This is the repository for the collection of surveys and reviews in communication and networking domains.
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- Zoghlami C, Kacimi R, Dhaou R. 5G-enabled V2X communications for vulnerable road users safety applications: a review[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-31. Link
- Ahmetoglu H, Das R. A comprehensive review on detection of cyber-attacks: Data sets, methods, challenges, and future research directions[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100615. Link
- Agarwal B, Togou M A, Ruffini M, et al. A Comprehensive Survey on Radio Resource Management in 5G HetNets: Current Solutions, Future Trends and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Wang D, Zhang C, Chen W, et al. A review of machine learning-based failure management in optical networks[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(11): 1-19. Link
- Kaur K, Mangat V, Kumar K. A review on Virtualized Infrastructure Managers with management and orchestration features in NFV architecture[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109281. Link
- Zaimen K, Moalic L, Abouaissa A, et al. A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Based WSNs Deployment Techniques and Related Objectives Modeling[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Dwivedi B, Sen D, Chakraborty S. A survey of longitudinal changes in cellular network architecture: The good, the bad, and the ugly[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103496. Link
- Fanari L, Iradier E, Bilbao I, et al. A Survey on FEC Techniques for Industrial Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2022. Link
- Safi M, Dadkhah S, Shoeleh F, et al. A Survey on IoT Profiling, Fingerprinting, and Identification[J]. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2022. Link
- Wang Z, Liu D, Sun Y, et al. A Survey on IoT-enabled Home Automation Systems: Attacks and Defenses[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Tran-Dang H, Kim D S. A Survey on Matching Theory for Distributed Computation Offloading in IoT-Fog-Cloud Systems: Perspectives and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Khan M A, Baccour E, Chkirbene Z, et al. A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing for Video Streaming: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Abkenar F S, Ramezani P, Iranmanesh S, et al. A Survey on Mobility of Edge Computing Networks in IoT: State-of-the-Art, Architectures, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Sandeepa C, Siniarski B, Kourtellis N, et al. A survey on privacy for B5G/6G: New privacy challenges, and research directions[J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2022: 100405. Link
- Neto F, Granjal J, Pereira V. A survey on security approaches on PPDR systems towards 5G and beyond[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Iyer S, Khanai R, Torse D, et al. A Survey on Semantic Communications for Intelligent Wireless Networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-43. Link
- Kalla A, De Alwis C, Porambage P, et al. A survey on the use of blockchain for future 6G: Technical aspects, use cases, challenges and research directions[J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2022: 100404. Link
- Wang J, Yan Z, Wang H, et al. A Survey on Trust Models in Heterogeneous Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Yadav P, Sharma S C. A Systematic Review of Localization in WSN: Machine Learning and Optimization‐Based approaches[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, e5397, 2022. Link
- Alzoubi Y I, Gill A, Mishra A. A systematic review of the purposes of Blockchain and fog computing integration: classification and open issues[J]. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022, 11(1): 1-36. Link
- Mehta P L, Kumar A, Mohammad B, et al. A Technological and Business Perspective on Connected Drones for 6G and Beyond Mobile Wireless Communications[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-20. Link
- Agrawal K, Aggarwal M, Tanwar S, et al. An Extensive Blockchain based Applications Survey: Tools, Frameworks, Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Domínguez-Bolaño T, Campos O, Barral V, et al. An overview of IoT architectures, technologies, and existing open-source projects[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100626. Link
- Albattah W, Habib S, Alsharekh M F, et al. An Overview of the Current Challenges, Trends, and Protocols in the Field of Vehicular Communication[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(21): 3581. Link
- Hakak S, Gadekallu T R, Maddikunta P K R, et al. Autonomous Vehicles in 5G and beyond: A Survey[J]. Vehicular Communications, 2022: 100551. Link
- Fadlullah Z M, Mao B, Kato N. Balancing QoS and Security in the Edge: Existing Practices, Challenges, and 6G Opportunities with Machine Learning[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Bhattacharya S, Victor N, Chengoden R, et al. Blockchain for Internet of Underwater Things: State-of-the-Art, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(23): 15659. Link
- Chen Z, Zhu L, Jiang P, et al. Blockchain Meets Covert Communication: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Thakur N, Singh A, Sangal A L. Cloud services selection: A systematic review and future research directions[J]. Computer Science Review, 2022, 46: 100514. Link
- Shanmugapriya R, Santhosh Kumar S V N. Comprehensive survey on data dissemination protocols for efficient reprogramming in Internet of Things[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022, 34(26): e7280. Link
- Kaur K, Guillemin F, Sailhan F. Container placement and migration strategies for Cloud, Fog and Edge data centers: A survey[J]. International Journal of Network Management, 2022. Link
- Guo W, Qureshi N M F, Siddiqui I F, et al. Cooperative communication resource allocation strategies for 5G and beyond networks: A review of architecture, challenges and opportunities[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
- Fakhfakh F, Tounsi M, Mosbah M. Cybersecurity attacks on CAN bus based vehicles: a review and open challenges[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2022. Link
- Sadri A A, Rahmani A M, Saberikamarposhti M, et al. Data Reduction in Fog Computing and Internet of Things: A Systematic Literature Survey[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100629. Link
- Partovi Z, Zarei M, Rahmani A M. Data‐centric approaches in the Internet of Vehicles: A systematic review on techniques, open issues, and future directions[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022: e5383. Link
- Masaracchia A, Sharma V, Canberk B, et al. Digital Twin for 6G: Taxonomy, Research Challenges, and the Road Ahead[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
- Khan L U, Han Z, Saad W, et al. Digital Twin of Wireless Systems: Overview, Taxonomy, Challenges, and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Mihai S, Yaqoob M, Hung D V, et al. Digital twins: a survey on enabling technologies, challenges, trends and future prospects[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Isyaku B, Bakar K B A, Ghaleb F A, et al. Dynamic Routing and Failure Recovery Approaches for Efficient Resource Utilization in OpenFlow-SDN: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 121791-121815. Link
- Azari M M, Solanki S, Chatzinotas S, et al. Evolution of non-terrestrial networks from 5G to 6G: A survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Jagatheesaperumal S K, Pham Q V, Ruby R, et al. Explainable AI over the Internet of Things (IoT): Overview, State-of-the-Art and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
- Yan F, Wen S, Nepal S, et al. Explainable machine learning in cybersecurity: A survey[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022. Link
- Agrawal S, Sarkar S, Aouedi O, et al. Federated learning for intrusion detection system: Concepts, challenges and future directions[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
- Uzunidis D, Logothetis M, Stavdas A, et al. Fifty Years of Fixed Optical Networks Evolution: A Survey of Architectural and Technological Developments in a Layered Approach[C]//Telecom. MDPI, 2022, 3(4): 619-674. Link
- Khan S A, Shayea I, Ergen M, et al. Handover management over dual connectivity in 5G technology with future ultra-dense mobile heterogeneous networks: A review[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2022: 101172. Link
- Bansal G, Rajgopal K, Chamola V, et al. Healthcare in Metaverse: A Survey On Current Metaverse Applications in Healthcare[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Sathya V, Kala S M, Naidu K. Heterogenous Networks: From small cells to 5G NR-U[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-32. Link
- Koudia S, Cacciapuoti A S, Simonov K, et al. How deep the theory of quantum communications goes: Superadditivity, superactivation and causal activation[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Wang F, Yao H, Wang J, et al. Hybrid optical-electrical data center networking: Challenges and solutions for bandwidth resource optimization[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(11): 90-96. Link
- Tirmizi S B R, Chen Y, Lakshminarayana S, et al. Hybrid Satellite–Terrestrial Networks toward 6G: Key Technologies and Open Issues[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(21): 8544. Link
- López Escobar J J, Díaz Redondo R P, Gil-Castiñeira F. In-depth analysis and open challenges of Mist Computing[J]. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022, 11(1): 1-19. Link
- Khadka G, Nemati M, Zhou X, et al. Index Modulation in Backscatter Communication for IoT Sensor Based Applications: A Review[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. Link
- Verma J, Bhandari A, Singh G. iNIDS: SWOT Analysis and TOWS Inferences of State-of-the-Art NIDS solutions for the development of Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
- Wang X, Ren X, Qiu C, et al. Integrating edge intelligence and blockchain: What, why, and how[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Zhang H, Di B. Intelligent Omni-Surfaces: Simultaneous Refraction and Reflection for Full-dimensional Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Ramezanpour K, Jagannath J. Intelligent zero trust architecture for 5G/6G networks: Principles, challenges, and the role of machine learning in the context of O-RAN[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109358. Link
- Ahmad S, Umirzakova S, Jamil F, et al. Internet-of-things-enabled serious games: A comprehensive survey[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
- Alkasassbeh M, Al-Haj Baddar S. Intrusion Detection Systems: A State-of-the-Art Taxonomy and Survey[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022: 1-44. Link
- Hassan H A, Hemdan E E, El-Shafai W, et al. Intrusion Detection Systems for the Internet of Thing: A Survey Study[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-26. Link
- Naeem F, Kaddoum G, Khan S, et al. IRS-Empowered 6G Networks: Deployment Strategies, Performance Optimization, and Future Research Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Kumar M S, Ramanathan R, Jayakumar M. Key less physical layer security for wireless networks: A survey[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2022: 101260. Link
- Kumar R, Sharma R. Leveraging blockchain for ensuring trust in IoT: A survey[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
- Djigal H, Xu J, Liu L, et al. Machine and Deep Learning for Resource Allocation in Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Jayalaxmi P, Saha R, Kumar G, et al. Machine and Deep Learning Solutions for Intrusion Detection and Prevention in IoTs: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Cao Z, Zhang H, Liang L, et al. Machine Learning for Wireless Communication: An Overview[J]. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 11(1), 2022. Link
- Almasan P, Ferriol-Galmés M, Paillisse J, et al. Network Digital Twin: Context, Enabling Technologies and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022. Link
- Habeeb M S, Babu T R. Network intrusion detection system: A survey on artificial intelligence‐based techniques[J]. Expert Systems, 2022, 39(9): e13066. Link
- Abd-Elnaby M, Sedhom G G, El-Rabaie E S M, et al. NOMA for 5G and beyond: literature review and novel trends[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-25. Link
- Pandey S, Shanker U. On Developing Framework for Schedulable Priority-Driven Systems: A Futuristic Review[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-19. Link
- Kao C C, Young H C. Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions in the 5G Era[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2022: 2021TMI0001. Link
- Döpmann C, Fiedler F, Lucia S, et al. Optimization-Based Predictive Congestion Control for the Tor Network: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2022. Link
- Baccour E, Mhaisen N, Abdellatif A A, et al. Pervasive AI for IoT applications: A Survey on Resource-efficient Distributed Artificial Intelligence[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Haider M F, You F, He S, et al. Predistortion-Based Linearization for 5G and Beyond Millimeter-Wave Transceiver Systems: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Eswaran S, Honnavalli P. Private 5G networks: a survey on enabling technologies, deployment models, use cases and research directions[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-24. Link
- Prateek K, Ojha N K, Altaf F, et al. Quantum secured 6G technology-based applications in Internet of Everything[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-30. Link
- Mao Y, Dizdar O, Clerckx B, et al. Rate-splitting multiple access: Fundamentals, survey, and future research trends[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Musa U, Shah S M, Majid H A, et al. Recent Advancement of Wearable Reconfigurable Antenna Technologies: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 121831-121863. Link
- Darabkh K A, Al-Akhras M, Zomot J N, et al. RPL routing protocol over IoT: A comprehensive survey, recent advances, insights, bibliometric analysis, recommendations, and future directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103476. Link
- Adhikari M, Munusamy A, Hazra A, et al. Security and privacy in edge-centric intelligent internet of vehicles: issues and remedies[J]. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2022. Link
- Marcillo P, Tamayo-Urgilés D, Valdivieso Caraguay Á L, et al. Security in V2I Communications: A Systematic Literature Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(23): 9123. Link
- Agrawal N, Kumar R. Security Perspective Analysis of Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (I-CPS): A Decade-wide Survey[J]. ISA transactions, 2022. Link
- Pandey G K, Gurjar D S, Nguyen H H, et al. Security Threats and Mitigation Techniques in UAV Communications: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Zhang Q, Geng S, Cai X. Survey on Task Scheduling Optimization Strategy under Multi-Cloud Environment[J]. CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, 2022. Link
- Islam T, Kwon C. Survey on the state-of-the-art in device-to-device communication: A resource allocation perspective[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102978. Link
- Serghiou D, Khalily M, Brown T W C, et al. Terahertz channel propagation phenomena, measurement techniques and modeling for 6G wireless communication applications: a survey, open challenges and future research directions[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Hemmati A, Rahmani A M. The Internet of Autonomous Things Applications: A taxonomy, technologies, and future directions[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100635. Link
- Alam M M, Arafat M Y, Moh S, et al. Topology control algorithms in multi-unmanned aerial vehicle networks: An extensive survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103495. Link
- Abdel-Basset M, Hawash H, Moustafa N. Toward Privacy Preserving Federated Learning In Internet of Vehicular Things: Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2022. Link
- Arooj A, Farooq M S, Umer T. Unfolding the blockchain era: Timeline, evolution, types and real-world applications[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103511. Link
- Cui Q, Hu X, Ni W, et al. Vehicular mobility patterns and their applications to Internet-of-Vehicles: a comprehensive survey[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(11): 1-42. Link
- Avşar E, Mowla M N. Wireless communication protocols in smart agriculture: A review on applications, challenges and future trends[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102982. Link
- Liaskos C, Tsioliaridou A, Georgopoulos K, et al. XR-RF Imaging Enabled by Software-Defined Metasurfaces and Machine Learning: Foundational Vision, Technologies and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Coronado E, Behravesh R, Subramanya T, et al. Zero Touch Management: A Survey of Network Automation Solutions for 5G and 6G Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Peng H, Chen P C, Chen P H, et al. 6G toward Metaverse: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges[C]//2022 IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS). IEEE, 2022: 6-10. Link
- Ray P P. A review on 6G for space-air-ground integrated network: Key enablers, open challenges, and future direction[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
- Osamy W, Khedr A M, Salim A, et al. A review on recent studies utilizing artificial intelligence methods for solving routing challenges in wireless sensor networks[J]. PeerJ Computer Science, 2022, 8: e1089. Link
- Mozaffariahrar E, Theoleyre F, Menth M. A Survey of Wi-Fi 6: Technologies, Advances, and Challenges[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(10): 293. Link
- Wu W, Wang X, Hawbani A, et al. A survey on ambient backscatter communications: Principles, systems, applications, and challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109235. Link
- Kim B S, Shah B, He T, et al. A survey on analytical models for dynamic resource management in wireless body area networks[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022, 135: 102936. Link
- Özyurt S, Coşkun A F, Büyükçorak S, et al. A Survey on Multiuser SWIPT Communications for 5G+[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- KANNO I, YAMAZAKI K, KISHI Y, et al. A Survey on Research Activities for Deploying Cell Free Massive MIMO towards beyond 5G[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2022: 2021MEI0001. Link
- Bhatti D S, Saleem S, Imran A, et al. A Survey on Wireless Wearable Body Area Networks: A Perspective of Technology and Economy[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(20): 7722. Link
- Alansari Z, Anuar N B, Kamsin A, et al. A systematic review of routing attacks detection in wireless sensor networks[J]. PeerJ Computer Science, 2022, 8: e1135. Link
- Zia K, Chiumento A, Havinga P. AI-Enabled Reliable QoS in Multi-RAT Wireless IoT Networks: Prospects, Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
- Cvitić, I., Peraković, D., Periša, M. et al. An Overview of Smart Home IoT Trends and related Cybersecurity Challenges [J]. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2022. Link
- Rizvi S, Scanlon M, McGibney J, et al. Application of Artificial Intelligence to Network Forensics: Survey, Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Azimi Y, Yousefi S, Kalbkhani H, et al. Applications of Machine Learning in Resource Management for RAN-Slicing in 5G and Beyond Networks: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Qureshi J N, Farooq M S, Abid A, et al. Blockchain Applications for the Internet of Things: Systematic Review and Challenges[J]. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2022: 104632. Link
- Al-Ward H, Tan C K, Lim W H. Caching transient data in Information-Centric Internet-of-Things (IC-IoT) networks: A survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103491. Link
- Srivastava A, Fund F, Panwar S S. Coexistence of delay-based TCP congestion control: Challenges and opportunities[C]//2022 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR). IEEE, 2022: 43-48. Link
- Sharma P, Gillanders J. Cybersecurity and Forensics in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of the State-of-the-Art[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Ozpoyraz B, Dogukan A T, Gevez Y, et al. Deep learning-aided 6G wireless networks: A comprehensive survey of revolutionary PHY architectures[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , 2022. Link
- Umer M, Sadiq S, Karamti H, et al. Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods in Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Trends[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(20): 3326. Link
- Ji X, Wu J, Jin L, et al. Discussion on a new paradigm of endogenous security towards 6G networks[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 1421-1450. Link
- Xia Z, Du J, Ren Y, et al. Distributed Artificial Intelligence Enabled Aerial-Ground Networks: Architecture, Technologies and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Kuruvatti N P, Habibi M A, Partani S, et al. Empowering 6G Communication Systems with Digital Twin Technology: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Khalily M, Yurduseven O, Cui T J, et al. Engineered Electromagnetic Metasurfaces in Wireless Communications: Applications, Research Frontiers and Future Directions[J]. IEEE communications magazine, 2022. Link
- Charmet, F., Tanuwidjaja, H.C., Ayoubi, S. et al. Explainable artifcial intelligence for cybersecurity: a literature survey [J]. Annals of Telecommunications, 2022. Link
- John D M, Vincent S, Pathan S, et al. Flexible Antennas for a Sub-6 GHz 5G Band: A Comprehensive Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7615. Link
- Bukhari A, Hussain F K, Hussain O K. Fog node discovery and selection: A Systematic literature review[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
- Maddikunta P K R, Pham Q V, Nguyen D C, et al. Incentive techniques for the internet of things: a survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103464. Link
- Wang J, Varshney N, Gentile C, et al. Integrated Sensing and Communication: Enabling Techniques, Applications, Tools and Datasets, Standardization, and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
- Bello O, Zeadally S. Internet of underwater things communication: Architecture, technologies, research challenges and future opportunities[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022, 135: 102933. Link
- Kashyap V, Kumar A. Load balancing techniques for fog computing environment: Comparison, taxonomy, open issues, and challenges[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022: e7183. Link
- Costa B, Bachiega Jr J, Carvalho L R, et al. Monitoring fog computing: A review, taxonomy and open challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109189. Link
- Sylla T, Mendiboure L, Maaloul S, et al. Multi-Connectivity for 5G Networks and Beyond: A Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7591. Link
- Ahmed N, Ngadi A, Sharif J M, et al. Network Threat Detection Using Machine/Deep Learning in SDN-Based Platforms: A Comprehensive Analysis of State-of-the-Art Solutions, Discussion, Challenges, and Future Research Direction[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(20): 7896. Link
- Hu J, Liu G, Li Y, et al. Off-Network Communications For Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems: Challenges and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022. Link
- Irram F, Ali M, Naeem M, et al. Physical layer security for beyond 5G/6G networks: Emerging technologies and future directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103431. Link
- Sharma H, Kumar N, Tekchandani R. Physical layer security using beamforming techniques for 5G and beyond networks: A systematic review[J]. Physical Communication, 2022: 101791. Link
- Mishra A, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part I: Principles, Applications and Future Works[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
- Yin L, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part II: Interplay with Integrated Sensing and Communications[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
- Li H, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part III: Interplay with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
- Tedeschi P, Sciancalepore S, Di Pietro R. Satellite-based communications security: A survey of threats, solutions, and research challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109246. Link
- Khan N A, Awang A, Karim S A B A. Security in Internet of Things: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Chavhan S. Shift to 6G: Exploration on trends, vision, requirements, technologies, research, and standardization efforts[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 54: 102666. Link
- Tashtoush Y, Darweesh D, Karajeh O, et al. Survey on authentication and security protocols and schemes over 5G networks[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2022, 18(10): 15501329221126609. Link
- Judvaitis J, Abolins V, Mednis A, et al. The Definitive Guide to Actual Sensor Network Deployments in Research Studies from 2013–2017: A Systematic Review[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 68. Link
- Silveira L B D, de Resende H C, Both C B, et al. Tutorial on communication between access networks and the 5G core[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109301. Link
- Rehman B U, Babar M I, Ahmad A W, et al. Uplink non-orthogonal multiple access in heterogeneous networks: A review of recent advances and open research challenges[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2022, 18(10): 15501329221132496. Link
- Yaghoubi M, Ahmed K, Miao Y. Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN): A Survey on Architecture, Technologies, Energy Consumption, and Security Challenges[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 67. Link
- Banda L, Mzyece M, Mekuria F. 5G Business Models for Mobile Network Operators–A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Segura D, Munilla J, Khatib E J, et al. 5G Early Data Transmission (Rel-16): Security Review and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Li Q, Ding Z, Tong X, et al. 6G Cloud-native System: Vision, Challenges, Architecture Framework and Enabling Technologies[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
- Cheng N, He J, Yin Z, et al. 6G service-oriented space-air-ground integrated network: A survey[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022. Link
- Loktongbam P, Pal D, Bandyopadhyay A K, et al. A Brief Review on mm-Wave Antennas for 5G and Beyond Applications[J]. IETE Technical Review, 2022: 1-26. Link
- Khan Z U, Gang Q, Muhammad A, et al. A Comprehensive Survey of Energy-Efficient MAC and Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(19): 3015. Link
- Shastri A, Valecha N, Bashirov E, et al. A Review of Millimeter Wave Device-based Localization and Device-free Sensing Technologies and Applications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
- Xiao W, Luo Z, Hu Q. A Review of Research on Signal Modulation Recognition Based on Deep Learning[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(17): 2764. Link
- Alozie E, Abdulkarim A, Abdullahi I, et al. A Review on Rain Signal Attenuation Modeling, Analysis and Validation Techniques: Advances, Challenges and Future Direction[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(18): 11744. Link
- Ray P P. A survey on cognitive packet networks: Taxonomy, state-of-the-art, recurrent neural networks, and QoS metrics[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
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