This repo consists of the code files that were part of my final project in CS5001: Intensive Foundations of Computer Science at Northeastern University - Seattle. The project consisted of programming the board game Othello, also known as Reversi. You can read more about the game on Wikipedia. Note that this version of the game is single player, as you play against the computer.
Some highlights of the game include a GUI via the Python turtle module, a simple AI player that always makes the best move (but does not plan ahead), and a simple score traking system (a text file that keeps the high score at the top). The general intent of the project was to gain more advanced skills in Python programming.
To play the game simply run from your terminal or your favorte editor/IDE. There is no restart functionality when the game ends yet, so you will have to run the script again in order to start a new game.
- Separate classes into their own files
- Clean up the game board class so it is shorter
- Break it up into multiple classes where possible