Chip-8 virtual machine that runs on your terminal
$ git clone
$ cc main.c -o chip8 -O3
> git clone
> cl main.c /Fechip8.exe /O2 /link User32.lib
$ chip8 path/to/rom [options]
Use -h
for a full list of config options
$ ./chip8 -h
Usage: chip8 <rom> [options]
--help, -h Display this information.
-ips <arg> Instructions per second to use, must be greater or equal to FPS (Default: 700).
-fps <arg> Frames per second to use (Default: 60).
-qshift-use-vy Quirk: set VY to VX before bit shifting operations.
-qbxnn Quirk: use BXNN version of BNNN (Jump with offset) operation.
-qinc-index Quirk: increment index register on memory load/store operations.
-fg <hexcode> Set pixel 'on' color (foreground). Eg: FF0000 for red
-bg <hexcode> Set pixel 'off' color (background). Eg: 00FF00 for green
Emulating the Octo theme using the -fg
and -bg
$ ./chip8.exe ./roms/IBM_logo.ch8 -fg ffcc01 -bg 996601