Visualize your Github organization or user. gh-organizer can be run on your own private Github org and repos.
I created this because I wanted to understand the history of contributors and repos in my private organizations.
- All current members of the organization and PR stats
- All repos and some basic stats
- Toggle to show or hide non-member contributors (marked with †)
- Toggle to show or hide forked repos
- Links
- Timeline of repos. Bar displays created date to last push date
- Ordered by created date
- Timeline of all contributors. Bar displays first to last merge date
- Ordered by first merge date
- An interactive force graph of contributors to repos they have contributed to
gh-organizer works by prefetching data from the Github API and serving it from JSON files. Pulling this information is too slow to do realtime and I do not intend to implement kicking off async tasks at the moment.
We fetch that organization information via backend/fetch.ts
and store those files in backend/data/
# `npx ts-node fetch.ts <mode> <owner> <fetchers> [<repo-privacy>]`
# `npx ts-node fetch.ts org clojure all`
# 1) mode is either "org" or "user"
# 2) owner is a github org or user to fetch for
# 3) fetchers is a comma-separated list of fetchers to run
# options: org, members, members-prs, repo-prs, nonmembers, nonmembers-prs, all. if all, run all fetchers
# example: "org,members"
# hack: "org" also applies to the "user" mode owner
# 4) repo-privacy is an optional control filter on repo privacy, either "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". if unset, will fetch all repos
# using janky positional arguments because i dont think flags are easy to use in typscript. sorry
npx ts-node fetch.ts org tlaplus all
# or
And then serve it to the front end
make run-backend-dev
make run-frontend-dev
# you can run w/ default fixture files
# includes data from some public orgs that I admire
REACT_APP_USE_FIXTURES=true make run-frontend-dev
- Ability to kick off fetching jobs on the fly
- Host this as a Github app w/ Github auth or OAuth