SWAPI-IOS-SDK This repository contains the code for the Swapi library.
IOS Version The iOS version of this 13.0 and above is available under the branch of this repository.
Pre-requisites Make sure Xcode is updated, as well as your SDK. Otherwise, you may have to wait for a while until all the updates are done. A device or emulator that runs API.
How to use it
• Create a separate library of SWAPI and add library in build. App folder.
implementation project (path: ':SWAPIAPI')
• Base Request URL:- https://swapi.dev/api/
• Import and call the SWAPIAPI client services.
var swapiapicall = SwapiApiCall.getInstance
• In your viewcontroller you may fire every API call you want.
A People resource is an individual person or character within the Star Wars universe.
• /people/ -- get all the people resources
swapiapicall.getPeoples(input_parameters: ["search": "Luke", "page": "1"]) { success, response in
if success {
print(response as Any)
} else {
• /people/:id/ -- get a specific people resource
swapiapicall.getPeopleWithID(peopleId: 1) { success, response in
if success {
print(response as Any)
} else {
Getting Started • Install Xcode, if you don't already have it. • Download the sample. • Import the sample into Xcode. • Build and run the sample.