dataflowR is a small library inspired by python’s Hamilton library that intends to ease the creation and running of dataflows, pipelines, DAGs, whatever you want to call them. They’re all a series of ordered transformations on data. Transformation steps (i.e. a DAG) are encoded using function and argument names. In a given environment, if a function takes an argument that is named the same as another function, it is assumed that the results of that other function call should be passed in as that argument to the original function.
data_provider <- function() { # do something to return data... }
transformer <- function(data_provider) { do_something_to(data_provider) }
Above, the results of data_provider
would be passed to transformer
since it takes an argument named data_provider
. This allows one to
write normal, isolated, and testable functions that also define a DAG
without any extra code. Function dependencies are made clear from the
function signature itself easing understanding of a dataflow.
# install.packages("devtools")
Define functions that form a data flow to calculate the power to weight
ratio of some cars in mtcars
mtcars_data <- function(cyls) mtcars[mtcars$cyl %in% cyls, ]
horsepower <- function(mtcars_data) mtcars_data$hp
weight <- function(mtcars_data) mtcars_data$wt
power_to_weight <- function(horsepower, weight) horsepower / weight
execution_plan <- solve_dataflow("power_to_weight", rlang::current_env())
Looking at the AST of the new power_to_weight
call shows what
has done:
#> █─power_to_weight
#> ├─horsepower = █─horsepower
#> │ └─mtcars_data = █─mtcars_data
#> │ └─cyls = cyls
#> └─weight = █─weight
#> └─mtcars_data = █─mtcars_data
#> └─cyls = cyls
The arguments to power_to_weight
were replaced with function calls
(represented by the blocks █ in the AST) of the same name since those
were function names in the given environment. Similarly, horsepower
and weight
had their argument replaced with a function call. At the
beginning of the dataflow is mtcars_data
whose only argument is not
named the same as a function, so it is left alone as a symbol.
At this point none of these functions have actually been executed, only
the order in which they would need to be executed has been resolved in
the returned environment (hence the name execution_plan
). An
identically named version of every function and non-function argument
involved in the dataflow has been created in execution_plan
, as a call
or symbol object respectively.
#> [1] "cyls" "horsepower" "mtcars_data" "power_to_weight"
#> [5] "weight"
#> power_to_weight(horsepower = horsepower(mtcars_data = mtcars_data(cyls = cyls)),
#> weight = weight(mtcars_data = mtcars_data(cyls = cyls)))
#> [1] "language"
#> horsepower(mtcars_data = mtcars_data(cyls = cyls))
#> weight(mtcars_data = mtcars_data(cyls = cyls))
#> mtcars_data(cyls = cyls)
#> cyls
#> [1] "symbol"
Note that these are not function
s, but call (or “language”) objects
(except for cyls
, a symbol). The definition of these functions does
not exist in the execution_plan
environment so it is not of much use
on its own. The second argument to solve_dataflow
, envir
, becomes
the parent of execution_plan
. To actually execute a call object in the
, we can eval
it, and when R tries to eval
calls for
functions that don’t exist in the current environment, it will search
the parent environment where it will find function definitions in this
We would also still need to provide a definition for data that isn’t a
function call, like cyls
here. This is easy enough, as variable
bindings may be passed in a list to eval
eval(execution_plan$power_to_weight, list(cyls = 4))
#> [1] 40.08621 19.43574 30.15873 30.00000 32.19814 35.42234 39.35091 34.10853
#> [9] 42.52336 74.68605 39.20863
To check ourselves:
mtcars[mtcars$cyl == 4, ]$hp / mtcars[mtcars$cyl == 4, ]$wt
#> [1] 40.08621 19.43574 30.15873 30.00000 32.19814 35.42234 39.35091 34.10853
#> [9] 42.52336 74.68605 39.20863
You may have noticed that in the dataflow for power_to_weight
executes more than once. This doesn’t matter much if
functions return results quickly, as they did in the simple example.
However, if a function is doing something time-consuming (e.g. a heavy
calculation or database query) this may lead to poor performance.
# with fast return
bench::bench_time(eval(execution_plan$power_to_weight, list(cyls = 4)))
#> process real
#> 107µs 106µs
# redefine mtcars_data to take a noticeable amount of time
mtcars_data <- function(cyls) {
mtcars[mtcars$cyl %in% cyls, ]
bench::bench_time(eval(execution_plan$power_to_weight, list(cyls = 4)))
#> process real
#> 706µs 1.97s
Given that the execution_plan
only knows how to call functions and not
their definitions, we can treat this as an orthogonal problem to the
dataflow. For example, function results may be cached in
’s parent such that any function calls only happen once
for a given set of arguments.
mtcars_data <- memoise::memoise(mtcars_data)
bench::bench_time(eval(execution_plan$power_to_weight, list(cyls = 4)))
#> process real
#> 78.58ms 1.06s
Now the total dataflow takes roughly half as much time as before since
only gets called once instead of twice.