Detailed Team Charter: Google Doc
Description: Our team will be creating a system of applications for the owner of several hot dog carts!
Scope: Develop a system of web applications to manage online ordering from their hot dog carts
Name: Eric Knigge
GitHub: @eknigge
Name: Steven Wang
GitHub: @shipitsteven
Name: Hanna Negash
GitHub: @Hanna-N9
Name Daniel Gebreselassie
GitHub : @eyerusalemdani
Name Tizeta Fantaye
GitHub: @Tizeta2018
Monday @ 7PM
See ./Docs/Wireframes
See ./Docs/
and ./Docs/
or Link to Google Doc (draft document, not up to date)
- Every feature has it's own branch, usually 2 team members would work on one feature
- We each have our own personal branch
- Naming convention: BranchName_FirstnameLastname
- Team communication states that only designated members should work on specific issues.
- Team members should push and pull request the feature branch once a day when they are developing
We're using University of Washington CSE 154’s code quality and style guide as a reference.
When is a developed story ready to test?
When all the acceptance criteria has been met.
How do you plan to test?
- Manual test
- test with Postman
- linter with GitHub Actions
- Try testing with Jasmine
Who should test stories?
First, test our own code, then request a teammate to test our code.
Do stories need approval before merging?
At least one other teammate should comment and approve before merging.
When is a story ready to be moved from the backlog into a sprint?
After a team meeting, and members have been assigned to work on an issue that week
What information should it have?
It should have the relevant user story, libraries or API needed to implement the feature, members assigned to work on the feature, and a deadline.
When is a story development complete and ready to be marked as done?
When testing is finished, teammates approve the pull request, and merge the final result from the feature branch to the master/main branch.
- Issue #7: customer menu view
- Templates: Login page, Admin View
- Templates: Site Wireframes
- Database: Finalize database and import test data