important Note!
- Cross Origin: it allows rest api's to be invoked by resourses that aren't hosted on the same domain
- Path Variable: it allows to get data out of the URI, it's a critical piece of knowledge in Rest API's and development in spring boot
- GetMapping: The HTTP protocol, the protocol of the web has about eight different method and get method is just defined as a way to get information about a resources, it could be a web page we are getting, a picture, etc. a get invocation is to get information from a server and leave the server unchange
GET: get data from the server POST: an idempotent opearation, it can update the server PUT: replace a resource on the server, update all properties of a resource PATCH: updating one property of a resource in a server DELETE: removing the resource from the server HEAD: provides all the headers from the servers OPTIONS: is a request to make when the server is suppose to signal you which of the HTTP methods the restfull api's supports
PatchMapping: it allows to update just one property of a resource PutMapping: this is completely designed to replace a resorce on the server DeleteMapping: this remove the resource from the server