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CartoDB Tutorial

What is this Tutorial about?

Mapping data interactively on the web using the free open-source software CartoDB.

To view the slides for the presentation open this link in a new tab or window in your browser and use the ◀ ▶ keys to navigate.

Examples / Use Cases:

Here are some examples of how people have used CartoDB to create interactive maps:

What is CartoDB?

CartoDB is a platform running on open-source software for visualizing and analzying geospatial data on the web. It is perhaps the easiest method of creating interactive maps on the web. CartoDB allows for high cartographic customization through an intuitive user interface as well as advanced geospatial data analysis using SQL (Structured Queried Language) and Post-GIS.

Prior to CartoDB (and other opensource web-cartography software such as Tile Mill), creating webmaps involved having to run your very own web server and install both server-side and database software. This was extremely difficult unless you were a experienced computer programmer / back-end web developer. The great thing about CartoDB is that it handles all of the server side stuff for you. For example, each time you import data into CartoDB that data is automatically stored inside a database that has geospatial capabilities.

Geospatial? Wait, what's that???

Geospatial data refers to data that has a location based, geometric component. Most geospatial data is in vector format and is stored as points, lines and polygons whose geometric attributes such as vertices have references to physical space in the real world such as latitude and longitude coordinates. With a Geographic Information System, geospatial data can be used to represent both physical and cultural features. These data can then be cartographically rendered and spatially analyzed to solve problems and model the enviroment.

Examples of Geometry Types:

  • A list of street addresses, which can then be georeferenced (matched) to individual pairs of latitude longitude coordinates (points), such as the locations of all public schools in NYC:

  • Features such as rivers and streams or road networks can be stored as lines:

  • New York City's borough boundaries (or other administrative boundaries such as states, provinces and countries) can be stored as polygons:

Map Tiles

These types of data are used to render map tiles like those you see on OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Bing, Map Quest, etc. For example these are map tiles from different providers for the same area of San Francisco:

Map tiles are small 256 x 256 pixel images that are aligned in a grid like, pyramid fashion. They are broken up this way to make zooming and panning appear seamless and fluid by the web-map user. Only the images inside and just outside the map area the user is looking at are being rendered. The server is told to render neighboring tiles and to cache them so that when you pan to a new area the interaction appears seamless.

For the purposes of this tutorial map tiles form our basemap that we can overlay custom data on top of. Even more though, we can analyze our geospatial data with CartoDB. Both of these abilities are where the fun comes in :)

Analyzing Geospatial data with PostGIS

PostGIS (along with PostgreSQL) is the open-source technology that allows for performing geospatial analysis on data in CartoDB. Why would we want to use this over other types of GIS software?

  • Replicable: You can script your workflow, which is great for leaving a trail of your work.
  • It builds on SQL: If you already know SQL, this is an easy way to get into doing GIS analysis.
  • You can query data dynamically: If you have a server that can crunch a PostGIS query and return JSON, you can do dynamic spatial queries in your apps. e.g. "Find all points near me."

We will cover some basic PostGIS in this tutorial though if you are interested you may find another introductory tutorial about using PostGIS in CartoDB here.

The Tutorial

Intro to the CartoDB Dashboard

  1. Create a free account and log into CartoDB. Once logged in and viewing the dashboard, click on the common data option, then click on Cultural datasets -> populated places. This will add the populated places dataset to your account. Once the data has been imported take a look at the adm0cap field in the table view. This field stores 0's and 1's, the latter meaning the place is a country capital.

  2. A walk through the GUI:

    • When inspecting data in CartoDB there are two ways to view it:

      • Data View: Shows column names & rows much like a spreadsheet. For this dataset each row represents a point. But rows may also represent other geometry types depending on your data.
        • Take a look at what's inside the cells in the_geom column, You should see lattitude and longitude coordinates.
      • Map View: Allows for inspecting our data visually, eg: zooming and panning on an interactive web map. From here we can change the style of the base map, use the Visualization Wizard in the side bar to style our data and add interaction such as pop-ups that display values from the columns in our table view.
    • In the Visualization Wizard try switching the data's style to category view, choose the adm0cap column and try assigning different types of image markers based on the value for adm0cap. Remember, a 1 means a place is a country capital.

    -note: You may also upload custom images to be used as markers.

  3. Demonstrate Publishing / Sharing a Map:

    • By clicking on the Visualize button in the upper right corner we can create a Visualization. Do this and give your visualization a name such as "My First Viz".

    • When we create a Visualization it will inherit the styles we set from our map view.

    • Visualizations work by linking to your data tables. Note that if we go back to inspecting our imported data table and change the styles from here the visualization we made with that data will not be updated with those styles. However if you make any changes to the values in those tables the corresponding visualization will be affected.

    • Note: any changes we make to our visualization will be updated in real time to anyone viewing our viz!

    • Notice the differnces between the tables and visualizations views in your Dashboard. The former is just the data you have imported to your account, the latter are the maps you create with your data and may choose to share / publish. A single Visualization may link to multiple tables in the form of layers.

Making a Choropleth Map

  1. Delete the populated places dataset and visualization we made as we'll need the storage space to move forward with the next part of the tutorial using a free account.

  2. Import the U.S. Counties data from the following URL:
    Tip: you can just copy and paste this URL after clicking the "add data" button from the tables dashboard. No need to download it first.

  3. Let's take a look at this data. Click on one of the cells under the the_geom column. You should see something like:

{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-69.99693763,12.5775821],[-69.93639075,12.53172435], [-69.924672,12.51923249],[-69.91576087,12.49701569],[-69.88019772,12.45355866],[-69.87682044,12.42739492], [-69.8880916,12.41766999],[-69.90880286,12.41779206],[-69.93053138,12.42597077],[-69.94513913,12.44037507], [-69.924672,12.44037507],[-69.924672,12.447211],[-69.95856686,12.46320222],[-70.02765866,12.52293529], [-70.04808509,12.53115469],[-70.05809486,12.53717683],[-70.06240801,12.54682038],[-70.0603735,12.55695222], [-70.05109616,12.57404206],[-70.04873613,12.5837263],[-70.05264238,12.60000235],[-70.05964108,12.61424388], [-70.06110592,12.62539297],[-70.04873613,12.63214753],[-70.00715085,12.58551667],[-69.99693763,12.5775821]]]]}

This is how CartoDB stores geometry for a polygon. Each of those coordinates refers to a *node* in that polygon.

4. Now switch to the __Map View__ to see how the polygons are overlayed on our map.  
In the Visualization Wizard:
 - try changing the base map.
 - try changing the polygon fills and borders.
5. Try clicking somewhere on the map. Notice a pop-up displays with the following message: *"You haven’t selected any fields to be shown in the infowindow."* Click on the `select fields` link and notice the sidebar on the right will navigate to the *Info Window* panel. This is where you may configure data to be shown in the pop-ups or what CartoDB calls *Info Windows.*  
__Here you may:__
 - turn any of your columns on or off for values to be displayed in the Info Window.
 - edit the name of the column to be displayed in the Info Window (__note:__ this will not alter the column name in your actual data).
 - change the style of Info Windows.
 - customize them with HTML and CSS.
6. Let's try switching our data's graphic style using the Visualization Wizard. Switch the style from "simple" to "choropleth". Notice how our polygon data is automatically color coded to match a value in the table. However there's a problem here: mapping population by county gives a false impression to the viewer of our map. We need to *normalize* the data by dividing the number of people in a county by its geographic area.

 - Fortunately our data already has this value included in the `pop_sqkm` column. To show how you could compute it on your own we would do the following in the __*SQL Panel*__:
   SELECT *, 
       pop / 
     as psqkm 
     FROM us_counties
- This is an example of using the open-source technology *PostGIS* to spatially analyze our data. With PostGIS we can calculate values such as distance and area, where different spatial datasets interesect each other, as well as export our data to different data formats such as *GeoJSON* or *Shapefile*. 

### Making a Thematic Point Map

1. Import this tornado data: ``.

2. Inspect the data. Because this data is in CSV format some of our *data types* may be stored as *strings* (a string is a data type for storing text, like a sentence or word). In the case of this dataset, CartoDB appropriately types our numeric data, but our *date* values need to be converted by clicking on *"Change data type..."*  
__So now we:__
 - convert the `date` column's data type to *date*.
3. In the map view use the Visualization Wizard to show our data's `damage` value in different methods such as Bubble Map, Intensity, Density Map, etc.

4. *(TO DO)*: Try adding labels to our map.

5. *(TO DO)*: Demo the Filters panel, show how filters are translated into SQL by viewing the SQL Panel after applying a filter. 

### Animating Geospatial Data with Torque

1. Use the same tornado data from above.

2. Demo the Torque option in the Visualization Wizard by selecting the `date` column for the temporal value to animate. 

### Making a Multi-Layered Data Cake

Let's combine both the Counties and Tornadoes datasets into a new visualization.

- We can use PostGIS to count the number of tornadoes per county. Create a new column called `tornadoes_by_county` in the us_counties table and give it a *numeric* data type. 

- Then in the SQL Panel run the following query (this assumes your tornado data table is named `tornadoes`)

UPDATE us_counties SET tornadoes_by_county = ( SELECT count(1) FROM tornadoes WHERE st_contains(us_counties.the_geom,tornadoes.the_geom) )

- In the visualization wizard for the us_counties layer try changing the category to choropleth and using the column `tornadoes_by_county` to style the map. 

- That's it folks, hope you had fun! See the **Resources** section below for further learning.

## Resources
### Learning
- CartoDB [Map Academy]( Much of what we covered in this tutorial comes from here.
- CartoDB [tutorials page]( Covers many more topics relating to GIS and web-mapping individually.
- Intro to [using PostGIS with CartoDB]( by [Michael Keller]( elaborates on PostGIS in CartoDB.

### Reference
- [CartoDB documentation](
- [CartoDB API documentation](
- [PostGIS documentation](

### Support
- Search [GIS StackExchange]( using the tags `cartodb` and/or `postgis`.

### Code Examples
#### CartoDB SQL
See the `sql` folder in this repositiory. Inside there are two files; the `demo-queries.sql` file contains the queries we used in this tutorial. The `other-useful-queries.sql` file contains examples of other basic SQL commands you can do with CartoDB's SQL Panel. Note that in most cases in CartoDB we don't need to include a semicolon at the end of our SQL query.

#### CartoDB JS
For using the CartoDB API. Requires a basic knowledge of Javascript for the web.

- Andrew Hill's [blocks](
- Javi Santana's [blocks](

### More CartoBD Map Examples
- CartoDB [Map Gallery](
- Andrew Hill's [maps](
- CartoDB team [maps 1](
- CartoDB team [maps 2](

### Geospatial data sources
A few places you may grab geospatial data from and use in CartoDB:  
1. [Natural Earth Data]( 3 levels of small-scale cultural and physical data, world coverage.
2. [Metro Extracts]( OpenStreetMap extracts of urban areas converted to shapefi�le and other formats.
4. []( OSM Land, Water, Coastline data
5. [Open Data NYC]( All sorts of goodies like 311 data. Much of the data here is already georeferenced but some is not*.
6. [US National Weather Service]( (NOAA) 
7. [U.S. Census]( Demographic data for the U.S.

__*Note / Tip:__  
Any dataset that has a spatial attribute, (such as street addresses, county names, state / province names, country names, zipcodes, IP addresses, etc.) but that doesn't have a geometry data type can be _georeferenced_ to geospatial data that does have a geometry. Typically the preferred format to work with this type of data is CSV (comma separated value) but CartoDB also allows for importing Microsoft Excel tables. _Make sure your data's first row are column names and that these names don't contain numbers or special characters as the first character of the column name._

*__Happy Mapping!__*


An introduction to web-mapping using CartoDB






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