This repo holds my exploration on load balancing a grpc system. Currently, my team has one backend application that have high traffic (100k> rps from 9 pods). I'm not satisfied with current solution with the use of kubernetes' headless service. My team still see that there is an imbalance between the pods.
I create two simple application to help me demonstrate that the current solution is not working properly. These two app is a client and server model. Each application has an UUID that I used as indentifier. The client has RESTful API endpoint, which upon called, will also make a gRPC call to the server application. This is the gRPC and RESTful contract.
// RESTful contract
"detail": {
"from: <server's_app_id>": <number_of_call>
// protocol buffer contract
message Echo {
string message = 1;
service EchoServer {
rpc CallEcho(Echo) returns(Echo);
This is the deployment setup inside kubernetes.
Basically, the client app will count how many variance of the server app that serve its request. With this, we can conclude whether the request is well balanced or not.
When I test the response of the client app. I found this response.
"detail": {
"from: 2a63ca4d-193f-4ec8-b9d3-49a39548bb95 replied by: 4bcbc60a-5700-4313-8772-c2a3ceab0513": 1000
This shows that out of 10 server app's pod, only one serving the traffic.