This is a fork of the work of and updates it to GORM v2
Transition is a Golang state machine implementation.
it can be used standalone, but it integrates nicely with GORM models. When integrated with GORM, it will also store state change logs in the database automatically.
Embed transition.Transition
into your struct, it will enable the state machine feature for the struct:
import ""
type Order struct {
ID uint
var OrderStateMachine = transition.New(&Order{})
// Define initial state
// Define a State
// Define another State and what to do when entering and exiting that state.
OrderStateMachine.State("paid").Enter(func(order interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) error {
// To get order object use 'order.(*Order)'
// business logic here
}).Exit(func(order interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) error {
// business logic here
// Define more States
// Define an Event
// Define another event and what to do before and after performing the transition.
OrderStateMachine.Event("paid").To("paid").From("checkout").Before(func(order interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) error {
// business logic here
return nil
}).After(func(order interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) error {
// business logic here
return nil
// Different state transitions for one event
cancellEvent := OrderStateMachine.Event("cancel")
cancellEvent.To("cancelled").From("draft", "checkout")
cancellEvent.To("paid_cancelled").From("paid").After(func(order interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) error {
// Refund
// func (*StateMachine) Trigger(name string, value Stater, tx *gorm.DB, notes ...string) error
OrderStatemachine.Trigger("paid", &order, db, "charged offline by jinzhu")
// notes will be used to generate state change logs when works with GORM
// When using without GORM, just pass nil to the db, like
OrderStatemachine.Trigger("cancel", &order, nil)
OrderStatemachine.Trigger("cancel", &order, db)
// order's state will be changed to cancelled if current state is "draft"
// order's state will be changed to paid_cancelled if current state is "paid"
var order Order
// Get Current State
// Set State
order.SetState("finished") // this will only update order's state, won't save it into database
When working with GORM, Transition
will store all state change logs in the database. Use GetStateChangeLogs
to get those logs.
// create the table used to store logs first
// get order's state change logs
var stateChangeLogs = transition.GetStateChangeLogs(&order, db)
// type StateChangeLog struct {
// From string // from state
// To string // to state
// Note string // notes
// }
Released under the MIT License.