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Nathan Wolf edited this page Feb 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

Create Custom Wands

A "wand" in Magic is any item that can cast spells. Wands can also have a variety of other properties.

See here for customization info: WandParameters

Creating a wand from scratch

Holding any item that you'd like to make into a wand, use /wand create. For example:

/mgive wood_hoe:4
/wand create

You now have a wand, but it doesn't do anything useful and still looks like a hoe. If you're making a normal spellcasting wand, it's a good idea to inherit from the base wand config. Like this:

/wand configure template base_wand

This turns on the normal wand control scheme, and makes the wand bound and indestructible.

You should get a message that the wand was bound to you, and the icon may change to a fancy wand icon if using the resource pack.

Now you can add properties to the wand if you want:

/wand configure protection_falling 0.8
/wand add missile
/wand add fling
/wand configure mana_regeneration 40
/wand configure mana_max 200
/wand configure bound false
/wand configure name Superwand
/wand configure description A super cool wand

Hint: Try out tab-completion with wand commands, /wand configure <tab> will list all options!

That will add two spells, some fall protection, increase mana, and make the wand unbound.

Now you can save your wand:

/wand save superwand

This wand is now available via /mgive, and can be used in crafting and other Magic configuration files just like any of the builtin wands.

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