npm i react-joystick-component --save
yarn add react-joystick-component
import { Joystick } from 'react-joystick-component';
<Joystick size={100} sticky={true} baseColor="red" stickColor="blue" move={handleMove} stop={handleStop}></Joystick>
Component Props - as described by IJoystickProps - all are optional
Prop | Type | Description |
size | number | The size in px of the Joystick base |
stickSize | number | The size in px of the Joystick stick (if unspecified, joystick size is relative to the size value |
baseColor | string | The color of the Joystick base |
stickColor | string | The color of the Stick |
throttle | number | The throttling rate of the move callback |
sticky | Boolean | Should the joystick stay where it is when the interaction ends |
stickImage | string | The image to be shown for the joystick |
baseImage | string | The image to be shown for the pad |
followCursor | Boolean | Make the stick follow the cursor position |
move | Function | Callback fired on every mouse move, not throttled unless a throttling rate is provided as above |
stop | Function | Callback fired when the user releases the joystick |
start | Function | Callback fired when the user starts moving the Joystick |
disabled | Boolean | When true, block any usage of the Joystick. This will also apply the joystick-disabled and joystick-base-disabled classNames |
stickShape | JoystickShape | The shape of the joystick default = circle |
baseShape | JoystickShape | The shape of the joystick default = circle |
controlPlaneShape | JoystickShape | Override the default shape behaviour of the control plane - circle, square, axisX, axisY |
minDistance | number | Percentage 0-100 - the minimum distance to start receive IJoystickMove events |
pos | {x: number, y: number} | Override the joystick position (doesn't work if the user is interacting. You can use disabled to force this) |
import {JoystickShape} from "./shape.enum";
interface IJoystickProps {
size?: number;
stickSize?: number;
baseColor?: string;
stickColor?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
throttle?: number;
sticky?: boolean;
stickImage?: string;
baseImage?: string;
followCursor?: boolean;
move?: (event: IJoystickUpdateEvent) => void;
stop?: (event: IJoystickUpdateEvent) => void;
start?: (event: IJoystickUpdateEvent) => void;
baseShape?: JoystickShape;
stickShape?: JoystickShape;
controlPlaneShape?: JoystickShape;
minDistance?: number;
pos: {x: number, y: number}
type JoystickDirection = "FORWARD" | "RIGHT" | "LEFT" | "BACKWARD";
export interface IJoystickUpdateEvent {
type: "move" | "stop" | "start";
x: number | null;
y: number | null;
direction: JoystickDirection | null;
distance: number; // Percentile 0-100% of joystick