Counts popular words in passed text
- Uses naive text tokenizer - thinks that everything except letters,
symbols is words delimiter - Does not support languages without words delimiters (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Khmer, etc.)
- Also splits compounded words to separate tokens (i.e.
"user-friendly" => ["user", "friendly"]
- When there are more than
words with same frequency, alphabetical ordering will be applied
# Run example script
λ cd /path/to/project/docker
λ docker-compose run php php example.php
sample.txt content is passed to words counter - you are welcome to edit it
# Run tests
λ cd /path/to/project/docker
λ docker-compose run php composer install
λ docker-compose run php php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests
You can also add you own test cases at /path/to/project/app/tests/PopularWordsTest.php