My name is Emi Tanaka and I like coding 😄
- 💬 I can speak English, Japanese and R (base + tidyverse) fluently
- 👩🏻💻 Pronouns: She/her
- 👩💻 I identify as an applied statistician, academic, research software engineer and statistical data scientist/artist
- 👩💼 I'm currently the Deputy Director of the Biological Data Science Institute at the Australian National University
- 📚 I'm also currently the Executive Editor of the R Journal
- 😅 I also serve as a council member for the:
- ACT Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia, as well as
- Australasian Region of the International Biometrics Society
- 🙋♀️ I'm organising the next Australasian Biometrics conference held 24-28th Nov 2025 in Canberra
- 🔎 My research interests include:
- Experimental design,
- Mixed models (also known as multi-level models, panel data models or hierarchical models),
- Data visualisation and visual inference,
- Applications in bioinformatics and selective breeding (particularly plant breeding),
- Statistical software development, particularly in R,
- Statistical practice and workflow (encompassing reproducibility, design, infrastructure and communication), and
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence (including computer vision and large language models).
- 📫 How to reach me:
- For my github repos, posting an an issue in the corresponding github repo.
- For R help or related, stackoverflow or some other public forum so other people can benefit from your question (please don't email me R questions, although you are most welcomed to tag me in the public posts that you make).
- For others, email