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This is the repository for the collection of surveys and reviews in communication and networking domains.

Note: if you want to add the tracking for a specific journal or add your own publication, you may create a new issue.

Note: only the publications since 2022 are tracked for now.

Note: A special collection about Satellite Communication Surveys can be found in

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November 2022

  • Zoghlami C, Kacimi R, Dhaou R. 5G-enabled V2X communications for vulnerable road users safety applications: a review[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-31. Link
  • Ahmetoglu H, Das R. A comprehensive review on detection of cyber-attacks: Data sets, methods, challenges, and future research directions[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100615. Link
  • Agarwal B, Togou M A, Ruffini M, et al. A Comprehensive Survey on Radio Resource Management in 5G HetNets: Current Solutions, Future Trends and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Wang D, Zhang C, Chen W, et al. A review of machine learning-based failure management in optical networks[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(11): 1-19. Link
  • Kaur K, Mangat V, Kumar K. A review on Virtualized Infrastructure Managers with management and orchestration features in NFV architecture[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109281. Link
  • Zaimen K, Moalic L, Abouaissa A, et al. A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Based WSNs Deployment Techniques and Related Objectives Modeling[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Dwivedi B, Sen D, Chakraborty S. A survey of longitudinal changes in cellular network architecture: The good, the bad, and the ugly[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103496. Link
  • Fanari L, Iradier E, Bilbao I, et al. A Survey on FEC Techniques for Industrial Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2022. Link
  • Safi M, Dadkhah S, Shoeleh F, et al. A Survey on IoT Profiling, Fingerprinting, and Identification[J]. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2022. Link
  • Wang Z, Liu D, Sun Y, et al. A Survey on IoT-enabled Home Automation Systems: Attacks and Defenses[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Tran-Dang H, Kim D S. A Survey on Matching Theory for Distributed Computation Offloading in IoT-Fog-Cloud Systems: Perspectives and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Khan M A, Baccour E, Chkirbene Z, et al. A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing for Video Streaming: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Abkenar F S, Ramezani P, Iranmanesh S, et al. A Survey on Mobility of Edge Computing Networks in IoT: State-of-the-Art, Architectures, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Sandeepa C, Siniarski B, Kourtellis N, et al. A survey on privacy for B5G/6G: New privacy challenges, and research directions[J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2022: 100405. Link
  • Neto F, Granjal J, Pereira V. A survey on security approaches on PPDR systems towards 5G and beyond[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Iyer S, Khanai R, Torse D, et al. A Survey on Semantic Communications for Intelligent Wireless Networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-43. Link
  • Kalla A, De Alwis C, Porambage P, et al. A survey on the use of blockchain for future 6G: Technical aspects, use cases, challenges and research directions[J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2022: 100404. Link
  • Wang J, Yan Z, Wang H, et al. A Survey on Trust Models in Heterogeneous Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Yadav P, Sharma S C. A Systematic Review of Localization in WSN: Machine Learning and Optimization‐Based approaches[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, e5397, 2022. Link
  • Alzoubi Y I, Gill A, Mishra A. A systematic review of the purposes of Blockchain and fog computing integration: classification and open issues[J]. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022, 11(1): 1-36. Link
  • Mehta P L, Kumar A, Mohammad B, et al. A Technological and Business Perspective on Connected Drones for 6G and Beyond Mobile Wireless Communications[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-20. Link
  • Agrawal K, Aggarwal M, Tanwar S, et al. An Extensive Blockchain based Applications Survey: Tools, Frameworks, Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Domínguez-Bolaño T, Campos O, Barral V, et al. An overview of IoT architectures, technologies, and existing open-source projects[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100626. Link
  • Albattah W, Habib S, Alsharekh M F, et al. An Overview of the Current Challenges, Trends, and Protocols in the Field of Vehicular Communication[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(21): 3581. Link
  • Hakak S, Gadekallu T R, Maddikunta P K R, et al. Autonomous Vehicles in 5G and beyond: A Survey[J]. Vehicular Communications, 2022: 100551. Link
  • Fadlullah Z M, Mao B, Kato N. Balancing QoS and Security in the Edge: Existing Practices, Challenges, and 6G Opportunities with Machine Learning[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Bhattacharya S, Victor N, Chengoden R, et al. Blockchain for Internet of Underwater Things: State-of-the-Art, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(23): 15659. Link
  • Chen Z, Zhu L, Jiang P, et al. Blockchain Meets Covert Communication: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Thakur N, Singh A, Sangal A L. Cloud services selection: A systematic review and future research directions[J]. Computer Science Review, 2022, 46: 100514. Link
  • Shanmugapriya R, Santhosh Kumar S V N. Comprehensive survey on data dissemination protocols for efficient reprogramming in Internet of Things[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022, 34(26): e7280. Link
  • Kaur K, Guillemin F, Sailhan F. Container placement and migration strategies for Cloud, Fog and Edge data centers: A survey[J]. International Journal of Network Management, 2022. Link
  • Guo W, Qureshi N M F, Siddiqui I F, et al. Cooperative communication resource allocation strategies for 5G and beyond networks: A review of architecture, challenges and opportunities[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  • Fakhfakh F, Tounsi M, Mosbah M. Cybersecurity attacks on CAN bus based vehicles: a review and open challenges[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2022. Link
  • Sadri A A, Rahmani A M, Saberikamarposhti M, et al. Data Reduction in Fog Computing and Internet of Things: A Systematic Literature Survey[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100629. Link
  • Partovi Z, Zarei M, Rahmani A M. Data‐centric approaches in the Internet of Vehicles: A systematic review on techniques, open issues, and future directions[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022: e5383. Link
  • Masaracchia A, Sharma V, Canberk B, et al. Digital Twin for 6G: Taxonomy, Research Challenges, and the Road Ahead[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  • Khan L U, Han Z, Saad W, et al. Digital Twin of Wireless Systems: Overview, Taxonomy, Challenges, and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Mihai S, Yaqoob M, Hung D V, et al. Digital twins: a survey on enabling technologies, challenges, trends and future prospects[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Isyaku B, Bakar K B A, Ghaleb F A, et al. Dynamic Routing and Failure Recovery Approaches for Efficient Resource Utilization in OpenFlow-SDN: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 121791-121815. Link
  • Azari M M, Solanki S, Chatzinotas S, et al. Evolution of non-terrestrial networks from 5G to 6G: A survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Jagatheesaperumal S K, Pham Q V, Ruby R, et al. Explainable AI over the Internet of Things (IoT): Overview, State-of-the-Art and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  • Yan F, Wen S, Nepal S, et al. Explainable machine learning in cybersecurity: A survey[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022. Link
  • Agrawal S, Sarkar S, Aouedi O, et al. Federated learning for intrusion detection system: Concepts, challenges and future directions[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  • Uzunidis D, Logothetis M, Stavdas A, et al. Fifty Years of Fixed Optical Networks Evolution: A Survey of Architectural and Technological Developments in a Layered Approach[C]//Telecom. MDPI, 2022, 3(4): 619-674. Link
  • Khan S A, Shayea I, Ergen M, et al. Handover management over dual connectivity in 5G technology with future ultra-dense mobile heterogeneous networks: A review[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2022: 101172. Link
  • Bansal G, Rajgopal K, Chamola V, et al. Healthcare in Metaverse: A Survey On Current Metaverse Applications in Healthcare[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Sathya V, Kala S M, Naidu K. Heterogenous Networks: From small cells to 5G NR-U[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-32. Link
  • Koudia S, Cacciapuoti A S, Simonov K, et al. How deep the theory of quantum communications goes: Superadditivity, superactivation and causal activation[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Wang F, Yao H, Wang J, et al. Hybrid optical-electrical data center networking: Challenges and solutions for bandwidth resource optimization[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(11): 90-96. Link
  • Tirmizi S B R, Chen Y, Lakshminarayana S, et al. Hybrid Satellite–Terrestrial Networks toward 6G: Key Technologies and Open Issues[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(21): 8544. Link
  • López Escobar J J, Díaz Redondo R P, Gil-Castiñeira F. In-depth analysis and open challenges of Mist Computing[J]. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022, 11(1): 1-19. Link
  • Khadka G, Nemati M, Zhou X, et al. Index Modulation in Backscatter Communication for IoT Sensor Based Applications: A Review[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. Link
  • Verma J, Bhandari A, Singh G. iNIDS: SWOT Analysis and TOWS Inferences of State-of-the-Art NIDS solutions for the development of Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  • Wang X, Ren X, Qiu C, et al. Integrating edge intelligence and blockchain: What, why, and how[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Zhang H, Di B. Intelligent Omni-Surfaces: Simultaneous Refraction and Reflection for Full-dimensional Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Ramezanpour K, Jagannath J. Intelligent zero trust architecture for 5G/6G networks: Principles, challenges, and the role of machine learning in the context of O-RAN[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109358. Link
  • Ahmad S, Umirzakova S, Jamil F, et al. Internet-of-things-enabled serious games: A comprehensive survey[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
  • Alkasassbeh M, Al-Haj Baddar S. Intrusion Detection Systems: A State-of-the-Art Taxonomy and Survey[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022: 1-44. Link
  • Hassan H A, Hemdan E E, El-Shafai W, et al. Intrusion Detection Systems for the Internet of Thing: A Survey Study[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-26. Link
  • Naeem F, Kaddoum G, Khan S, et al. IRS-Empowered 6G Networks: Deployment Strategies, Performance Optimization, and Future Research Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Kumar M S, Ramanathan R, Jayakumar M. Key less physical layer security for wireless networks: A survey[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2022: 101260. Link
  • Kumar R, Sharma R. Leveraging blockchain for ensuring trust in IoT: A survey[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  • Djigal H, Xu J, Liu L, et al. Machine and Deep Learning for Resource Allocation in Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Jayalaxmi P, Saha R, Kumar G, et al. Machine and Deep Learning Solutions for Intrusion Detection and Prevention in IoTs: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Cao Z, Zhang H, Liang L, et al. Machine Learning for Wireless Communication: An Overview[J]. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 11(1), 2022. Link
  • Almasan P, Ferriol-Galmés M, Paillisse J, et al. Network Digital Twin: Context, Enabling Technologies and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022. Link
  • Habeeb M S, Babu T R. Network intrusion detection system: A survey on artificial intelligence‐based techniques[J]. Expert Systems, 2022, 39(9): e13066. Link
  • Abd-Elnaby M, Sedhom G G, El-Rabaie E S M, et al. NOMA for 5G and beyond: literature review and novel trends[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-25. Link
  • Pandey S, Shanker U. On Developing Framework for Schedulable Priority-Driven Systems: A Futuristic Review[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-19. Link
  • Kao C C, Young H C. Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions in the 5G Era[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2022: 2021TMI0001. Link
  • Döpmann C, Fiedler F, Lucia S, et al. Optimization-Based Predictive Congestion Control for the Tor Network: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2022. Link
  • Baccour E, Mhaisen N, Abdellatif A A, et al. Pervasive AI for IoT applications: A Survey on Resource-efficient Distributed Artificial Intelligence[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Haider M F, You F, He S, et al. Predistortion-Based Linearization for 5G and Beyond Millimeter-Wave Transceiver Systems: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Eswaran S, Honnavalli P. Private 5G networks: a survey on enabling technologies, deployment models, use cases and research directions[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-24. Link
  • Prateek K, Ojha N K, Altaf F, et al. Quantum secured 6G technology-based applications in Internet of Everything[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-30. Link
  • Mao Y, Dizdar O, Clerckx B, et al. Rate-splitting multiple access: Fundamentals, survey, and future research trends[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Musa U, Shah S M, Majid H A, et al. Recent Advancement of Wearable Reconfigurable Antenna Technologies: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 121831-121863. Link
  • Darabkh K A, Al-Akhras M, Zomot J N, et al. RPL routing protocol over IoT: A comprehensive survey, recent advances, insights, bibliometric analysis, recommendations, and future directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103476. Link
  • Adhikari M, Munusamy A, Hazra A, et al. Security and privacy in edge-centric intelligent internet of vehicles: issues and remedies[J]. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2022. Link
  • Marcillo P, Tamayo-Urgilés D, Valdivieso Caraguay Á L, et al. Security in V2I Communications: A Systematic Literature Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(23): 9123. Link
  • Agrawal N, Kumar R. Security Perspective Analysis of Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (I-CPS): A Decade-wide Survey[J]. ISA transactions, 2022. Link
  • Pandey G K, Gurjar D S, Nguyen H H, et al. Security Threats and Mitigation Techniques in UAV Communications: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Zhang Q, Geng S, Cai X. Survey on Task Scheduling Optimization Strategy under Multi-Cloud Environment[J]. CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, 2022. Link
  • Islam T, Kwon C. Survey on the state-of-the-art in device-to-device communication: A resource allocation perspective[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102978. Link
  • Serghiou D, Khalily M, Brown T W C, et al. Terahertz channel propagation phenomena, measurement techniques and modeling for 6G wireless communication applications: a survey, open challenges and future research directions[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  • Hemmati A, Rahmani A M. The Internet of Autonomous Things Applications: A taxonomy, technologies, and future directions[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100635. Link
  • Alam M M, Arafat M Y, Moh S, et al. Topology control algorithms in multi-unmanned aerial vehicle networks: An extensive survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103495. Link
  • Abdel-Basset M, Hawash H, Moustafa N. Toward Privacy Preserving Federated Learning In Internet of Vehicular Things: Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2022. Link
  • Arooj A, Farooq M S, Umer T. Unfolding the blockchain era: Timeline, evolution, types and real-world applications[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103511. Link
  • Cui Q, Hu X, Ni W, et al. Vehicular mobility patterns and their applications to Internet-of-Vehicles: a comprehensive survey[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(11): 1-42. Link
  • Avşar E, Mowla M N. Wireless communication protocols in smart agriculture: A review on applications, challenges and future trends[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102982. Link
  • Liaskos C, Tsioliaridou A, Georgopoulos K, et al. XR-RF Imaging Enabled by Software-Defined Metasurfaces and Machine Learning: Foundational Vision, Technologies and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  • Coronado E, Behravesh R, Subramanya T, et al. Zero Touch Management: A Survey of Network Automation Solutions for 5G and 6G Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link

October. 2022

  1. Peng H, Chen P C, Chen P H, et al. 6G toward Metaverse: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges[C]//2022 IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS). IEEE, 2022: 6-10. Link
  2. Ray P P. A review on 6G for space-air-ground integrated network: Key enablers, open challenges, and future direction[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  3. Osamy W, Khedr A M, Salim A, et al. A review on recent studies utilizing artificial intelligence methods for solving routing challenges in wireless sensor networks[J]. PeerJ Computer Science, 2022, 8: e1089. Link
  4. Mozaffariahrar E, Theoleyre F, Menth M. A Survey of Wi-Fi 6: Technologies, Advances, and Challenges[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(10): 293. Link
  5. Wu W, Wang X, Hawbani A, et al. A survey on ambient backscatter communications: Principles, systems, applications, and challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109235. Link
  6. Kim B S, Shah B, He T, et al. A survey on analytical models for dynamic resource management in wireless body area networks[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022, 135: 102936. Link
  7. Özyurt S, Coşkun A F, Büyükçorak S, et al. A Survey on Multiuser SWIPT Communications for 5G+[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  8. KANNO I, YAMAZAKI K, KISHI Y, et al. A Survey on Research Activities for Deploying Cell Free Massive MIMO towards beyond 5G[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2022: 2021MEI0001. Link
  9. Bhatti D S, Saleem S, Imran A, et al. A Survey on Wireless Wearable Body Area Networks: A Perspective of Technology and Economy[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(20): 7722. Link
  10. Alansari Z, Anuar N B, Kamsin A, et al. A systematic review of routing attacks detection in wireless sensor networks[J]. PeerJ Computer Science, 2022, 8: e1135. Link
  11. Zia K, Chiumento A, Havinga P. AI-Enabled Reliable QoS in Multi-RAT Wireless IoT Networks: Prospects, Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  12. Cvitić, I., Peraković, D., Periša, M. et al. An Overview of Smart Home IoT Trends and related Cybersecurity Challenges [J]. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2022. Link
  13. Rizvi S, Scanlon M, McGibney J, et al. Application of Artificial Intelligence to Network Forensics: Survey, Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  14. Azimi Y, Yousefi S, Kalbkhani H, et al. Applications of Machine Learning in Resource Management for RAN-Slicing in 5G and Beyond Networks: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  15. Qureshi J N, Farooq M S, Abid A, et al. Blockchain Applications for the Internet of Things: Systematic Review and Challenges[J]. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2022: 104632. Link
  16. Al-Ward H, Tan C K, Lim W H. Caching transient data in Information-Centric Internet-of-Things (IC-IoT) networks: A survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103491. Link
  17. Srivastava A, Fund F, Panwar S S. Coexistence of delay-based TCP congestion control: Challenges and opportunities[C]//2022 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR). IEEE, 2022: 43-48. Link
  18. Sharma P, Gillanders J. Cybersecurity and Forensics in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of the State-of-the-Art[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  19. Ozpoyraz B, Dogukan A T, Gevez Y, et al. Deep learning-aided 6G wireless networks: A comprehensive survey of revolutionary PHY architectures[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , 2022. Link
  20. Umer M, Sadiq S, Karamti H, et al. Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods in Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Trends[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(20): 3326. Link
  21. Ji X, Wu J, Jin L, et al. Discussion on a new paradigm of endogenous security towards 6G networks[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 1421-1450. Link
  22. Xia Z, Du J, Ren Y, et al. Distributed Artificial Intelligence Enabled Aerial-Ground Networks: Architecture, Technologies and Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  23. Kuruvatti N P, Habibi M A, Partani S, et al. Empowering 6G Communication Systems with Digital Twin Technology: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  24. Khalily M, Yurduseven O, Cui T J, et al. Engineered Electromagnetic Metasurfaces in Wireless Communications: Applications, Research Frontiers and Future Directions[J]. IEEE communications magazine, 2022. Link
  25. Charmet, F., Tanuwidjaja, H.C., Ayoubi, S. et al. Explainable artifcial intelligence for cybersecurity: a literature survey [J]. Annals of Telecommunications, 2022. Link
  26. John D M, Vincent S, Pathan S, et al. Flexible Antennas for a Sub-6 GHz 5G Band: A Comprehensive Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7615. Link
  27. Bukhari A, Hussain F K, Hussain O K. Fog node discovery and selection: A Systematic literature review[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
  28. Maddikunta P K R, Pham Q V, Nguyen D C, et al. Incentive techniques for the internet of things: a survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103464. Link
  29. Wang J, Varshney N, Gentile C, et al. Integrated Sensing and Communication: Enabling Techniques, Applications, Tools and Datasets, Standardization, and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  30. Bello O, Zeadally S. Internet of underwater things communication: Architecture, technologies, research challenges and future opportunities[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022, 135: 102933. Link
  31. Kashyap V, Kumar A. Load balancing techniques for fog computing environment: Comparison, taxonomy, open issues, and challenges[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022: e7183. Link
  32. Costa B, Bachiega Jr J, Carvalho L R, et al. Monitoring fog computing: A review, taxonomy and open challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109189. Link
  33. Sylla T, Mendiboure L, Maaloul S, et al. Multi-Connectivity for 5G Networks and Beyond: A Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7591. Link
  34. Ahmed N, Ngadi A, Sharif J M, et al. Network Threat Detection Using Machine/Deep Learning in SDN-Based Platforms: A Comprehensive Analysis of State-of-the-Art Solutions, Discussion, Challenges, and Future Research Direction[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(20): 7896. Link
  35. Hu J, Liu G, Li Y, et al. Off-Network Communications For Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems: Challenges and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022. Link
  36. Irram F, Ali M, Naeem M, et al. Physical layer security for beyond 5G/6G networks: Emerging technologies and future directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103431. Link
  37. Sharma H, Kumar N, Tekchandani R. Physical layer security using beamforming techniques for 5G and beyond networks: A systematic review[J]. Physical Communication, 2022: 101791. Link
  38. Mishra A, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part I: Principles, Applications and Future Works[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
  39. Yin L, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part II: Interplay with Integrated Sensing and Communications[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
  40. Li H, Mao Y, Dizdar O, et al. Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G--Part III: Interplay with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. Link
  41. Tedeschi P, Sciancalepore S, Di Pietro R. Satellite-based communications security: A survey of threats, solutions, and research challenges[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109246. Link
  42. Khan N A, Awang A, Karim S A B A. Security in Internet of Things: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  43. Chavhan S. Shift to 6G: Exploration on trends, vision, requirements, technologies, research, and standardization efforts[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 54: 102666. Link
  44. Tashtoush Y, Darweesh D, Karajeh O, et al. Survey on authentication and security protocols and schemes over 5G networks[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2022, 18(10): 15501329221126609. Link
  45. Judvaitis J, Abolins V, Mednis A, et al. The Definitive Guide to Actual Sensor Network Deployments in Research Studies from 2013–2017: A Systematic Review[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 68. Link
  46. Silveira L B D, de Resende H C, Both C B, et al. Tutorial on communication between access networks and the 5G core[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109301. Link
  47. Rehman B U, Babar M I, Ahmad A W, et al. Uplink non-orthogonal multiple access in heterogeneous networks: A review of recent advances and open research challenges[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2022, 18(10): 15501329221132496. Link
  48. Yaghoubi M, Ahmed K, Miao Y. Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN): A Survey on Architecture, Technologies, Energy Consumption, and Security Challenges[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 67. Link

September. 2022

  1. Banda L, Mzyece M, Mekuria F. 5G Business Models for Mobile Network Operators–A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  2. Segura D, Munilla J, Khatib E J, et al. 5G Early Data Transmission (Rel-16): Security Review and Open Issues[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  3. Li Q, Ding Z, Tong X, et al. 6G Cloud-native System: Vision, Challenges, Architecture Framework and Enabling Technologies[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  4. Cheng N, He J, Yin Z, et al. 6G service-oriented space-air-ground integrated network: A survey[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022. Link
  5. Loktongbam P, Pal D, Bandyopadhyay A K, et al. A Brief Review on mm-Wave Antennas for 5G and Beyond Applications[J]. IETE Technical Review, 2022: 1-26. Link
  6. Khan Z U, Gang Q, Muhammad A, et al. A Comprehensive Survey of Energy-Efficient MAC and Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(19): 3015. Link
  7. Shastri A, Valecha N, Bashirov E, et al. A Review of Millimeter Wave Device-based Localization and Device-free Sensing Technologies and Applications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  8. Xiao W, Luo Z, Hu Q. A Review of Research on Signal Modulation Recognition Based on Deep Learning[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(17): 2764. Link
  9. Alozie E, Abdulkarim A, Abdullahi I, et al. A Review on Rain Signal Attenuation Modeling, Analysis and Validation Techniques: Advances, Challenges and Future Direction[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(18): 11744. Link
  10. Ray P P. A survey on cognitive packet networks: Taxonomy, state-of-the-art, recurrent neural networks, and QoS metrics[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  11. Kim S, Park K J, Lu C. A Survey on Network Security for Cyber–Physical Systems: From Threats to Resilient Design[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, 24(3): 1534-1573. Link
  12. Abdul Ghaffar A A, Mahmoud A, Sheltami T, et al. A Survey on Software-Defined Networking-Based 5G Mobile Core Architectures[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022: 1-18. Link
  13. McEnroe P, Wang S, Liyanage M. A Survey on the Convergence of Edge Computing and AI for UAVs: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  14. Jayaraj I A, Shanmugam B, Azam S, et al. A Systematic Review of Radio Frequency Threats in IoMT[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 62. Link
  15. Alomari M F, Mahmoud M A, Ramli R. A Systematic Review on the Energy Efficiency of Dynamic Clustering in a Heterogeneous Environment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(18): 2837. Link
  16. Hajisami A, Lansford J, Dingankar A, et al. A Tutorial on the LTE-V2X Direct Communication[J]. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2022. Link
  17. Hashesh A O, Hashima S, Zaki R M, et al. AI-Enabled UAV Communications: Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  18. Gomes R, Vieira D, de Castro M F. Application of Meta-Heuristics in 5G Network Slicing: A Systematic Review of the Literature[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(18): 6724. Link
  19. Shehzad M K, Rose L, Butt M M, et al. Artificial Intelligence for 6G Networks: Technology Advancement and Standardization[J]. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2022. Link
  20. Cheng X, Huang Z, Bai L. Channel Nonstationarity and Consistency for Beyond 5G and 6G: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, 24(3): 1634-1669. Link
  21. Olatinwo S O, Joubert T H. Deep Learning for Resource Management in Internet of Things Networks: A Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  22. Mach P, Becvar Z. Device-to-Device Relaying: Optimization, Performance Perspectives, and Open Challenges Towards 6G Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, 24(3): 1336-1393. Link
  23. Alcaraz C, Lopez J. Digital Twin: A Comprehensive Survey of Security Threats[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  24. Garofalaki Z, Kosmanos D, Moschoyiannis S, et al. Electric Vehicle Charging: a Survey on the Security Issues and Challenges of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP)[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  25. Jiang X, Sheng M, Nan Z, et al. Green UAV communications for 6G: A survey[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(9): 19-34. Link
  26. Taimoor S, Ferdouse L, Ejaz W. Holistic resource management in UAV-assisted wireless networks: An optimization perspective[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103439. Link
  27. Sun Q, Hui N, Zhou Y, et al. How to Isolate Non-Public Networks in B5G: A Review[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(19): 9771. Link
  28. Alzubaidi O T H, Hindia M H D N, Dimyati K, et al. Interference Challenges and Management in B5G Network Design: A Comprehensive Review[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(18): 2842. Link
  29. Tang Q, Yu F R, Xie R, et al. Internet of Intelligence: A Survey on the Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  30. de Souza C A, Westphall C B, Machado R B, et al. Intrusion detection and prevention in fog based IoT environments: A systematic literature review[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109154. Link
  31. Rathore R S, Hewage C, Kaiwartya O, et al. In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(17): 6679. Link
  32. Le H D, Pham A T. Link-Layer Retransmission-based Error-Control Protocols in FSO Communications: A Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, 24(3): 1602-1633. Link
  33. Soni D, Kumar N. Machine learning techniques in emerging cloud computing integrated paradigms: A survey and taxonomy[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103419. Link
  34. Qiu Y, Niu J, Zhu X, et al. Mobile Edge Computing in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Architectures, Key Technologies and Challenges[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(4): 57. Link
  35. Wang Z, Gupta R, Han K, et al. Mobility Digital Twin: Concept, Architecture, Case Study, and Future Challenges[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  36. Li J, Niu Y, Wu H, et al. Mobility Support for Millimeter Wave Communications: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  37. Ye J, Qiao J, Kammoun A, et al. Non-terrestrial communications assisted by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2022. Link
  38. Chander B, Kumaravelan G. Outlier detection strategies for WSNs: A survey[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022, 34(8): 5684-5707. Link
  39. Du H, Kang J, Niyato D, et al. Reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided joint radar and covert communications: Fundamentals, optimization, and challenges[J]. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2022, 17(3): 54-64. Link
  40. Samanta R K, Sadhukhan B, Samaddar H, et al. Scope of machine learning applications for addressing the challenges in next‐generation wireless networks[J]. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 2022. Link
  41. Barakabitze A A, Walshe R. SDN and NFV for QoE-driven multimedia services delivery: The road towards 6G and beyond networks[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 214: 109133. Link
  42. Abbasi M, Plaza-Hernández M, Prieto J, et al. Security in the Internet of Things application layer: requirements, threats and solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  43. Ahmad I, Suomalainen J, Porambage P, et al. Security of Satellite-Terrestrial Communications: Challenges and Potential Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  44. Sarkar S, Choudhary G, Shandilya S K, et al. Security of Zero Trust Networks in Cloud Computing: A Comparative Review[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(18): 11213. Link
  45. Yaseen F A, Alkhalidi N A, Al-Raweshidy H S. SHE Networks: Security, Health, and Emergency Networks Traffic Priority Management Based on ML and SDN[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  46. Liaskos C, Mamatas L, Pourdamghani A, et al. Software-Defined Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: From Theory to End-to-End Implementation[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2022. Link
  47. Harrabi S, Jaafar I B, Ghedira K. Survey on IoV Routing Protocols[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-21. Link
  48. Kumari N, Yadav A, Jana P K. Task offloading in fog computing: A survey of algorithms and optimization techniques[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 214: 109137. Link
  49. Mohammadi R, Akleylek S, Ghaffari A, et al. Taxonomy of traffic engineering mechanisms in software-defined networks: a survey[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-28. Link
  50. Han C, Wang Y, Li Y, et al. Terahertz wireless channels: A holistic survey on measurement, modeling, and analysis[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, 24(3): 1670-1707. Link
  51. Kaur J, Ramkumar K R. The recent trends in cyber security: A review[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  52. Danba S, Bao J, Han G, et al. Toward collaborative intelligence in IoV systems: recent advances and open issues[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(18): 6995. Link
  53. Fiandrino C, Attanasio G, Fiore M, et al. Toward native explainable and robust AI in 6G networks: Current state, challenges and road ahead[J]. Computer Communications, 2022, 193: 47-52. Link
  54. Wei Z, Zhu M, Zhang N, et al. UAV Assisted Data Collection for Internet of Things: A Survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link

August. 2022

  1. Ramirez R, Huang C Y, Liang S H. 5G Digital Twin: A Study of Enabling Technologies[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(15): 7794. Link
  2. Kumar A, Saha R, Conti M, et al. A comprehensive survey of authentication methods in Internet-of-Things and its conjunctions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103414. Link
  3. Al Kassir H, Zaharis Z D, Lazaridis P I, et al. A Review of the State of the Art and Future Challenges of Deep Learning-Based Beamforming[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  4. Rahman M S, Islam M A, Uddin M A, et al. A survey of blockchain-based IoT eHealthcare: Applications, research issues, and challenges[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100551. Link
  5. Mohammadpour L, Ling T C, Liew C S, et al. A Survey of CNN-Based Network Intrusion Detection[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(16): 8162. Link
  6. Tsao K Y, Girdler T, Vassilakis V G. A survey of cyber security threats and solutions for UAV communications and flying ad-hoc networks[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102894. Link
  7. Ogbodo E U, Abu-Mahfouz A M, Kurien A M. A Survey on 5G and LPWAN-IoT for Improved Smart Cities and Remote Area Applications: From the Aspect of Architecture and Security[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(16): 6313. Link
  8. Bhuyan M, Kashihara S, Fall D, et al. A survey on blockchain, SDN and NFV for the smart-home security[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100588. Link
  9. Cisneros J C, Yangui S, Hernandez S E P, et al. A Survey on Distributed NFV Multi-Domain Orchestration From an Algorithmic Functional Perspective[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022. Link
  10. Shi Y, Alsusa E, Baidas M W. A survey on downlink-uplink decoupled access: Advances, challenges, and open problems[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109040. Link
  11. Williams P, Dutta I K, Daoud H, et al. A survey on security in internet of things with a focus on the impact of emerging technologies[J]. Internet of Things, 2022, 19: 100564. Link
  12. Ahmed F, Jenihhin M. A Survey on UAV Computing Platforms: A Hardware Reliability Perspective[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(16): 6286. Link
  13. van der Toorn O, Müller M, Dickinson S, et al. Addressing the challenges of modern DNS a comprehensive tutorial[J]. Computer Science Review, 2022, 45: 100469. Link
  14. Yaacoub J P A, Noura H N, Salman O, et al. Advanced digital forensics and anti-digital forensics for IoT systems: Techniques, limitations and recommendations[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100544. Link
  15. Pioli L, Dorneles C F, de Macedo D D J, et al. An overview of data reduction solutions at the edge of IoT systems: a systematic mapping of the literature[J]. Computing, 2022: 1-23. Link
  16. Ismail L, Buyya R. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Self-Learning 6G Networks for Smart Cities Digital Ecosystems: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Future Directions[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5750. Link
  17. Gurzhii A, Islam A K M N, Haque A B, et al. Blockchain enabled digital transformation: a systematic literature review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  18. Rosendo D, Costan A, Valduriez P, et al. Distributed intelligence on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum: A systematic literature review[J]. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2022. Link
  19. Chaâri R, Cheikhrouhou O, Koubâa A, et al. Dynamic computation offloading for ground and flying robots: Taxonomy, state of art, and future directions[J]. Computer Science Review, 2022, 45: 100488. Link
  20. Zheng Y, Li Z, Xu X, et al. Dynamic defenses in cyber security: Techniques, methods and challenges[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  21. Malik U M, Javed M A, Zeadally S, et al. Energy efficient fog computing for 6G enabled massive IoT: Recent trends and future opportunities[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  22. Kumar A, de Jesus Pacheco D A, Kaushik K, et al. Futuristic view of the internet of quantum drones: review, challenges and research agenda[J]. Vehicular Communications, 2022: 100487. Link
  23. Ivanov A, Tonchev K, Poulkov V, et al. Graph-Based Resource Allocation for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Communications[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5778. Link
  24. Martins I, Resende J S, Sousa P R, et al. Host-based IDS: A review and open issues of an anomaly detection system in IoT[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
  25. Chatterjee A, Ahmed B S. IoT anomaly detection methods and applications: A survey[J]. Internet of Things, 2022, 19: 100568. Link
  26. Mirani A A, Velasco-Hernandez G, Awasthi A, et al. Key Challenges and Emerging Technologies in Industrial IoT Architectures: A Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5836. Link
  27. Chilamkurthy N S, Pandey O J, Ghosh A, et al. Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: A Broad Overview of its Different Aspects[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  28. Khan T, Tian W, Zhou G, et al. Machine learning (ML)–Centric resource management in cloud computing: A review and future directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103405. Link
  29. Singh J, Wazid M, Das A K, et al. Machine learning security attacks and defense approaches for emerging cyber physical applications: A comprehensive survey[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  30. Bzai J, Alam F, Dhafer A, Bojović M, Altowaijri SM, Niazi IK, Mehmood R. Machine Learning-Enabled Internet of Things (IoT): Data, Applications, and Industry Perspective. Electronics. 2022; 11(17):2676. Link
  31. Altahrawi M A, Abdullah N F, Nordin R, et al. Multi-Radio Access Software-Defined Vehicular Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  32. Ghafoor U, Ali M, Khan H Z, et al. NOMA and future 5G & B5G wireless networks: A paradigm[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103413. Link
  33. Thyagaturu A S, Shantharama P, Nasrallah A, et al. Operating Systems and Hypervisors for Network Functions: A Survey of Enabling Technologies and Research Studies[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  34. Illiano J, Caleffi M, Manzalini A, et al. Quantum Internet Protocol Stack: a Comprehensive Survey[J]. Computer Networks, 2022. Link
  35. Jie S, ZHANG P, ALKUBATI M, et al. Research advances on blockchain-as-a-service: Architectures, applications and challenges[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  36. Velasquez K, Abreu D P, Curado M, et al. Resource orchestration in 5G and beyond: Challenges and opportunities[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  37. der Boor M V, Borst S C, Van Leeuwaarden J S H, et al. Scalable load balancing in networked systems: A survey of recent advances[J]. SIAM Review, 2022, 64(3): 554-622. Link
  38. Mannix K, Gorey A, O’Shea D, et al. Sensor Network Environments: A Review of the Attacks and Trust Management Models for Securing Them[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(3): 43. Link
  39. Sheng J, Cai X, Li Q, et al. Space-air-ground integrated network development and applications in high-speed railways: A survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  40. Tang F, Chen X, Rodrigues T K, et al. Survey on Digital Twin Edge Networks (DITEN) towards 6G[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  41. Pourrahmani H, Yavarinasab A, Zahedi R, et al. The applications of Internet of Things in the automotive industry: a review of the batteries, fuel cells, and engines[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100579. Link
  42. Rejeb A, Rejeb K, Simske S, et al. The big picture on the internet of things and the smart city: a review of what we know and what we need to know[J]. Internet of Things, 2022, 19: 100565. Link
  43. Altun U, Kurt G K, Ozdemir E. The Magic of Superposition: A Survey on Simultaneous Transmission Based Wireless Systems[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  44. Iliadis L A, Zaharis Z D, Sotiroudis S, et al. The road to 6G: a comprehensive survey of deep learning applications in cell-free massive MIMO communications systems[J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2022, 2022(1): 1-16. Link
  45. Nguyen C T, Van Huynh N, Chu N H, et al. Transfer Learning for Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2022. Link
  46. Szott S, Kosek-Szott K, Gawłowicz P, et al. WiFi Meets ML: A Survey on Improving IEEE 802.11 Performance with Machine Learning[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  47. El Khediri S. Wireless sensor networks: a survey, categorization, main issues, and future orientations for clustering protocols[J]. Computing, 2022: 1-63. Link

July. 2022

  1. Moussaoui M, Bertin E, Crespi N. 5G shortcomings and Beyond-5G/6G requirements[C]//International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet). 2022. Link
  2. Khalil U, Malik O A, Uddin M, et al. A Comparative Analysis on Blockchain versus Centralized Authentication Architectures for IoT-Enabled Smart Devices in Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Review, Recent Advances, and Future Research Directions[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(14): 5168. Link
  3. Song Z, Qin X, Hao Y, et al. A comprehensive survey on aerial mobile edge computing: Challenges, state-of-the-art, and future directions[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  4. Chaudhary R, Aujla G S, Kumar N, et al. A comprehensive survey on software‐defined networking for smart communities[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022: e5296. Link
  5. Jin H, Gregory M A, Li S. A Review of Intelligent Computation Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  6. Aboubakar M, Kellil M, Roux P. A review of IoT network management: Current status and perspectives[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  7. Yang W, Wang S, Yin X, et al. A Review on Security Issues and Solutions of the Internet of Drones[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2022. Link
  8. Tan J, Sha X, Lu T, et al. A Short Survey on Future Research of AI and IoT Technologies[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 190-195. Link
  9. Jo H J, Choi W. A Survey of Attacks on Controller Area Networks and Corresponding Countermeasures[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  10. Sun X, Yu F R, Zhang P. A survey on cyber-security of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  11. Macas M, Wu C, Fuertes W. A survey on deep learning for cybersecurity: Progress, challenges, and opportunities[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109032. Link
  12. Balarezo J F, Wang S, Chavez K G, et al. A survey on DoS/DDoS attacks mathematical modelling for traditional, SDN and virtual networks[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2021. Link
  13. Gupta A, Gupta S K. A survey on green unmanned aerial vehicles‐based fog computing: Challenges and future perspective[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022, e4603. Link
  14. Jesus T C, Costa D G, Portugal P, et al. A Survey on Monitoring Quality Assessment for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(7): 213. Link
  15. Ahmed M, Raza S, Mirza M A, et al. A Survey on Vehicular Task Offloading: Classification, Issues, and Challenges[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  16. Jebril A H, Rashid R A. A systematic literature review on downlink frames in LoRaWAN[J]. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2022, 101: 108006. Link
  17. Arthurs P, Gillam L, Krause P, et al. A taxonomy and survey of edge cloud computing for intelligent transportation systems and connected vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  18. Uribe J J R, Guillen E P, Cardoso L S. A technical review of wireless security for the internet of things: Software defined radio perspective[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  19. Verma A, Bhattacharya P, Madhani N, et al. Blockchain for Industry 5.0: Vision, Opportunities, Key Enablers, and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  20. Namane S, Dhaou I B. Blockchain-Based Access Control Techniques for IoT Applications[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(14): 2225. Link
  21. Bagga P, Das A K, Chamola V, et al. Blockchain-envisioned access control for internet of things applications: a comprehensive survey and future directions[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-49. Link
  22. Narayanan A, Korium M, Melgarejo D C, et al. Collective Intelligence using 5G: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges in Sociotechnical Environments[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  23. Fedorchenko E, Novikova E, Shulepov A. Comparative Review of the Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Federated Learning: Advantages and Open Challenges[J]. Algorithms, 2022, 15(7): 247. Link
  24. Alsamhi S H, Shvetsov A V, Kumar S, et al. Computing in the Sky: A Survey on Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing for UAV-Assisted 6G Networks and Industry 4.0/5.0[J]. Drones, 2022, 6(7): 177. Link
  25. Ahmad I, AlFailakawi M G, AlMutawa A, et al. Container scheduling techniques: A Survey and assessment[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  26. Al-Saedi A A, Boeva V, Casalicchio E, et al. Context-Aware Edge-Based AI Models for Wireless Sensor Networks—An Overview[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5544. Link
  27. Wang J, Liu J. Deep Learning for Securing Software-defined Industrial Internet of Things: Attacks and Countermeasures[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  28. Ashraf M, Shiraz M, Abbasi A, et al. Distributed application execution in fog computing: A taxonomy, challenges and future directions[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  29. Douch S, Abid M R, Zine-Dine K, et al. Edge Computing Technology Enablers: A Systematic Lecture Study[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  30. Pérez P, Gonzalez-Sosa E, Gutiérrez J, et al. Emerging Immersive Communication Systems: Overview, Taxonomy, and Good Practises for QoE Assessment[J]. Frontiers in Signal Processing, 2022. Link
  31. Behera T M, Samal U C, Mohapatra S K, et al. Energy-Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures, Strategies, and Performance[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(15): 2282. Link
  32. Zorgati H, Djemaa R B, Amor I A B. Finding Internet of Things resources: A state-of-the-art study[J]. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2022, 140: 102025. Link
  33. Yang Q, Zhao Y, Huang H, et al. Fusing blockchain and AI with metaverse: A survey[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2022. Link
  34. Boopalan P, Ramu S P, Pham Q V, et al. Fusion of Federated Learning and Industrial Internet of Things: A survey[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109048. Link
  35. Chi C, Wang Y, Tong X, et al. Game Theory in Internet of Things: A Survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  36. Leng Z, Wang K, Zheng Y, et al. Hyperledger for IoT: A Review of Reconstruction Diagrams Perspective[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(14): 2200. Link
  37. BEKRI W, LAYEB T, Rihab J, et al. Intelligent IoT Systems: security issues, attacks, and countermeasures[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 231-236. Link
  38. Jameii S M, Zamirnaddafi R S, Rezabakhsh R. Internet of Flying Things security: A systematic review[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022, e7213. Link
  39. Boubakri A, Gammar S M. Inter-Platoons Communication in Autonomous Vehicles: A survey[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 1154-1159. Link
  40. Shafiq D A, Jhanjhi N Z, Abdullah A. Load balancing techniques in cloud computing environment: A review[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  41. Darwish T, Kurt G K, Yanikomeroglu H, et al. Location Management in Internet Protocol-based Future LEO Satellite Networks: A Review[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  42. Chen J, Gao Y, Zhou Y, et al. Machine Learning enabled Wireless Communication Network System[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 1285-1289. Link
  43. Wang F, Wang H, Ranjbar Dehghan O. Machine Learning Techniques and Big Data Analysis for Internet of Things Applications: A Review Study[J]. Cybernetics and Systems, 2022: 1-41. Link
  44. Aljeri N, Boukerche A. Mobility management in space-ground-integrated networks[J]. Computing, 2022: 1-14. Link
  45. DEBBABI F, Rihab J, CHAARI L, et al. Overview of AI-based Algorithms for Network Slicing Resource Management in B5G and 6G[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 330-335. Link
  46. Li Z, Wang S, Lin Q, et al. Phase Shift Design in RIS Empowered Wireless Networks: From Optimization to AI-Based Methods[J]. Network, 2022, 2(3): 398-418. Link
  47. PAUL B, SERTEL K, NAHAR N K. Photonic Beamforming for 5G and Beyond: A Review of True Time Delay Devices Enabling Ultra-Wideband Beamforming for mmWave Communications[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  48. Yang X, Shu L, Liu Y, et al. Physical Security and Safety of IoT Equipment: A Survey of Recent Advances and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(7): 4319-4330. Link
  49. Matracia M, Saeed N, Kishk M A, et al. Post-Disaster Communications: Enabling Technologies, Architectures, and Open Challenges[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  50. Sadhu P K, Yanambaka V P, Abdelgawad A, et al. Prospect of Internet of Medical Things: A Review on Security Requirements and Solutions[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5517. Link
  51. Al-Sulaifanie A I, Al-Sulaifanie B K, Biswas S. Recent trends in clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review[J]. Computer Communications, 2022. Link
  52. Jiao H, Liu H, Wang Z. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces aided Wireless Communication: Key Technologies and Challenges[C]//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 1364-1368. Link
  53. Jiang X, Yu F R, Song T, et al. Resource allocation of video streaming over vehicular networks: a survey, some research issues and challenges[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  54. Xiao Z, Chen Y, Jiang H, et al. Resource management in UAV-assisted MEC: state-of-the-art and open challenges[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-18. Link
  55. Hussain M, Shah N, Amin R, et al. Software-Defined Networking: Categories, Analysis, and Future Directions[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5551. Link
  56. Karstensen A, Kolding T, Rosa C, et al. Spectrum for Private Networks: Challenges and Opportunities–A Case Study based on Danish Regulation[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  57. Idris S, Karunathilake T, Förster A. Survey and Comparative Study of LoRa-Enabled Simulators for Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5546. Link
  58. Barros T G F, Neto E F D S, Neto J A D S, et al. The Anatomy of IoT Platforms—A Systematic Multivocal Mapping Study[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 72758-72772. Link
  59. Siddiqui S, Hameed S, Shah S A, et al. Towards Software-Defined Networking-based IoT Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review, Taxonomy, Open Challenges and Prospects[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  60. Gomez J, Kfoury E F, Crichigno J, et al. A survey on TCP enhancements using P4-programmable devices[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 109030. Link
  61. Zhao Y, Xu K, Li Q, et al. Intelligent networking in adversarial environment: challenges and opportunities[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(7): 1-11. Link
  62. Sharfeen B, Jangsher S, Al-Dweik A. URLLC and eMBB in 5G Industrial IoT: A Survey[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link

June. 2022

  1. Kishore N, Senapati A. 5G smart antenna for IoT application: A review[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, e5241. Link
  2. Alavikia Z, Shabro M. A comprehensive layered approach for implementing internet of things-enabled smart grid: A survey[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  3. Arumugam, S., Manoharan, S., Bhaskar, V. et al. A Comprehensive Review on Automotive Antennas for Short Range Radar Communications. Wireless Pers Commun (2022). Link
  4. Yang Y, Wang H, Jiang R, et al. A review of iot-enabled mobile healthcare: Technologies, challenges, and future trends[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  5. Salek M S, Khan S M, Rahman M, et al. A Review on Cybersecurity of Cloud Computing for Supporting Connected Vehicle Applications[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(11): 8250-8268. Link
  6. Rasori M, La Manna M, Perazzo P, et al. A Survey on Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes Suitable for the Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  7. Karim F A, Mohd Aman A H, Hassan R, et al. A Survey on Information-Centric Networking with Cloud Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, 2022. Link
  8. Antwi R, Gadze J D, Tchao E T, et al. A Survey on Network Optimization Techniques for Blockchain Systems[J]. Algorithms, 2022, 15(6): 193. Link
  9. Sun J, Zhang Y, Liu F, et al. A survey on the placement of virtual network functions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103361. Link
  10. He Y, Huang D, Chen L, et al. A Survey on Zero Trust Architecture: Challenges and Future Trends[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, 2022. Link
  11. Jamalipour A, Murali S. A taxonomy of machine learning based intrusion detection systems for the internet of things: A survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  12. Chaturvedi S, Liu Z, Bohara V A, et al. A Tutorial on Decoding Techniques of Sparse Code Multiple Access[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  13. Pham Q V, Ruby R, Fang F, et al. Aerial Computing: A New Computing Paradigm, Applications, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(11): 8339-8363. Link
  14. Zheng J, Dike C, Pancari S, et al. An In-Depth Review on Blockchain Simulators for IoT Environments[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(6): 182. Link
  15. Qiu H, Zhu K, Luong N C, et al. Applications of auction and mechanism design in edge computing: A survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2022. Link
  16. Farhana Ajaz, Mohd Naseem, Sparsh Sharma, et al. Architecture and routing protocols for internet of vehicles: a review. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 2022 40:1-3, 159-175. Link
  17. Rani R, Khurana M, Kumar A, et al. Big data dimensionality reduction techniques in IoT: review, applications and open research challenges[J]. Cluster Computing, 2022: 1-23. Link
  18. Liao Z, Pang X, Zhang J, et al. Blockchain on security and forensics management in edge computing for iot: A comprehensive survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022. Link
  19. Alamri B, Crowley K, Richardson I. Blockchain-Based Identity Management Systems in Health IoT: A Systematic Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  20. Zhu C, Zhu X, Ren J, et al. Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning for UAV Edge Computing Network: Issues and Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  21. Musa S S, Zennaro M, Libsie M, et al. Convergence of Information-Centric Networks and Edge Intelligence for IoV: Challenges and Future Directions[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(7): 1-32. Link
  22. Cao X, Li Y, Xiong X, et al. Dynamic Routings in Satellite Networks: An Overview[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(12): 4552. Link
  23. Hayyolalam V, Aloqaily M, Özkasap Ö, et al. Edge-assisted solutions for IoT-based connected healthcare systems: a literature review[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  24. Abbas M T, Grinnemo K J, Eklund J, et al. Energy-Saving Solutions for Cellular Internet of Things-A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  25. Smolka S, Mann Z Á. Evaluation of fog application placement algorithms: A survey[J]. Computing, 2022: 1-27. Link
  26. Basharat S, Khan M, Iqbal M, et al. Exploring reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for 6G: State‐of‐the‐art and the road ahead[J]. IET Communications, 2022. Link
  27. Hosseinzadeh M, Hemmati A, Rahmani A M. Federated learning‐based IoT: A systematic literature review[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022: e5185. Link
  28. Kornaros G. Hardware-assisted Machine Learning in Resource-constrained IoT Environments for Security: Review and Future Prospective[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  29. Mahmood A, Beltramelli L, Abedin S F, et al. Industrial IoT in 5G-and-beyond networks: Vision, architecture, and design trends[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(6): 4122-4137. Link
  30. Liu F, Cui Y, Masouros C, et al. Integrated sensing and communications: Towards dual-functional wireless networks for 6G and beyond[J]. IEEE journal on selected areas in communications, 2022. Link
  31. Fatima N, Saxena P, Gupta M. Integration of multi access edge computing with unmanned aerial vehicles: Current techniques, open issues and research directions[J]. Physical Communication, 2022, 52: 101641. Link
  32. Zhu Y, Mao B, Kato N. Intelligent Reflecting Surface in 6G Vehicular Communications: A Survey[J]. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2022, 3: 266-277. Link
  33. Sunhare P, Chowdhary R R, Chattopadhyay M K. Internet of things and data mining: An application oriented survey[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  34. Shirvanian N, Shams M, Rahmani A M. Internet of Things data management: A systematic literature review, vision, and future trends[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, e5267. Link
  35. Matheen M A, Sundar S. IoT Multimedia Sensors for Energy Efficiency and Security: A Review of QoS Aware and Methods in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks[J]. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 2022: 1-12. Link
  36. Ahmad R, Wazirali R, Abu-Ain T. Machine Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks Security: An Overview of Challenges and Issues[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(13): 4730. Link
  37. Bian J, Al Arafat A, Xiong H, et al. Machine Learning in Real-Time Internet of Things (IoT) Systems: A Survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(11): 8364-8386. Link
  38. Zoure M, Ahmed T, Réveillére L. Network Services Anomalies in NFV: Survey, Taxonomy, and Verification Methods[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022. Link
  39. Goulart A, Chennamaneni A, Torre D, et al. On Wide-Area IoT Networks, Lightweight Security and Their Applications—A Practical Review[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(11): 1762. Link
  40. Xia N, Wang C, Peng H, et al. Optimization algorithms in wireless monitoring networks: A survey[J]. Neurocomputing, 2022. Link
  41. Muscinelli E, Shinde S S, Tarchi D. Overview of Distributed Machine Learning Techniques for 6G Networks[J]. Algorithms, 2022, 15(6): 210. Link
  42. Mogyorósi F, Revisnyei P, Pašić A, et al. Positioning in 5G and 6G Networks—A Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(13): 4757. Link
  43. Mall P, Amin R, Das A K, et al. PUF-based authentication and key agreement protocols for IoT, WSNs and smart grids: a comprehensive survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  44. Sehla K, Nguyen T M T, Pujolle G, et al. Resource Allocation Modes in C-V2X: From LTE-V2X to 5G-V2X[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  45. Liu J, Ahmed M, Mirza M A, et al. RL/DRL meets vehicular task offloading using edge and vehicular cloudlet: A survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(11): 8315-8338. Link
  46. Ahmed N, Bakar K A, Zuhra F T, et al. Security & Privacy in Software Defined Networks, Issues, Challenges and Cost of Developed Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review[J]. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 2022: 1-27. Link
  47. Akyildiz I F, Han C, Hu Z, et al. Terahertz band communication: An old problem revisited and research directions for the next decade[J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022. Link
  48. Dinis H, Rocha J, Matos T, et al. The Challenge of Long-Distance Over-the-Air Wireless Links in the Ocean: A Survey on Water-to-Water and Water-to-Land MIoT Communication[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(13): 6439. Link
  49. Zaman U, Mehmood F, Iqbal N, et al. Towards Secure and Intelligent Internet of Health Things: A Survey of Enabling Technologies and Applications[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(12): 1893. Link
  50. González-Ramos J, Uribe-Pérez N, Sendin A, et al. Upgrading the Power Grid Functionalities with Broadband Power Line Communications: Basis, Applications, Current Trends and Challenges[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(12): 4348. Link
  51. Mahmood A, Abedin S F, Sauter T, et al. Factory 5G: A Review of Industry-Centric Features and Deployment Options[J]. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2022. Link
  52. Fazeldehkordi E, Grønli T M. A Survey of Security Architectures for Edge Computing-Based IoT[J]. IoT, 2022, 3(3): 332-365. Link
  53. Atzeni D, Bacciu D, Mazzei D, et al. A Systematic Review of Wi-Fi and Machine Learning Integration with Topic Modeling Techniques[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(13): 4925. Link
  54. Lima B K S, de Sena A S, Dinis R, et al. Aerial Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces in MIMO-NOMA Networks: Fundamentals, Potential Achievements, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  55. Han H, Yan Z, Jing X, et al. Applications of sketches in network traffic measurement: A survey[J]. Information Fusion, 2022, 82: 58-85. Link
  56. Alabadi M, Habbal A, Wei X. Industrial Internet of Things: Requirements, Architecture, Challenges, and Future Research Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  57. Domeke A, Cimoli B, Monroy I T. Integration of Network Slicing and Machine Learning into Edge Networks for Low-Latency Services in 5G and beyond Systems[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(13): 6617. Link
  58. Li B, Wang T, Yang P, et al. Rethinking Data Center Networks: Machine Learning Enables Network Intelligence[J]. Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2022, 7(2): 157-169. Link
  59. Arnaz A, Lipman J, Abolhasan M, et al. Towards Integrating Intelligence and Programmability in Open Radio Access Networks: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link

May. 2022

  1. Alladi T, Chamola V, Sahu N, et al. A Comprehensive Survey on the Applications of Blockchain for Securing Vehicular Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  2. Verma A, Saha R, Kumar N, et al. A detailed survey of denial of service for IoT and multimedia systems: Past, present and futuristic development[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022: 1-66. Link
  3. Laghari A A, Wu K, Laghari R A, et al. A review and state of art of Internet of Things (IoT)[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022: 1395-1413. Link
  4. Gunjan. A Review on Multi-objective Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Nature Inspired Meta-heuristic Algorithms. Neural Processing Letters (2022). Link
  5. Maurya P, Singh A, Kherani A A. A review: spreading factor allocation schemes for LoRaWAN[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2022: 1-20. Link
  6. Balkus S V, Wang H, Cornet B D, et al. A Survey of Collaborative Machine Learning Using 5G Vehicular Communications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  7. Wu Y, Dai H N, Wang H, et al. A Survey of Intelligent Network Slicing Management for Industrial IoT: Integrated Approaches for Smart Transportation, Smart Energy, and Smart Factory[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  8. Huang Y X, Chou J. A Survey of NFV Network Acceleration from ETSI Perspective[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(9): 1457. Link
  9. Angueira P, Val I, Montalbán J, et al. A Survey of Physical Layer Techniques for Secure Wireless Communications in Industry[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  10. Zheng B, You C, Mei W, et al. A survey on channel estimation and practical passive beamforming design for intelligent reflecting surface aided wireless communications[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  11. Liu A, Huang Z, Li M, et al. A survey on fundamental limits of integrated sensing and communication[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  12. Ssimbwa J, Lim B, Lee J H, et al. A Survey on Robust Modulation Requirements for the Next Generation Personal Satellite Communications[J]. Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  13. Sciullo L, Gigli L, Montori F, et al. A Survey on the Web of Things[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  14. Bansal S, Aggarwal H, Aggarwal M. A systematic review of task scheduling approaches in fog computing[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022: e4523. Link
  15. LIU S, Cheng P, Chen Z, et al. A Tutorial on Bandit Learning and Its Applications in 5G Mobile Edge Computing[J]. Frontiers in Signal Processing, 2022. Link
  16. Moltchanov D, Sopin E, Begishev V, et al. A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling of 5G/6G Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Cellular Systems[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  17. Viet P Q, Romero D. Aerial base station placement: A tutorial introduction[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(5): 44-49. Link
  18. Bilen T, Canberk B, Sharma V, et al. AI-Driven Aeronautical Ad Hoc Networks for 6G Wireless: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Road Ahead[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(10): 3731. Link
  19. Xiao L, Li S, Qian Y, et al. An Overview of OTFS for Internet of Things: Concepts, Benefits and Challenges[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  20. Li T, Zhu K, Luong N C, et al. Applications of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Future Internet: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  21. Ferko E, Bucaioni A, Behnam M. Architecting Digital Twins[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  22. Marrero L M, Merlano-Duncan J C, Querol J, et al. Architectures and Synchronization Techniques for Distributed Satellite Systems: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 45375-45409. Link
  23. Rahmani M K I, Shuaib M, Alam S, et al. Blockchain-Based Trust Management Framework for Cloud Computing-Based Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): A Systematic Review[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 2022. Link
  24. Vaezi M, Azari A, Khosravirad S R, et al. Cellular, wide-area, and non-terrestrial IoT: A survey on 5G advances and the road towards 6G[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  25. Menaka D, Gauni S, Manimegalai C T, et al. Challenges and vision of wireless optical and acoustic communication in underwater environment[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, e5227, 2022. Link
  26. Klügel M, Baltaci A, Geyer F, et al. Communication Demands and Performance Metrics for Next Generation Aerial Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(5): 32-37. Link
  27. Nahar T, Rawat S. Efficiency enhancement techniques of microwave and millimeter‐wave antennas for 5G communication: A survey[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022: e4530. Link
  28. Ahed K, Benamar M, Lahcen A A, et al. Forwarding strategies in vehicular named data networks: A survey[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2020. Link
  29. Wang J, Jiang C, Kuang L. High-Mobility Satellite-UAV Communications: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Research Trends[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(5): 38-43. Link
  30. Babangida L, Perumal T, Mustapha N, et al. Internet of Things (IoT) Based Activity Recognition Strategies in Smart Homes: A Review[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. Link
  31. Gyamfi E, Jurcut A. Intrusion Detection in Internet of Things Systems: A Review on Design Approaches Leveraging Multi-Access Edge Computing, Machine Learning, and Datasets[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(10): 3744. Link
  32. Pirayesh H, Zeng H. Jamming attacks and anti-jamming strategies in wireless networks: A comprehensive survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  33. Ajakwe S O, Nwakanma C I, Kim D S, et al. Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  34. Inayat U, Zia M F, Mahmood S, et al. Learning-Based Methods for Cyber Attacks Detection in IoT Systems: A Survey on Methods, Analysis, and Future Prospects[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(9): 1502. Link
  35. Banti K, Karampelia I, Dimakis T, Boulogeorgos A-AA, Kyriakidis T, Louta M. LoRaWAN Communication Protocols: A Comprehensive Survey under an Energy Efficiency Perspective. Telecom. 2022; 3(2):322-357. Link
  36. Tashan W, Shayea I, Aldirmaz-Colak S, et al. Mobility Robustness Optimization in Future Mobile Heterogeneous Networks: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  37. Ahvanooey M T, Zhu M X, Li Q, et al. Modern Authentication Schemes in Smartphones and IoT Devices: An Empirical Survey[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021. Link
  38. Andriolli N, Giorgetti A, Castoldi P, et al. Optical networks management and control: A review and recent challenges[J]. Optical Switching and Networking, 2022, 44: 100652. Link
  39. Hou Z, Shen H, Zhou X, et al. Prediction of job characteristics for intelligent resource allocation in HPC systems: a survey and future directions[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2022, 16(5): 1-17. Link
  40. Cheema A, Tariq M, Hafiz A, et al. Prevention Techniques against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Heterogeneous Networks: A Systematic Review[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022. Link
  41. Nguyen D, Pham Ngoc N, Thang T C. QoE Models for Adaptive Streaming: A Comprehensive Evaluation[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(5): 151. Link
  42. Singh H, Kumar V, Saxena K, et al. Radio Wave Attenuation due to Clouds from Traditional Models to ML Models—A State of Art[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-23. Link
  43. Luo H, Wang J, Bu F, et al. Recent progress of air/water cross-boundary communications for underwater sensor networks: a review[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. Link
  44. Quy V K, Nam V H, Linh D M, et al. Routing Algorithms for MANET-IoT Networks: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-25. Link
  45. Mamane A, Fattah M, El Ghazi M, et al. Scheduling Algorithms for 5G networks and beyond: Classification and Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  46. Rahouti M, Xiong K, Xin Y, et al. SDN Security Review: Threat Taxonomy, Implications, and Open Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 45820-45854. Link
  47. Bikos A N, Kumar S A P. Securing Digital Ledger Technologies-Enabled IoT Devices: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 46238-46254. Link
  48. Chaccour C, Soorki M N, Saad W, et al. Seven defining features of terahertz (THz) wireless systems: A fellowship of communication and sensing[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  49. Mirzaee P H, Shojafar M, Cruickshank H, et al. Smart Grid Security and Privacy: From Conventional to Machine Learning Issues (Threats and Countermeasures)[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  50. Nazir R, Kumar K, David S, et al. Survey on Wireless Network Security[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022: 1591–1610. Link
  51. Cao Y, Zhao Y, Wang Q, et al. The Evolution of Quantum Key Distribution Networks: On the Road to the Qinternet[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  52. Wei L, Yang Y, Wu J, et al. Trust Management for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Study[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  53. Alawad F, Kraemer F A. Value of Information in Wireless Sensor Network Applications and the IoT: A Review[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. Link
  54. Pham Q V, Zeng M, Han Z, et al. Aerial access networks for federated learning: Applications and challenges[J]. IEEE Networks, 2022. Link
  55. Wang Z, Kang Q, Zhang X, et al. Defense Strategies Toward Model Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning: A Survey[C]//2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). IEEE, 2022: 548-553. Link
  56. Jagannath J, Jagannath A, Henney J, et al. Design of fieldable cross-layer optimized network using embedded software defined radios: Survey and novel architecture with field trials[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 209: 108917. Link
  57. Zhou F, Zhang W, Wang Y, et al. Identifying IP Usage Scenarios: Problems, Data, and Benchmarks[J]. IEEE Network, 2022, 36(3): 152-158. Link
  58. Belmekki B E Y, Alouini M S. Unleashing the Potential of Networked Tethered Flying Platforms: Prospects, Challenges, and Applications[J]. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2022, 3: 278-320. Link

Apr. 2022

  1. Pana V S, Babalola O P, Balyan V. 5G radio access networks: A survey[J]. Array, 2022: 100170. Link
  2. Ibhaze A E, Imoize A L, Okoyeigbo O. A Brief Overview of Energy Efficiency Resources in Emerging Wireless Communication Systems[C]//Telecom. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022, 3(2): 281-300. Link
  3. Abdulkarem A B, Audah L, Abdulkareem A B, et al. A comprehensive study of handover mechanism with minimal resources in 5G cellular networks: architecture and challenges[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022: 1-9. Link
  4. Deb R, Roy S. A comprehensive survey of vulnerability and information security in SDN[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 108802. Link
  5. Pang J, Wang S, Tang Z, et al. A new 5G radio evolution towards 5G-Advanced[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  6. Murad S A, Muzahid A J M, Azmi Z R M, et al. A review on job scheduling technique in cloud computing and priority rule based intelligent framework[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  7. Ray P P. A review on tactile IoT: Architecture, requirements, prospects, and future directions[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022. Link
  8. Nikravan M, Kashani M H. A review on trust management in fog/edge computing: Techniques, trends, and challenges[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022. Link
  9. Duo W, Zhou M C, Abusorrah A. A Survey of Cyber Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2022, 9(5): 784-800. Link
  10. Ssengonzi C, Kogeda O P, Olwal T O. A survey of deep reinforcement learning application in 5G and beyond network slicing and virtualization[J]. Array, 2022: 100142. Link
  11. Li T, He X, Jiang S, et al. A survey of privacy-preserving offloading methods in mobile-edge computing[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103395. Link
  12. Li X, Pan L, Liu S. A survey of resource provisioning problem in cloud brokers[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103384. Link
  13. Jurczenia K, Rak J. A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  14. Sathish C, Rubavathi C Y. A survey on Blockchain mechanisms (BCM) based on internet of things (IoT) applications[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022: 1-40. Link
  15. Li R, Lin B, Liu Y, et al. A Survey on Laser Space Network: Terminals, Links, and Architectures[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 34815-34834. Link
  16. Kumar D, Baranwal G, Shankar Y, et al. A survey on nature-inspired techniques for computation offloading and service placement in emerging edge technologies[J]. World Wide Web, 2022: 1-59. Link
  17. Conti M, Kumar G, Nerurkar P, et al. A survey on security challenges and solutions in the IOTA[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103383. Link
  18. Liyanage M, Pham Q V, Dev K, et al. A survey on Zero touch network and Service (ZSM) Management for 5G and beyond networks[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103362. Link
  19. Ahmetoglu S, Che Cob Z, Ali N A. A Systematic Review of Internet of Things Adoption in Organizations: Taxonomy, Benefits, Challenges and Critical Factors[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(9): 4117. Link
  20. Rahman Z, Yi X, Mehedi S, et al. Blockchain Applicability for the Internet of Things: Performance and Scalability Challenges and Solutions[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(9): 1416. Link
  21. Li D, Deng L, Cai Z, et al. Blockchain as a service models in the Internet of Things management: systematic review[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022: e4139. Link
  22. Pal S, Dorri A, Jurdak R. Blockchain for IoT access control: Recent trends and future research directions[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103371. Link
  23. Jiang W. Cellular traffic prediction with machine learning: A survey[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022: 117163. Link
  24. Alsulami M H. Challenges facing the implementation of 5G[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022: 1-14. Link
  25. Chen Q, Meng W, Li S, et al. Civil Aircrafts Augmented Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: Motivation, Breakthrough and Challenges[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. Link
  26. Hasan A, Khan B M. Coexistence Management in Wireless Networks-A survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  27. Xu X, Wang Y, Wang P. Comprehensive Review on Misbehavior Detection for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 2022. Link
  28. Feng C, Han P, Zhang X, et al. Computation offloading in mobile edge computing networks: A survey[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103366. Link
  29. Elmoiz Alatabani L, Sayed Ali E, Mokhtar R A, et al. Deep and Reinforcement Learning Technologies on Internet of Vehicle (IoV) Applications: Current Issues and Future Trends[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 2022. Link
  30. Hurtado Sánchez J A, Casilimas K, Caicedo Rendon O M. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management on Network Slicing: A Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(8): 3031. Link
  31. Du K, Wang Y, Hu Y. Design and Analysis on Decoupling Techniques for MIMO Wireless Systems in 5G Applications[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(8): 3816. Link
  32. Dias J P, Restivo A, Ferreira H S. Designing and constructing internet-of-Things systems: An overview of the ecosystem[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100529. Link
  33. Wu K, Zhang J A, Huang X, et al. Frequency-hopping MIMO radar-based communications: An overview[J]. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2022. Link
  34. Salameh A I, El Tarhuni M. From 5G to 6G—Challenges, Technologies, and Applications[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(4): 117. Link
  35. Ashtari S, Zhou I, Abolhasan M, et al. Knowledge-defined networking: Applications, challenges and future work[J]. Array, 2022: 100136. Link
  36. Ruotsalainen H, Shen G, Zhang J, et al. LoRaWAN Physical Layer-Based Attacks and Countermeasures, A Review[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(9): 3127. Link
  37. Gures E, Shayea I, Ergen M, et al. Machine Learning Based Load Balancing Algorithms in Future Heterogeneous Networks: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  38. Gallego-Madrid J, Sanchez-Iborra R, Ruiz P M, et al. Machine learning-based zero-touch network and service management: A survey[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  39. Dangi R, Jadhav A, Choudhary G, et al. ML-Based 5G Network Slicing Security: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(4): 116. Link
  40. Siddiqui M U A, Qamar F, Tayyab M, et al. Mobility Management Issues and Solutions in 5G-and-Beyond Networks: A Comprehensive Review[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(9): 1366. Link
  41. Ramahatla K, Mosalaosi M, Yahya A, et al. Multi-Band Reconfigurable Antennas For 5G Wireless and CubeSat Applications: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  42. Shi J, Huang O, Ha Y, et al. Neural Network Equalizer in Visible Light Communication: State of the Art and Future Trends[J]. Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  43. Al Homssi B, Al-Hourani A, Wang K, et al. Next Generation Mega Satellite Networks for Access Equality: Opportunities, Challenges, and Performance[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(4): 18-24. Link
  44. Zhao Z, Du Q, Wang D, et al. Overview of Prospects for Service-Aware Radio Access towards 6G Networks[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(8): 1262. Link
  45. Wang C, Chen J, Yang Y, et al. Poisoning attacks and countermeasures in intelligent networks: Status quo and prospects[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  46. Wang C, Rahman A. Quantum-Enabled 6G Wireless Networks: Opportunities and Challenges[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022, 29(1): 58-69. Link
  47. Dajer M, Ma Z, Piazzi L, et al. Reconfigurable intelligent surface: Design the channel–A new opportunity for future wireless networks[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  48. Guerna A, Bitam S, Calafate C T. Roadside Unit Deployment in Internet of Vehicles Systems: A Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(9): 3190. Link
  49. Ji Y, Yu J, Yao Y, et al. Securing wireless communications from the perspective of physical layer: A survey[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100524. Link
  50. Fogli M, Giannelli C, Stefanelli C. Software-Defined Networking in wireless ad hoc scenarios: Objectives and control architectures[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103387. Link
  51. Dicandia F A, Fonseca N J G, Bacco M, et al. Space-Air-Ground Integrated 6G Wireless Communication Networks: A Review of Antenna Technologies and Application Scenarios[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(9): 3136. Link
  52. Ahanger T A, Aljumah A, Atiquzzaman M. State-of-the-art survey of artificial intelligent techniques for IoT security[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 108771. Link
  53. Papapavlou C, Paximadis K, Uzunidis D, et al. Toward SDM-Based Submarine Optical Networks: A Review of Their Evolution and Upcoming Trends[C]//Telecom. MDPI, 2022, 3(2): 234-280. Link
  54. Wazid M, Das A K, Chamola V, et al. Uniting cyber security and machine learning: Advantages, challenges and future research[J]. ICT Express, 2022. Link
  55. AlSabeh A, Khoury J, Kfoury E, et al. A survey on security applications of P4 programmable switches and a STRIDE-based vulnerability assessment[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 207: 108800. Link
  56. Suhaimy N, Radzi N A M, Ahmad W S H M W, et al. Current and future communication solutions for smart grids: A review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  57. Qian L, Yang P, Xiao M, et al. Distributed Learning for Wireless Communications: Methods, Applications and Challenges[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2022, 16(3): 326-342. Link

Mar. 2022

  1. Meena P, Pal M B, Jain P K, et al. 6G Communication Networks: Introduction, Vision, Challenges, and Future Directions[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-27. Link
  2. Bajracharya R, Shrestha R, Kim S, et al. 6G NR-U based Wireless Infrastructure UAV: Standardization, Opportunities, Challenges and Future Scopes[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  3. Sadatdiynov K, Cui L, Zhang L, et al. A review of optimization methods for computation offloading in edge computing networks[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  4. Jin X, Hua W, Wang Z, et al. A survey of research on computation offloading in mobile cloud computing[J]. Wireless Networks, 2022: 1-23. Link
  5. Bayılmış C, Ebleme M A, Çavuşoğlu Ü, et al. A survey on communication protocols and performance evaluations for Internet of Things[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  6. Chen Y, Sambo Y A, Onireti O, et al. A Survey on LPWAN-5G Integration: Main Challenges and Potential Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  7. Bahattab A A. A Survey on Packet Switching Networks[J]. IETE Journal of Research, 2022: 1-26. Link
  8. Gill S S, Xu M, Ottaviani C, et al. AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions[J]. Internet of Things, 2022: 100514. Link
  9. Yang A, Lu C, Li J, et al. Application of meta-learning in cyberspace security: A survey[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  10. Adere E M. Blockchain in healthcare and IoT: A systematic literature review[J]. Array, 2022: 100139. Link
  11. Saraswat D, Verma A, Bhattacharya P, et al. Blockchain-based Federated Learning in UAVs Beyond 5G Networks: A Solution Taxonomy and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  12. Asim J, Khan A S, Saqib R M, et al. Blockchain-based Multifactor Authentication for Future 6G Cellular Networks: A Systematic Review[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(7): 3551. Link
  13. Bhattacharjee S, Acharya T, Bhattacharya U. Cognitive radio based spectrum sharing models for multicasting in 5G cellular networks: A survey[J]. Computer Networks, 2022: 108870. Link
  14. Osamy W, Khedr A M, Salim A, et al. Coverage, Deployment and Localization Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  15. Malazi H T, Chaudhry S R, Kazmi A, et al. Dynamic Service Placement in Multi-access Edge Computing: a Systematic Literature Review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  16. Wang J, Zhu K, Hossain E. Green Internet of Vehicles (IoV) in the 6G Era: Toward Sustainable Vehicular Communications and Networking[J]. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022. Link
  17. Sim K M. Intelligent Resource Management in Intercloud, Fog, and Edge: Tutorial and New Directions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2022. Link
  18. Sarker I H, Khan A I, Abushark Y B, et al. Internet of Things (IoT) Security Intelligence: A Comprehensive Overview, Machine Learning Solutions and Research Directions[J]. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2022: 1-17. Link
  19. Darwish T, Kurt G K, Yanikomeroglu H, et al. LEO Satellites in 5G and Beyond Networks: A Review from a Standardization Perspective[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  20. Wang Y, Su Z, Zhang N, et al. Mobile Wireless Rechargeable UAV Networks: Challenges and Solutions[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(3): 33-39. Link
  21. Liu Z, Cao Y, Gao P, et al. Multi-UAV network assisted intelligent edge computing: Challenges and opportunities[J]. China Communications, 2022, 19(3): 258-278. Link
  22. Dilek S, Irgan K, Guzel M, et al. QoS‐aware IoT networks and protocols: A comprehensive survey[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022: e5156. Link
  23. Zeydan E, Mangues-Bafalluy J. Recent Advances in Data Engineering for Networking[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  24. Badshah A, Ghani A, Daud A, et al. Revenue maximization approaches in IaaS clouds: Research challenges and opportunities[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022: e4492. Link
  25. Abdel Hakeem S A, Hussein H H, Kim H W. Security Requirements and Challenges of 6G Technologies and Applications[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(5): 1969. Link
  26. Gismalla M S M, Azmi A I, Salim M R, et al. Survey on Device to Device (D2D) Communication for 5GB/6G Networks: Concept, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  27. Alam M M, Moh S. Survey on Q-Learning-Based Position-Aware Routing Protocols in Flying Ad Hoc Networks[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(7): 1099. Link
  28. Hamdi A M A, Hussain F K, Hussain O K. Task offloading in vehicular fog computing: State-of-the-art and open issues[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022. Link
  29. WANG Z, DU Y, WEI K, et al. Vision, application scenarios, and key technology trends for 6G mobile communications[J]. Information Sciences, 2022, 65(151301): 1-151301. Link
  30. Hakeem S A A, Hussein H H, Kim H W. Vision and research directions of 6G technologies and applications[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. Link
  31. Soltani N, Rahmani A M, Bohlouli M, et al. Artificial intelligence empowered threat detection in the Internet of Things: A systematic review[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e6894. Link
  32. Jhala A, Cheng Y, Goodwin J, et al. A Digital Communication Twin for Addressing Misinformation: Vision, Challenges, Opportunities[J]. IEEE Internet Computing, 2022, 26(2): 36-41. Link
  33. Zhang T, Gao L, He C, et al. Federated Learning for the Internet of Things: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 2022, 5(1): 24-29. Link
  34. Chen Z, Sun Z, Pei Y, et al. Generalized sparse codes for non-Gaussian channels: Code design, algorithms, and applications[J]. Fundamental Research, 2022, 2(2): 284-295. Link
  35. Pinto F, da Silva C F, Moro S. People-Centered Distributed Ledger Technology-IoT Architectures: A Systematic Literature Review[J]. Telematics and Informatics, 2022: 101812. Link
  36. Siddiqi M Z, Mir T. Reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided wireless communications: An overview[J]. Intelligent and Converged Networks, 2022, 3(1): 33-63. Link
  37. Jian M, Alexandropoulos G C, Basar E, et al. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for wireless communications: Overview of hardware designs, channel models, and estimation techniques[J]. Intelligent and Converged Networks, 2022, 3(1): 1-32. Link

Feb. 2022

  1. Wu D, Cui L. A comprehensive survey on Segment Routing Traffic Engineering[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  2. Rovira-Sugranes A, Razi A, Afghah F, et al. A review of ai-enabled routing protocols for uav networks: Trends, challenges, and future outlook[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2022: 102790. Link
  3. Medara R, Singh R S. A Review on Energy-Aware Scheduling Techniques for Workflows in IaaS Clouds[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022: 1-40. Link
  4. Haibeh L A, Yagoub M C E, Jarray A. A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing Infrastructure: Design, Resource Management, and Optimization Approaches[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 27591-27610. Link
  5. Won J, Kim D Y, Park Y I, et al. A survey on UAV placement and trajectory optimization in communication networks: From the perspective of air-to-ground channel models[J]. ICT Express, 2022. Link
  6. Liu J, Nogueira M, Fernandes J, et al. Adversarial Machine Learning: A Multi-Layer Review of the State-of-the-Art and Challenges for Wireless and Mobile Systems[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  7. Mao B, Tang F, Kawamoto Y, et al. AI Models for Green Communications Towards 6G[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  8. Khan A H, Hassan N U L, Yuen C, et al. Blockchain and 6G: The Future of Secure and Ubiquitous Communication[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022. Link
  9. Wang Y, Su Z, Ni J, et al. Blockchain-Empowered Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  10. Jain V K, Mazumdar A P, Faruki P, et al. Congestion control in Internet of Things: Classification, challenges, and future directions[J]. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2022, 35: 100678. Link
  11. Corallo A, Lazoi M, Lezzi M, et al. Cybersecurity awareness in the context of the Industrial Internet of Things: A systematic literature review[J]. Computers in Industry, 2022, 137: 103614. Link
  12. Zhang J A, Rahman M L, Wu K, et al. Enabling joint communication and radar sensing in mobile networks-a survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  13. Shome D, Waqar O, Khan W U. Federated learning and next generation wireless communications: A survey on bidirectional relationship[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022. Link
  14. Shen X, Gao J, Wu W, et al. Holistic Network Virtualization and Pervasive Network Intelligence for 6G[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  15. Malik S, Gupta K, Gupta D, et al. Intelligent Load-Balancing Framework for Fog-Enabled Communication in Healthcare[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(4): 566. Link
  16. Dibaei M, Zheng X, Xia Y, et al. Investigating the prospect of leveraging blockchain and machine learning to secure vehicular networks: A survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. Link
  17. Talpur A, Gurusamy M. Machine learning for security in vehicular networks: A comprehensive survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  18. Bueno G, Saquetti M, Rodrigues P, et al. Managing Virtual Programmable Switches: Principles, Requirements, and Design Directions[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, 60(2): 53-59. Link
  19. Bréhon–Grataloup L, Kacimi R, Beylot A L. Mobile edge computing for V2X architectures and applications: A survey[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 206: 108797. Link
  20. Adoga H U, Pezaros D P. Network Function Virtualization and Service Function Chaining Frameworks: A Comprehensive Review of Requirements, Objectives, Implementations, and Open Research Challenges[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(2): 59. Link
  21. Tran-Dang H, Bhardwaj S, Rahim T, et al. Reinforcement learning based resource management for fog computing environment: Literature review, challenges, and open issues[J]. Journal of Communications and Networks, 2022. Link
  22. Mastilak L, Helebrandt P, Galinski M, et al. Secure Inter-Domain Routing Based on Blockchain: A Comprehensive Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(4): 1437. Link
  23. Qureshi H N, Manalastas M, Imran A, et al. Service Level Agreements for 5G-Enabled Healthcare Systems: Challenges and Considerations[J]. IEEE Network, 2022. Link
  24. Molla D M, Badis H, George L, et al. Software Defined Radio Platforms for Wireless Technologies[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 26203-26229. Link
  25. Huda S M A, Moh S. Survey on computation offloading in UAV-Enabled mobile edge computing[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022: 103341. Link
  26. Li W, Meng W, Kwok L F. Surveying Trust-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Future Directions[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  27. Alwarafy A, Abdallah M, Ciftler B S, et al. The Frontiers of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Future Wireless HetNets: Techniques, Challenges, and Research Directions[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  28. Aftab M U, Hamza A, Oluwasanmi A, et al. Traditional and Hybrid Access Control Models: A Detailed Survey[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022. Link
  29. Zhang L, Chakareski J. UAV-Assisted Edge Computing and Streaming for Wireless Virtual Reality: Analysis, Algorithm Design, and Performance Guarantees[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022. Link
  30. Yang C, Liang P, Fu L, et al. Using 5G in Smart Cities: A Systematic Mapping Study[J]. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 2022: 200065. Link
  31. Lalbakhsh A, Pitcairn A, Mandal K, et al. Darkening Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations: A review[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  32. Javed F, Antevski K, Mangues-Bafalluy J, et al. Distributed Ledger Technologies for Network Slicing: A Survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 19412-19442. Link
  33. Peng D, He D, Li Y, et al. Integrating Terrestrial and Satellite Multibeam Systems Toward 6G: Techniques and Challenges for Interference Mitigation[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022, 29(1): 24-31. Link
  34. Cui H, Zhang J, Geng Y, et al. Space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) for 6G: Requirements, architecture and challenges[J]. China Communications, 2022, 19(2): 90-108. Link
  35. Çelikbilek K, Saleem Z, Morales Ferre R, et al. Survey on optimization methods for LEO-satellite-based networks with applications in future autonomous transportation[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(4): 1421. Link
  36. Guangyi L, Juan D, Qingbi Z, et al. Native intelligence for 6G mobile network: technical challenges, architecture and key features[J]. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2022, 29(1): 27. Link
  37. Ali M F, Jayakody D N K, Li Y. Recent Trends in Underwater Visible Light Communication (UVLC) Systems[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 22169-22225. Link
  38. Babu S, Raj Kumar P A. A comprehensive survey on simulators, emulators, and testbeds for VANETs[J]. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2022, 35(8): e5123. Link
  39. Qian C, Liu X, Ripley C, et al. Digital Twin—Cyber Replica of Physical Things: Architecture, Applications and Future Research Directions[J]. Future Internet, 2022, 14(2): 64. Link

Jan. 2022

  1. Huo R, Zeng S, Wang Z, et al. A Comprehensive Survey on Blockchain in Industrial Internet of Things: Motivations, Research Progresses, and Future Challenges[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  2. Singh U, Ramaswamy A, Dua A, et al. Coalition games for performance evaluation in 5G and beyond networks: a survey[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  3. Xiao Y, Shi S, Lou W, et al. Decentralized Spectrum Access System: Vision, Challenges, and a Blockchain Solution[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022. Link
  4. Brik B, Boutiba K, Ksentini A. Deep Learning for B5G Open Radio Access Network: Evolution, Survey, Case Studies, and Challenges[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022, 3: 228-250. Link
  5. Aouedi O, Piamrat K, Parrein B. Intelligent Traffic Management in Next-Generation Networks[J]. Future internet, 2022, 14(2): 44. Link
  6. Yeh C, Do Jo G, Ko Y J, et al. Perspectives on 6G wireless communications[J]. ICT Express, 2022. Link
  7. Tinh B T, Nguyen L D, Kha H H, et al. Practical Optimization and Game Theory for 6G Ultra-Dense Networks: Overview and Research Challenges[J]. IEEE Access, 2022. Link
  8. Basharat M, Naeem M, Qadir Z, et al. Resource optimization in UAV‐assisted wireless networks—A comprehensive survey[J]. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022: e4464. Link
  9. Luo X, Chen H H, Guo Q. Semantic Communications: Overview, Open Issues, and Future Research Directions[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022. Link
  10. Tataria H, Shafi M, Dohler M, et al. Six Critical Challenges for 6G Wireless Systems: A Summary and Some Solutions[J]. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2022. Link
  11. Wang Q, Sun H, Hu R Q, et al. When Machine Learning Meets Spectrum Sharing Security: Methodologies and Challenges[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022. Link
  12. Guo H, Li J, Liu J, et al. A Survey on Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Network Security in 6G[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  13. Wypiór D, Klinkowski M, Michalski I. Open RAN—Radio Access Network Evolution, Benefits and Market Trends[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(1): 408. Link
  14. Wei L, Shuai J, Liu Y, et al. Service customized space-air-ground integrated network for immersive media: Architecture, key technologies, and prospects[J]. China Communications, 2022, 19(1): 1-13. Link
  15. Klinkowski M, Jaworski M. Planning of Optical Connections in 5G Packet-Optical xHaul Access Network[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(3): 1146. Link
  16. Ma X, Liao L, Li Z, et al. Applying Federated Learning in Software-Defined Networks: A Survey[J]. Symmetry, 2022, 14(2): 195. Link
  17. Almutairi M S. Deep Learning-Based Solutions for 5G Network and 5G-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: Advances, Meta-Data Analysis, and Future Direction[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 2022. Link
  18. Yang Z, Chen M, Wong K K, et al. Federated learning for 6G: Applications, challenges, and opportunities[J]. Engineering, 2022. Link
  19. Abreha H G, Hayajneh M, Serhani M A. Federated Learning in Edge Computing: A Systematic Survey[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(2): 450. Link
  20. Bout E, Loscri V, Gallais A. How Machine Learning changes the nature of cyberattacks on IoT networks: A survey[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022. Link
  21. Wang Z, Sun Y, Yuan S. Intelligent radio access networks: architectures, key techniques, and experimental platforms[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 5-18. Link
  22. Alraih S, Shayea I, Behjati M, et al. Revolution or Evolution? Technical Requirements and Considerations towards 6G Mobile Communications[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(3): 762. Link
  23. Zhang P, Xu W, Gao H, et al. Toward Wisdom-Evolutionary and Primitive-Concise 6G: A New Paradigm of Semantic Communication Networks[J]. Engineering, 2022, 8: 60-73. Link
  24. Guo H, Zhou X, Liu J, et al. Vehicular intelligence in 6G: Networking, communications, and computing[J]. Vehicular Communications, 2022, 33: 100399. Link
  25. Samara M A, Bennis I, Abouaissa A, et al. A survey of outlier detection techniques in IoT: review and classification[J]. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022, 11(1): 4. Link
  26. Mekrache A, Bradai A, Moulay E, et al. Deep reinforcement learning techniques for vehicular networks: recent advances and future trends towards 6G[J]. Vehicular Communications, 2022: 100398. Link
  27. Liu G, Li N, Deng J, et al. The SOLIDS 6G Mobile Network Architecture: Driving Forces, Features, and Functional Topology[J]. Engineering, 2022. Link


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