Android developer nanodegree, Projects 1 & 2: Popular Movies app assignment
The goal of this app is to show highest rated movies ever and most popular movies. It feeds from The Movie DB API
- List movies as a grid
- Allows to mark movies as favorite
- Filter options for most popular, highest rated and favorites
- Movie details includes trailers and reviews
- Works 100% offline by SQLite3 persistence
- Images also show when offline by using picasso lib with a custom okHTTP3 disk cache
- Movie navigation with swipe gesture, applying nested fragments and view pager
- Compatibility down to API 10 as a result of extensive use of support library
- RecyclerView custom GridLayouts view, with use of Cursor Adapters and Loaders
- Content Providers technique applied
- Adaptive for tablets (two pane view)
- Keeps list position and current selected movie when rotating
- Swipe to refresh
- Tutorial view when first time
- It keeps HTTP calls to minimum by just no getting the same information twice
- JSON calls are modeled with Retrofit2
- Collapsing toolbar
- Horizontal scroll for trailers
- Expandable Textview for reviews
- It is done with love =)
It shows horizontal swipe gesture to navigate between movies, trailers horizontal scroll, expandable textview and favorites features
If you want to build and actually get it working you need TheMovieDB and Youtube API keys stored in res/api-keys.xml (see the _sample.xml)