- smooth scroll
- flip up navbar elements
- scroll change bg color immediately
- text light up with scroll
- page transition to home
- make hover effect scroll based on mobile
- Home scrolls up slower than incoming section
- elements fade in and out
- technologies magnet/sticky
- projects section - bento grid maybe
- custom cursor (smooth)
- react-typed
- burger - x animation button
- navbar stays at top and button pops in after scroll
- parallax elements
- loading page - maybe animated text with scroll, or just slight delay before going away
- horizontal constant slide element / slide linke d to scroll -- framer scroll velocity
- static background image
- glow elements (blurs)
- sticky footer
- page transitions everywhere
- Java
- Python
- Javascript
- Typescript
- C
- C++
- Node.js
- Express.js
- React.js
- Next.js
- Vite.js
- TailwindCSS
- JUnit
- Pytest
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Git
- Linux
- VSCode
- Vim
sections: hero technologies projects contact
header: projects resume contact