A Firefox extentions that is a toolbox for NetSuite.
Just click here and then click on "Add to Firefox" button.
Record is loaded with N/currentRecord and storaged in window.recordLoaded.
Copies field ID when Shift + LeftClick
is used on field.
Find field on record page by id. For activate use Ctrl + Shift + f
Find field on record page by label. For activate use Ctrl + Shift + l
Exports search page (on edit mode) to JSON and show this in NetSuite dialog modal. If you want to show with syntax highlight (with native firefox json viewer) is just click on "Open in new tab".
Exports record page to JSON and show in new tab with syntax highlight (with native firefox json viewer).
Allow to enable/disable fields in edit mode. This effect is temporary, when page is refreshed, all is reseted.
Insert modules on prompt (separated by commas) and load this to window[module-name]
object. The module names on window object is N/
free, but the inserted modules on prompt must be with N/