Musixon is a web application that allows music lovers to stream their favorite tracks, create personalized playlists, and discover new artists from around the world. With a similar feature set to Spotify, Musixon provides an immersive music streaming experience, all within the convenience of a web browser.
- Installation
- Features
- Tech Stacks
- Future Plans
- Credits
This project requires node and npm installed globally.
Clone the repository to a directory of your choosing
$ git clone
Navigate into MUSIXON folder and install the necessary packages
$ npm install
To start up the app locally
$ npm start
- Play full audio tracks.
- Control playback (pause, volume, shuffle, etc).
- Add or edit your playlists.
- See your recently played tracks and your top artists.
- Like your favourite songs.
- Follow and unfollow artists.
- Add or remove tracks from your library.
- Search tracks, albums, artists and playlists.
- Sign In/Sign Out with authentication.
- View Your Profile dashboard.
- Node.js - For creating our backend server.
- MongoDB (Mongoose) - For Database
- Bcrypt - Hashing Password.
- Express-session - To manage sessions.
- EJS - Templating Engine.
- CSS - Designing (also used Bootstrap's framework and AOS' library to design).
- JavaScript - For interactivity (also used jQuery).
- Support for Dark Mode.
- Share Albums and Playlists with your friends
- Recommended Songs and Albums to user based on their taste.
- Developer -
- Himanshi Sharma
- Shashank singh
- Ankit Gupta