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Git Documentation

emreerkaslan edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 2 revisions


Git is a version control system and it is used in this project as the default platform of documentation and version control.


repository: Repository is a section of different kind of documents and files forming a whole project.

clone: Cloning is simply copying of the repository on local machine of a user.

pull: Pulling provides users to download the latest version of repository to their local machines. Latest version includes all the updates that is made not present in user's local version of repository.

commit: Committing provides users to ability to save the current state of their local version of the repository with the changes they made after pulling or cloning.

push: Pushing uploads the local version of the repository to github together with the changes user made.

branch: A version of the repository that represents and contains a single line of code and documents. Convention is conducting regular development practice on a master branch and creating an instance of other branches for various other purposes/trials.

merge: Merging implies joining different branches into a single branch.


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