Portfolio project from mate-academy
It's a writen backend for any kind of service
A quick introduction of the minimal setup you need to get a hello world up & running.
pip install -r requirements.txt
You install all required librires to run that project local
You need to create .env file where you write all required variables like .env.sample
Here's a brief intro about what a developer must do in order to start developing the project further:
git https://github.com/endernaga/theatre-api-service
You copy my project to your device
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
you build that project by using docker and create a connect with project and PostgreSQL data base
- JWT authenticated
- Admin panel /admin/
- Documentation is located at api/doc/swagger/
- Managing reservations and tickets
- Creating Genres, Actors, TheatreHall, Plays, Performance using API