This is an introductory course to GIS including basic information on Geographic Information System (GIS) and related concepts.
Table of content:
- Basics of GIS
- Spatial data (raster and vector model)
- Spatial reference systems (geographic and projected coordinates systems)
- Spatial data basic analysis (attribute and spatial queries, geoprocessing tools)
- Data visualization
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the basic concepts of Geographic Information Systems
- Define terms related to raster and vector data models (e.g. pixel, grid, spatial resolution, attribute table, topology)
- Compare vector and raster data models; Understand the difference between geographic and projected coordinate systems
- Select objects using attribute and spatial queries
- Perform simple analysis with geoprocessing tools
- List map elements and basic principles of map creation
- Create a thematic map using different methods of symbolization
Created by: UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre