Looks up the projects and tasks in your wunderlist.db, and exports them in a ANSI marked up manner appropriate for display in geektool3
Requires sqllite3 gem.
sudo gem install sqlite3
If you have trouble with the install, there's about 100 web pages on how to troubleshoot it.
If a task is marked as IMPORTANT in wunderlist, it will be prefaced with a star and styled with the ESCAPE_IMPORTANT_COLOR
If a task has a date in wunderlist, it will be displayed. If the date is in the past, it will be styled with the ESCAPE_PAST_DUE_COLOR
Project names are styled with ESCAPE_PROJECT_NAME_MARKUP
Notes will be displayed, if present, and are styled with ESCAPE_NOTE_MARKUP
Tasks are ordered in the order they are shown in the order they are displayed in the winderlist interface. Dated items are moved to the top.
Just make a new geeklet, and type the path and name of the command
The styles will work best (in particular the star) if you use a font that has the full unicode char set for your geektool display (I simply use Helvetica).