A curated list of multi-label classification papers.
Paperswithcode links will be preferred.
Welcome contributions!
Cat. | Name | Title | Links |
NLP | RCV1-v2 | Rcv1: A new benchmark collection for text categorization research | [link] |
NLP | AAPD | SGM: Sequence Generation Model for Multi-label Classification | [link] |
NLP | WOS | HDLTex: Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text Classification | [link] |
NLP | Reuters-21578 | An analysis of the relative hardness of Reuters‐21578 subsets | [link] |
NLP | RMSC | Driven Multi-Label Music Style Classification by Exploiting Style Correlations | [link] |
NLP | GoEmotions | GoEmotions: A dataset of fine-grained emotions | [link] |
CV | Sewer-ML | Sewer-ML: A Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification Dataset and Benchmark | [link] |
CV | MS-COCO | Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context | [link] |
MM | M3ED | M3ED: Multi-modal Multi-scene Multi-label Emotional Dialogue Database | [link] |
NLP | BGC | Hierarchical Multi-label Classification of Text with Capsule Networks | [link] |
NLP | MIMIC-III | MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database | [link] |
Year | Title | Links |
2020 | The Emerging Trends of Multi-Label Learning | [paper] |
2020 | A Survey on Text Classification: From Shallow to Deep Learning | [link] |
2019 | Survey on Multi-Output Learning | [paper] |
Year | Title | Links |
2021 | PaddleNLP: An Easy-to-use and High Performance NLP Library | [repo][code] |
2019 | NeuralClassifier: An Open-source Neural Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification Toolkit | [paper][code] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | Arxiv | 2022 | Knowledge Injected Prompt Based Fine-tuning for Multi-label Few-shot ICD Coding | [link] |
NLP | EMNLP | 2022 | HPT: Hierarchy-aware Prompt Tuning for Hierarchical Text Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | NLPCC | 2022 | Prompt-Based Generative Multi-label Emotion Prediction with Label Contrastive Learning | [paper][code] |
NLP | Springer | 2021 | Label prompt for multi-label text classification | [paper] |
PaddleNLP Solution: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleNLP/tree/develop/applications/text_classification/multi_label/few-shot
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
CV | ICCIT | 2023 | SynthEnsemble: A Fusion of CNN, Vision Transformer, and Hybrid Models for Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Classification | [link] [paper] [preprint] |
NLP | ACL | 2022 | Improving Multi-label Malevolence Detection in Dialogues through Multi-faceted Label Correlation Enhancement | [link] |
NLP | ACL | 2022 | Contrastive Learning-Enhanced Nearest Neighbor Mechanism for Multi-Label Text Classification | [link] |
MM | AAAI | 2022 | Tailor Versatile Multi-modal Learning for Multi-label Emotion Recognition | [paper][code] |
NLP | ICASSP | 2022 | Multi-relation Message Passing for Multi-label Text Classification | [link] |
NLP | ECIR | 2021 | A Multi-Task Approach to Neural Multi-Label Hierarchical Patent Classification using Transformers | [paper][code] |
CV | ICPR | 2021 | Visual Transformers with Primal Object Queries for Multi-Label Image Classification | [link] |
NLP | Arxiv | 2021 | Hierarchy Decoder is All You Need To Text Classification | [paper] |
CV | Arxiv | 2021 | ML-Decoder: Scalable and Versatile Classification Head | [link] |
CV | Arxiv | 2021 | Query2Label: A Simple Transformer Way to Multi-Label Classification | [link] |
CV | Arxiv | 2021 | MlTr: Multi-label Classification with Transformer | [link] |
NLP | ICDM | 2021 | Expert Knowledge-Guided Length-Variant Hierarchical Label Generation for Proposal Classification | [paper] |
NLP | Arxiv | 2021 | Hierarchy-Aware T5 with Path-Adaptive Mask Mechanism for Hierarchical Text Classification | [paper] |
CV | ICCV | 2021 | Transformer-based Dual Relation Graph for Multi-label Image Recognition | [link] |
NLP | IJCAI | 2021 | Correlation-Guided Representation for Multi-Label Text Classification | [paper] |
NLP | ACL Findings | 2021 | Enhancing Label Correlation Feedback in Multi-Label Text Classification via Multi-Task Learning | [link] |
CV | CVPR | 2021 | General Multi-Label Image Classification With Transformers | [link] |
CV | AAAI | 2021 | HOT-VAE: Learning High-Order Label Correlation for Multi-Label Classification via Attention-Based Variational Autoencoders | [link] |
MM | ACM MM | 2021 | M3TR: Multi-modal Multi-label Recognition with Transformer | [paper] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | ACL | 2022 | Incorporating Hierarchy into Text Encoder: a Contrastive Learning Approach for Hierarchical Text Classification | [link] |
CV | AAAI | 2021 | Modular Graph Transformer Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification | [paper] |
NLP | ACL-ARR | 2021 | Multi-Label Text Classification by Graph Neural Network with Mixing Operations | [paper] |
NLP | Arxiv | 2021 | Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Multi-label Text Classification | [paper] |
NLP | ACL | 2021 | Hierarchy-aware Label Semantics Matching Network for Hierarchical Text Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | ACL | 2021 | Label-Specific Dual Graph Neural Network for Multi-Label Text Classification | [paper] |
NLP | EMNLP | 2021 | Beyond Text: Incorporating Metadata and Label Structure for Multi-Label Document Classification using Heterogeneous Graphs | [paper] |
NLP | EMNLP | 2021 | Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification with Horizontal and Vertical Category Correlations | [paper] |
NLP | WSDM | 2020 | Beyond Statistical Relations: Integrating Knowledge Relations into Style Correlations for Multi-Label Music Style Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | ACL | 2019 | Hierarchy-Aware Global Model for Hierarchical Text Classification | [paper][code] |
CV | CVPR | 2019 | Multi-Label Image Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks | [link] |
CV | CVPR | 2018 | Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs | [link] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | Arxiv | 2022 | ZLPR: A Novel Loss for Multi-label Classification | [paper][code] |
CV | Arxiv | 2021 | Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss | [paper][code] |
NLP | EMNLP | 2021 | Balancing Methods for Multi-label Text Classification with Long-Tailed Class Distribution | [paper][code] |
CV | ICCV | 2021 | Asymmetric Loss For Multi-Label Classification | [paper][code] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | ACL | 2022 | Evaluating Extreme Hierarchical Multi-label Classification | [link] |
NLP | AAAI | 2021 | LightXML: Transformer with Dynamic Negative Sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | KDD | 2020 | Taming Pretrained Transformers for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | KDD | 2020 | Correlation Networks for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification | [paper] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
CV | ICLR | 2022 | Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning | [link] |
CV | AAAI | 2022 | Structured Semantic Transfer for Multi-Label Recognition with Partial Labels | [paper][code] |
CV | AAAI | 2022 | Semantic-Aware Representation Blending for Multi-Label Image Recognition with Partial Labels | [link] |
CV | CVPR Workshop | 2021 | PLM: Partial Label Masking for Imbalanced Multi-label Classification | [paper] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | KDD | 2021 | Generalized Zero-Shot Extreme Multi-label Learning | [link] |
CV | CVPR | 2021 | Multi-Label Learning from Single Positive Labels | [paper][code] |
NLP | NAACL | 2021 | Improving Pretrained Models for Zero-shot Multi-label Text Classification through Reinforced Label Hierarchy Reasoning | [paper][code] |
NLP | EMNLP | 2020 | Multi-label Few/Zero-shot Learning with Knowledge Aggregated from Multiple Label Graphs | [paper][code] |
Cat. | Pub. | Year | Title | Links |
NLP | NAACL | 2021 | TaxoClass: Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Classification Using Only Class Names | [link] |
NLP | ACL | 2021 | Concept-Based Label Embedding via Dynamic Routing for Hierarchical Text Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | IPM | 2021 | A novel reasoning mechanism for multi-label text classification | [paper] |
CV | Arxiv | 2021 | Multi-layered Semantic Representation Network for Multi-label Image Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | EACL | 2021 | Joint Learning of Hyperbolic Label Embeddings for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification | [paper][code] |
NLP | NAACL | 2021 | Modeling Diagnostic Label Correlation for Automatic ICD Coding | [paper][code] |
NLP | NAACL | 2021 | HTCInfoMax: A Global Model for Hierarchical Text Classification via Information Maximization | [paper][code] |
CV | ICCV | 2021 | Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition | [link] |
NLP | NLPCC | 2020 | Label-Wise Document Pre-Training for Multi-Label Text Classification | [paper][code] |
CV | AAAI | 2020 | Multi-Label Classification with Label Graph Superimposing | [link] |
NLP | IJCNLP | 2019 | Label-Specific Document Representation for Multi-Label Text Classification | [link] |
NLP | ACL | 2018 | Joint Embedding of Words and Labels for Text Classification | [link] |
NLP | ICMLA | 2017 | HDLTex: Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text Classification | [link] |
NLP | NAACL | 2016 | Improved Neural Network-based Multi-label Classification with Better Initialization Leveraging Label Co-occurrence | [paper] |
- AI Paper Collector: https://github.com/MLNLP-World/AI-Paper-Collector
- ACL Anthology: https://aclanthology.org
- Semantic Scholar: https://www.semanticscholar.org
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com
- Bing Academic: https://cn.bing.com/academic
- Connected Papers: https://www.connectedpapers.com
- Papers with Code: https://paperswithcode.com
- Research Papers: https://papers.labml.ai/conferences
- Deeplearning Monitor: https://deeplearn.org
- OpenReview: https://openreview.net
- OpenResearch: https://www.openresearch.org