This is an unofficial port of the Parse JavaScript SDK to a native Angular SDK.
Disclaimer: we are not affiliated in any ways with Parse and we this is offered as is; we don't take responsibility for any bugs you might encouter in production. However you are encouraged to help us maintain this SDK, as the Parse SDK evolves.
This version of SDK does not contain the following Parse. modules:
- Promise (turned useless by $q)
- View
- Router
- History
- File
It also drops support for callback hashes. All methods are promises only. You need to have underscore/lodash included in your app too.
Feel free to include them in your app using the method we used; which is isolating every module inside an Angular component, and replacing http requests using $http, promises using $q.
var module = angular.module('MyApp', ['Parse']);
module.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, ParseSDK){
var Parse = ParseSDK;
var query = new Parse.Query('Monsters');
query.equalTo('name', 'Casper');
$scope.results = results;