[![Stories in Progress](https://badge.waffle.io/Sistema-Integrado-Gestao-Academica/SiGA.png?label=in progress&title=In Progress)]
SiGA stands for Integrated Academic Management System (Sistema Integrado de Gestão Acadêmica in portuguese), which is a system that controls academic and finantial matters of an Educational Institute.
SiGA relies on Apache 2 server, PHP 5.5.9 and MySQL (Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.47). In order to run SiGA, you need this basic environment setted on your computer. You can easily find some info on the internet to install these.
Furthermore, it relies on Composer to manage dependencies. In order to install it, just follow the official tutorial on Composer official web site. By this time, this is the process (please check it on the official web site before doing):
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '92102166af5abdb03f49ce52a40591073a7b859a86e8ff13338cf7db58a19f7844fbc0bb79b2773bf30791e935dbd938') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
sudo php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
SiGA now also relies on CodeIgniter HMVC Modular Extensions (by wiredesignz) to make it modular. In order to use SiGA, now you have to add this capability to SiGA, and you can do this by doing the following steps:
1. Download the HMVC extension (available here).
2. Copy the 'MX' folder to 'application/third_party'.
3. Copy the content of 'core' folder (on HMVC extension) into 'application/core'.
Further configurations are already inside SiGA, but in case of any problem check the process of instalation on HMVC Modular Extensions repository.
This process assumes that you are running SiGA on a Unix-like OS, like Ubuntu or Debian.
1. Clone the repository in a accessible folder
cd your_accessible_folder git clone https://github.com/Sistema-Integrado-Gestao-Academica/SiGA.git
2. Create a symbolic link on /var/www/html to the folder you've cloned SiGA, so you can access it on apache server
cd /var/www/html sudo ln -s your_accessible_folder/SiGA
3. Give the proper permission to the SiGA folder
sudo chmod 755 your_accessible_folder/SiGA -R
4. Create the database on MySQL
5. Create the configuration files
5.1 Config
Save the 'config.php.template' file (on application/config) as 'config.php'.
Set the index page as 'index.php', if it isn't already.
5.2 Database
Save the 'database.php.template' file (on application/config) as 'database.php'.
Put your database username and password as:
`'username' => 'your_username'` `'password' => 'your_password'`
5.3 Migration
- Save the 'migration.php.template' file (on application/config) as 'migration.php'.
6. Run the migrations
On application/config/migration.php, set the migration version (
) to the latest file number on application/migrations. -
In order to run the migrations and set up the database, type on the URL and wait:
OBS.: If is the first time that you are setting up SiGA, on application/config/config.php set the 'sess_driver' and 'sess_save_path' as follow, before run the migrations:
$config['sess_driver'] = 'files';
$config['sess_save_path'] = NULL;
* After running the migrations, change back the *'sess_driver'* and *'sess_save_path'*, on *application/config/config.php* as it was before, probably like that:
$config['sess_driver'] = 'database';
$config['sess_save_path'] = 'session';
7. Install composer dependencies
composer install
Now you can access the SiGA in your browser via localhost/SiGA