XYOrigami is an simple and easy-to-use view transition for iOS app. Inspired by HonCheng’s next train video, XYOrigami is a simpler version of folding transition. It is an add-on category of UIView, with two functions you can animate showing/hiding another view.
[UPDATE] If you are looking for dragging support, please check out HonCheng's git.
- Category of UIView
- Customize the number of paper folds
- Support two opening directions(left & right)
- Easy adjust animation duration
- Completion block call back function
- ARC(Automatic Reference Counting) support
- Support top and bottom directions[UPDATE]
- Drag the XYOrigami/XYOrigami folder into your project.
- Add the QuartzCore framework to your project.
(see example Xcode project in /Demo)
[self.centerView showOrigamiTransitionWith:self.sideView
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
NSLog(@"animation completed.");
[self.centerView hideOrigamiTransitionWith:self.sideView
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
NSLog(@"animation completed.");
(see demo video on Vimeo)
XYOrigami is brought to you by XY Feng