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ephemient committed Dec 24, 2022
1 parent 887f501 commit 5d4bbb9
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 77 deletions.
93 changes: 32 additions & 61 deletions hs/src/Day24.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,72 +5,43 @@ Description: < Day 24: Blizzard Basin>
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, ViewPatterns #-}
module Day24 (day24a, day24b) where

import Control.Arrow ((&&&), second)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Heap as Heap (FstMinPolicy, insert, singleton, view)
import Data.List (foldl', transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as Map ((!), (!?), fromList, fromListWith)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Semigroup (Arg(Arg), Max(Max), Min(Min))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (difference, empty, fromDistinctAscList, fromList, insert, lookupMax, lookupMin, member, notMember, toList)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Set as Set (insert, notMember, singleton)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (lines, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (index, length, lines)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V ((!), fromList, last, length)

parse :: (Enum a, Num a, Ord a) => Text -> Maybe ((a, a), (a, a), [Set (a, a)])
parse input = (,, spaces) <$> Set.lookupMin startingSpaces <*> Set.lookupMax startingSpaces where
deltas = Map.fromList [('^', decY), ('>', incX), ('v', incY), ('<', decX)]
(Set.fromDistinctAscList -> startingSpaces, blizzards) = partitionEithers $ do
(y, line) <- zip [0..] $ T.lines input
(x, char) <- zip [0..] $ T.unpack line
if char == '.' then pure $ Left (y, x) else Right <$> do
delta <- maybeToList $ deltas Map.!? char
pure ((y, x), delta)
potentialSpaces = startingSpaces <> Set.fromList (fst <$> blizzards)
xy = Map.fromListWith (<>) $ second (Min &&& Max) <$> Set.toList potentialSpaces
yx = Map.fromListWith (<>) $ second (Min &&& Max) . swap <$> Set.toList potentialSpaces
incX (y, x) | x >= maxX = (y, minX) | otherwise = (y, x + 1)
where (Min minX, Max maxX) = xy Map.! y
decX (y, x) | x <= minX = (y, maxX) | otherwise = (y, x - 1)
where (Min minX, Max maxX) = xy Map.! y
incY (y, x) | y >= maxY = (minY, x) | otherwise = (y + 1, x)
where (Min minY, Max maxY) = yx Map.! x
decY (y, x) | y <= minY = (maxY, x) | otherwise = (y - 1, x)
where (Min minY, Max maxY) = yx Map.! x
spaces = (potentialSpaces `Set.difference`) . Set.fromList <$> transpose
[iterate delta $ delta pos | (pos, delta) <- blizzards]

search :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> [(b, a)]) -> (b, a) -> [a]
search next = search' Set.empty . Heap.singleton @Heap.FstMinPolicy where
search' seen (Heap.view -> Just ((b, a), heap))
| Set.member a seen = search' seen heap
| otherwise = a : search' seen' heap' where
seen' = Set.insert a seen
heap' = foldl' (flip Heap.insert) heap .
filter (flip Set.notMember seen' . snd) $ next a
search' _ _ = []

search' :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [Set (Int, Int)] -> Maybe (Int, [Set (Int, Int)])
search' start end@(endY, endX) spaces = do
Arg n spaces' <- lookup end $ search next (0, (start, Arg 0 spaces))
pure (n, spaces')
next ((y, x), Arg n (space:spaces')) =
[ (abs (y' - endY) + abs (x' - endX) + n, (pos, Arg (n + 1) spaces'))
| pos@(y', x') <- [(y - 1, x), (y, x - 1), (y, x), (y, x + 1), (y + 1, x)]
, pos `Set.member` space
search :: Vector Text -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Int -> Maybe Int
search lines start end@(endX, endY) startTime = go (Set.singleton (start, startTime)) $
Heap.singleton @Heap.FstMinPolicy (0, (start, startTime)) where
isFree (x, y) time
| y < 0 || y >= V.length lines || x < 1 || x > T.length line - 2 = False
| y == 0 || y == V.length lines - 1 = T.index line x == '.'
| T.index line ((x - 1 + time) `mod` (T.length line - 2) + 1) == '<' = False
| T.index line ((x - 1 - time) `mod` (T.length line - 2) + 1) == '>' = False
| T.index (lines V.! ((y - 1 + time) `mod` (V.length lines - 2) + 1)) x == '^' = False
| T.index (lines V.! ((y - 1 - time) `mod` (V.length lines - 2) + 1)) x == 'v' = False
| otherwise = True
where line = lines V.! y
go seen (Heap.view -> Just ((_, (pos@(x, y), time)), heap))
| pos == end = Just time
| otherwise = go seen' heap' where
choices = filter (\state@(pos, time) -> isFree pos time && Set.notMember state seen) $
(, time + 1) <$> [(x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y)]
seen' = foldl' (flip Set.insert) seen choices
heap' = foldl' (flip Heap.insert) heap
[(time + abs (x - endX) + abs (y - endY), choice) | choice@((x, y), time) <- choices]
go _ _ = Nothing

day24a :: Text -> Maybe Int
day24a input = do
(start, end, spaces) <- parse input
fst <$> search' start end spaces
day24a input = search lines (1, 0) (T.length (V.last lines) - 2, V.length lines - 1) 0 where
lines = V.fromList $ T.lines input

day24b :: Text -> Maybe Int
day24b input = do
(start, end, spaces) <- parse input
(n1, spaces') <- search' start end spaces
(n2, spaces'') <- search' end start spaces'
(n3, _) <- search' start end spaces''
pure $ n1 + n2 + n3
day24b input = search lines start end 0 >>= search lines end start >>= search lines start end where
lines = V.fromList $ T.lines input
start = (1, 0)
end = (T.length (V.last lines) - 2, V.length lines - 1)
21 changes: 5 additions & 16 deletions kt/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/github/ephemient/aoc2022/Day24.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,29 +20,18 @@ class Day24(private val lines: List<String>) {

private fun search(start: IntPair, end: IntPair, startTime: Int = 0): Int {
val (endX, endY) = end
val seen = mutableSetOf(IndexedValue(startTime, start))
val queue = PriorityQueue(compareBy(IndexedValue<IndexedValue<IntPair>>::index))
queue.add(IndexedValue(0, IndexedValue(startTime, start)))
val seen = mutableSetOf<IndexedValue<IntPair>>()
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
val entry = queue.remove().value
if (!seen.add(entry)) continue
val (time, position) = entry
if (position == end) return time
val (x, y) = position
if (isFree(x, y, time + 1)) {
queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x - endX) + abs(y - endY), IndexedValue(time + 1, x to y)))
if (isFree(x - 1, y, time + 1)) {
queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x - 1 - endX) + abs(y - endY), IndexedValue(time + 1, x - 1 to y)))
if (isFree(x + 1, y, time + 1)) {
queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x + 1 - endX) + abs(y - endY), IndexedValue(time + 1, x + 1 to y)))
if (isFree(x, y - 1, time + 1)) {
queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x - endX) + abs(y - 1 - endY), IndexedValue(time + 1, x to y - 1)))
if (isFree(x, y + 1, time + 1)) {
queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x - endX) + abs(y + 1 - endY), IndexedValue(time + 1, x to y + 1)))
for ((x2, y2) in arrayOf(x - 1 to y, x to y - 1, x to y, x to y + 1, x + 1 to y)) {
if (!isFree(x2, y2, time + 1)) continue
val state = IndexedValue(time + 1, x2 to y2)
if (seen.add(state)) queue.add(IndexedValue(time + abs(x2 - endX) + abs(y2 - endY), state))
throw NoSuchElementException()
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