Yocto build for confidential virtual machine images running entropy-tss
based on flashbots/yocto-manifests.
This uses the meta-entropy-tss layer which has the recipe for adding entropy-tss
- Ensure docker and GNU make are installed, and that docker is running
make image-base
- Install dependencies, most of which are fairly standard (python, gcc, GNU make, etc), but notably you need repo.
mkdir entropy-tss-image-build && cd entropy-tss-image-build
repo init -u https://github.com/entropyxyz/yocto-build.git -b main -m tdx-base.xml
repo sync
source setup
cd ../..
gcloud storage buckets create gs://tss-cvm-images
gcloud storage cp srcs/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/tdx-gcp/core-image-minimal-tdx-gcp.rootfs.wic.tar.gz gs://tss-cvm-images
gcloud compute images create core-image-minimal-tdx-gcp-3 --source-uri gs://cvm-images-flashbots/core-image-minimal-tdx-gcp.rootfs.wic.tar.gz --guest-os-features=UEFI_COMPATIBLE,VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE,GVNIC,TDX_CAPABLE
$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-port-3001 \
--allow tcp:3001 \
--target-tags entropy-tss \
--description "Allow traffic on port 3001" \
--direction INGRESS \
--priority 1000 \
--network default
gcloud compute instances create core-image-minimal-tdx-gcp-3 --network=default --confidential-compute-type=TDX --machine-type=c3-standard-4 --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE --image core-image-minimal-tdx-gcp-3 --zone=europe-west4-b --metadata serial-port-enable=TRUE --tags entropy-tss