "F", "phone": "(698)292-8761x6944", "single": false, "street": "3898 Alexandria Parkways", "postcode": "ZIP: 24439", "times": {"createdAt": "2017-05-03 03:16:21", "updatedAt": "2017-09-23 15:37:02"}, "email": "[email protected]"}]
$ ./ -c 2 -i name -i email=free_email -f csv
Bruce Day,[email protected]
Janice Turner,[email protected]
JSON document of expected structure where keys will be used as keys for generated document and values should be methods of faker library. If method suppose to get arguments, the value block should be defined as json object with "attr" for name of method and "args" for list of provided arguments.
While template must be an object, the keys can take list of methods to generate arrays. For complex values mustash style of template can be used (e.g. "{state}, {state_abbr}"
). Additional element "postprocess" can be used to run specified command over generated value.
Take a look at templates/people.json
file for example.
Pass through, returns generated data as python object.
Marshalls data to JSON.
Marshalls data to CSV format. If command line argument --with_headers
provided adds as a first line a list of keys. Generated object more than 1 level of depth smashed into string
Marshalls data in YAML. Collections always serialized in block style.
This is a basic plugin that just outputs generated data on the standard output.
Output to a specified with -o
or --output