Software Development Final Project Elijah Ahlstrom and Bonheur Shyaka Handles the peer to peer connections
Node_callback(event, main_node, connected_node, data) If the event is not a request to stop, prints the event, main and connected nodes, and any recieved data
P2PNode(Node) Extends the node class from the p2pnetwork module. Allows for the programs to have a peer to peer connection with each other, and save their images to be applied to the connected program.
init(host, port, image, id=None, callback=None, max_connections=0) Takes in a host(string), port(int), image(QImage), id(string), callback(string), and max_connections(int) to make a P2PNode.
outbound_node_connected(connected_node) Is called when the current node initialises a connection with another node. prints the other node's ID in the console.
inbound_node_connected(connected_node) Is called when another node initialises a connection with the current one. Prints the other node's ID.
outbound_node_disconnected(connected_node) Is called when the current node disconnects with another node. Prints the other node's ID.
inbound_node_disconnected(connected_node) Is called when a connected node disconnects with the current node. Print's the other node's ID.
node_message(connected_node, data) Is called when a connected node sends a message to this one. Prints the other node's ID and its message.
node_request_to_stop() Is called when the node is requested to stop, whether from within the program or from another connection. Prints the request to stop. Generated from QtPaintLayout.ui. Generates the GUI in python. Do not edit. Includes Main. Allows the user to draw on a blank image, and connect to another user so multiple users can draw on the same canvas.
init(self, host='localhost', port=5000) Initialises the Window. Defaults the host and port to localhost:5000, though different strings and ints can be passed into host and port, respectively.
mousePressEvent(event) Called on an event, if it's a left click, starts drawing at the mouse cursor
mouseMoveEvent(event) Called on an event, if it's the mouse moving, checks if the left mouse button is also being pressed. If so, draws with the currently selected color and size.
mouseReleaseEvent(event) Called on an event, if it's the left button being released, stops drawing.
drawUpdate(event) Updates the drawing based on what the other node sends. e.g. If one user draws a line, the same line will appear on the other program
makeJson() Makes a json dictionary based on the last drawn point, selected color, and size. This is then sent to any connected nodes
jsonPaint(json_dict) Takes a json dictionary made by makeJson() to draw given the point, color, and size within the dictionary
updateClient(json_dict=None) Calls jsonPaint with the given json_dict. should be called when a connected user updates their drawing
updatePeers() Sends a json dictionary, made by makeJson, to update the drawings of connected users.
save() Saves the image
SmallSize() MediumSize() LargeSize() Changes the brush size to 4, 7, and 10 pixels, respectively
blackB() whiteB() redB() greenB() blueB() Changes the brush color to the given image, based on Qt's colors (e.g.
manageConnections() Called when the user clicks the manage connections button. Pops up a prompt requesting an IP to connect to, then attempts to connect to the node at the given IP and port.