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Jim Tang edited this page Aug 31, 2012 · 4 revisions



enyo.Popup is a control used to display certain content on top of other content. The following example shows a kind in which pressing a button will display a popup.

    name: "PopupExample",
    style: "text-align: center;",
    components: [
        {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Basic Popup", ontap: "showPopup"},
        {name: "basicPopup", kind: "enyo.Popup", floating: true, centered: true,
            style: "background-color: yellow; padding: 10px", onHide: "popupHidden", components: [
                {content: "Popup..."}
    showPopup: function(inSender, inEvent) {
    popupHidden: function(inSender, inEvent) {
        // do something

Hidden Popup

Popups are initially hidden on creation; they can be shown by calling the show method and re-hidden by calling hide. A popup will fire an onShow event once shown and an onHide event once re-hidden.

Shown Popup

You may center a popup in its viewport by setting its centered property to true; if not centered, it should be given a specific position.

A popup may be floated above all application content by setting its floating property to true. This has the advantage of guaranteeing that the popup will be displayed on top of other content. This usage is appropriate when the popup does not need to scroll along with the other content.

The autoDismiss property controls how a popup may be dismissed. If true (the default), then tapping outside the popup or pressing the ESC key will dismiss the popup.

The modal property may be set to true to prevent any controls outside the popup from responding to events while the popup is showing:

{kind: "enyo.Popup", centered: true, modal: true, floating: true, components: [
    {content: "Here's some information..."}


onyx.Popup extends enyo.Popup, adding support for scrim behavior and z-index handling, as well as Onyx-themed visual styling.

components: [
    {kind: "onyx.Button", content: "Basic Popup", ontap: "showPopup"},
    {name: "basicPopup", kind: "onyx.Popup", floating: true, centered: true,
        style: "padding: 10px", components: [
            {content: "Popup..."}

Hidden onyx.Popup

Shown onyx.Popup

A scrim temporarily disables an application's user interface, covering the screen with a translucent (i.e., semi-opaque) layer. To display a scrim, set the popup's scrim property to true. If we do this in our current example, the popup will look like this when shown:

Shown onyx.Popup

Note that, in order to avoid obscuring the popup's contents, the scrim won't render unless the popup is floating.

A modal popup will receive a transparent (i.e., invisible) scrim by default, unless the modal popup isn't floating. To get a translucent scrim when modal, specify scrim: true, scrimWhenModal: false.

You may, optionally, apply a CSS class to the scrim by setting the scrimClassName property. However, if you do so, be aware that the scrim is a singleton and you will be modifying the scrim instance used for other popups beyond the current one.

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