⚬ Based on Stock android 11 vendor and boot
⚬ This tool can create full flashable zip with any gsi
⚬ This tool support arm64
⚬ You MUST use PHH based GSIs above android 11
⚬ You can use Erfan/Nippon GSIs android 11/12/13 (vndk30)
⚬Bugs in Most Nippon Gsis
⚬ Fingerprint
⚬ Fork into your github and use via github actions
1. Add Direct link of GSI
if you use link form sourceforge.net ,
⚬ copy downlad link from your gsi then you will get link like this,
⚬ then delete the /download then it will be like below
⚬ the link must be end with .xz .img .7z .gz
2. Add Architecuter
⚬ then add the arch as 64
3. Add Rom Name
⚬ then add the gsi name it should be [rom_name][version][spaced][arm64][gapps_or_vanila]
like this LineageOS_19.1_spaced_MTK_ARM64_Gapps