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v3.1 Configuration

Andrey Kurilov edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 1 revision


All the configuration values have the default values which may be seen in the file <MONGOOSE_DIR>/config/defaults.json

To configure the run an user should use the corresponding CLI arguments to override the default values. A CLI argument is parsed as a JSON path:


is parsed to point to the following JSON node:

"item" : {
    "data" : {
        "size" : "100KB"


Name Type Default Value Description
item-data-content-file Path null The source file for the content generation
item-data-content-seed String 7a42d9c483244167 The initial value for the random data generation
item-data-content-ringSize Fixed Size 4MB The size of the content source ring buffer
item-data-ranges-fixed Byte Range or Byte Range list null The fixed byte ranges to update or read (depends on the specified load type)
item-data-ranges-random Integer >= 0 or Byte Range 0 The count of the random ranges to update or read
item-data-ranges-threshold Size 0 The size threshold to enable multipart upload if supported by the configured storage driver
item-data-size Size 1MB The size of the data items to process. Doesn't have any effect if item.type=container
item-data-verify Flag false Specifies whether to verify the content while reading the data items or not. Doesn't have any effect if load-type != read
item-input-file Path null The source file for the items to process. If null the behavior depends on the load type.
item-input-path String null The source path which may be used as items input if not "item-input-file" is specified. Also used for the copy mode as the path containing the items to be copied into the output path.
item-naming-type Enum random Specifies the new items naming order. Has effect only in the case of create load. "asc": the new items are named in the ascending order, "desc": the new items are named in the descending order, "random": the new items are named randomly
item-naming-prefix String null The name prefix for the processed items. A correct value is neccessary to pass the content verification in the case of read load.
item-naming-radix Integer >= 2 36 The radix for the item ids. May be in the range of 2..36. A correct value is neccessary to pass the content verification in the case of read load.
item-naming-offset Integer >= 0 0 The start id for the new item ids
item-naming-length Integer > 0 13 The name length for the new items. Has effect only in the case of create (if not partial) load
item-output-delay Integer >= 0 0 The minimum delay between the subsequent I/O operations for each item (chain load). 0 means no delay.
item-output-file Path null Specified the target file for the items processed successfully. If null the items info is not saved.
item-output-path String null The target path. Null (default) value leads to path name generation and pre-creation.
item-type Enum data The type of the item to use, the possible values are: "data", "container". In case of filesystem "data" means files and "container" means directories
load-circular Flag false Specifies whether to process the items multiple times (again and again) or not
load-concurrency Integer > 0 1 The concurrency level. In case of filesystem the number of open files at any moment. In case of HTTP the number of the active connections at any moment.
load-generator-shuffle Flag false Defines whether to shuffle or not the items got from the item input, what should make the order of the I/O tasks execution randomized
load-job-name String null The load job name for this launch. Generated automatically if not specified (null). Specifies also the log directory path: log/<JOB_NAME>/
load-limit-count Integer >= 0 0 The maximum number of the items to process for any load job. 0 means infinite
load-limit-rate Float >= 0 0 The maximum number of the items to process per second (throughput limit). 0 means no rate limit.
load-limit-size Fixed size >= 0 0 The maximum size of the data items to process. 0 means no size limit.
load-limit-time Time >= 0 0 The maximum time to perform a load job. 0 means no time limit
load-metrics-period Time 10s The time period for the load job's metrics console output. 0 means to not to output the metrics at all
load-metrics-precondition Flag false Enabling precondition mode disables the metrics output for a load job to the perf*.csv log files
load-metrics-threshold 0 <= Float <= 1 0 The concurrency threshold to enable intermediate statistics calculation
load-metrics-trace-storageDriver Flag false Include storage driver address data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-storageNode Flag false Include storage node address data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-itemInfo Flag true Include item path and name data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-ioTypeCode Flag true Include coded load type data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-statusCode Flag true Include coded I/O task result status data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-reqTimeStart Flag false Include the request start timestamp data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-duration Flag true Include the I/O task duration data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-respLatency Flag true Include the response latency data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-dataLatency Flag false Include the response content latency data into the I/O trace records
load-metrics-trace-transferSize Flag true Include the transferred byte count data into the I/O trace records
load-queue-size Integer >= 1 1000000 The maximum number of the unique items processed in the case of the circular load
load-type Enum create The operation to process the items, may be "create", "update", "read" or "delete"
scenario-file Path null The default JSON scenario to run, null means invoking the default.json scenario bundled into the distribution
socket-timeoutMilliSec Integer >= 0 1000000 The socket timeout
socket-reuseAddr Flag true
socket-keepAlive Flag true
socket-tcpNoDelay Flag true
socket-linger Integer >= 0 0
socket-bindBacklogSize Integer >= 0 0
socket-interestOpQueued Flag false
socket-selectInterval Integer > 0 100
storage-auth-id String null The authentication identifier
storage-auth-secret String null The authentication secret
storage-auth-token String null S3: no effect, Atmos: subtenant, Swift: token
storage-http-api Enum S3 Specifies the HTTP storage API to use: Atmos, S3 or Swift
storage-http-fsAccess Flag false Specifies whether filesystem access is enabled or not in the case of S3 or Atmos API
storage-http-headers Map { "Connection" : "keep-alive", "User-Agent" : "mongoose/3.0.0" } Custom HTTP headers section. An user may place here a key-value pair which will be used as HTTP header.
storage-http-namespace String null The HTTP storage namespace. WARNING: the default value (null) will not work in the case of Swift API
storage-http-versioning Flag false Specifies whether the versioning storage feature is used or not
storage-node-addrs List of strings The list of the storage node IPs or hostnames to use for HTTP load. May include port numbers.
storage-driver-remote Flag false Distributed mode: the flag to enable using remote storage drivers
storage-driver-addrs List of strings Distributed mode: the list of the storage drivers IPs or hostnames, may include port numbers to override the default port number value
storage-driver-port Integer > 0 1099 Distributed mode: the common port number to start the storage driver services
storage-node-port Integer > 0 9020 The common port number to access the storage nodes, may be overriden adding the port number to the storage-driver-addrs, for example: ",,..."
storage-ssl Flag false The flag to enable the load through SSL/TLS. Currently only HTTPS implementation is available. Have no effect if configured storage type is filesystem.
storage-mock-capacity Integer > 0 1000000 WS mock: the maximum count of the items to be stored in the storage mock which are may be to read back
storage-mock-container-capacity Integer > 0 1000000 WS mock: the maximum count of the items to be stored in the container which are may be to read back
storage-mock-countLimit Integer > 0 1000000 WS mock: the maximum count of the containers to be stored in the storage mock
storage-mock-node Flag false Start the storage mock cluster node with local network auto discovery
version String next The Mongoose version

Special Types


The configuration parameters supporting the time type:

  • load-limit-time
  • load-metrics-period
Value Effect
0 Infinite/not set
-1 Invalid value
1 1 second
"1s" 1 second
"2m" 2 minutes
"3h" 3 hours
"4d" 4 days
"5w" Invalid value
"6M" Invalid value
"7y" Invalid value


The configuration parameters supporting the time type:

  • item-data-content-ringSize
  • item-data-size
  • load-limit-size
Value Effect
-1 Invalid Value
0 0 bytes (Infinity in case of load.limit.size)
1 1 bytes
1024 1024 bytes or 1KB
"0B" 0 bytes (Infinity in case of load.limit.size)
"1024B" 1024 bytes or 1KB
"1KB" 1024 bytes or 1KB
"2MB" 2MB
"6EB" 6EB (exobytes)
"7YB" Invalid Value



Alias Target Parameter Default Value
load-threads load-concurrency *
run-id load-job-name *
noop load-type noop
create load-type create
read load-type read
update load-type update
delete load-type delete


Alias Target Parameter Default Value
atmos-subtenant storage-auth-token *


Alias Target Parameter Default Value
s3-input-bucket item-input-path *
s3-output-bucket item-output-path *


Alias Target Parameter Default Value
swift-input-container item-input-path *
swift-input-container item-output-path *
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