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Refactor code
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- Remove unnecessary schema
- Fixup in types: remove inheritance and improve naming
- Refactor utility code into accessor code/file
- Update usage in front-end
  • Loading branch information
jorgenherje committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent 2c30c89 commit 07f8af6
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Showing 9 changed files with 233 additions and 257 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions backend/src/backend/primary/routers/well_completion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
from typing import Optional

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Query

from src.backend.auth.auth_helper import AuthHelper
from import AuthenticatedUser

from import WellCompletionAccess
from import WellCompletionDataModel

from . import schemas
from import WellCompletionData

router = APIRouter()

Expand All @@ -21,10 +19,11 @@ def get_well_completion_data(
ensemble_name: str = Query(description="Ensemble name"),
realization: Optional[int] = Query(None, description="Optional realization to include. If not specified, all realizations will be returned."),
# fmt:on
) -> schemas.WellCompletionData:
) -> WellCompletionData:
access = WellCompletionAccess(authenticated_user.get_sumo_access_token(), case_uuid, ensemble_name)
well_completion_data = access.get_well_completion_data(realization=realization)

well_completion_df = access.get_well_completion_data(realization=realization)
well_completion_data_model = WellCompletionDataModel(well_completion_df)
if not well_completion_data:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Well completion data not found")

return schemas.WellCompletionData(json_data=well_completion_data_model.create_well_completion_dataset())
return well_completion_data

This file was deleted.

205 changes: 198 additions & 7 deletions backend/src/services/sumo_access/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
from typing import Optional
import itertools
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from fmu.sumo.explorer.explorer import CaseCollection, Case, SumoClient
from ._helpers import create_sumo_client_instance

from .well_completion_types import (

class WellCompletionAccess:
Expand All @@ -23,7 +34,7 @@ def __init__(self, access_token: str, case_uuid: str, iteration_name: str) -> No
self._iteration_name = iteration_name
self._tagname = str("wellcompletiondata") # Should tagname be hard coded?

def get_well_completion_data(self, realization: Optional[int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
def get_well_completion_data(self, realization: Optional[int]) -> Optional[WellCompletionData]:
"""Get well completion data for case and iteration"""

# With single realization, return the table including additional column REAL
Expand All @@ -33,10 +44,10 @@ def get_well_completion_data(self, realization: Optional[int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
well_completion_df = well_completion_tables[0].to_pandas if len(well_completion_tables) > 0 else None
if well_completion_df is None:
return {}
return None

well_completion_df["REAL"] = realization
return well_completion_df
return WellCompletionDataBuilder(well_completion_df).create_data()

# With multiple realizations, retrieve each column and concatenate
# Expect one table with aggregated OP/SH and one with aggregate KH data
Expand All @@ -46,7 +57,7 @@ def get_well_completion_data(self, realization: Optional[int]) -> pd.DataFrame:

# Improve code (iterate over tables and concatenate) - concat gives issue? See jupyter-notebook
if len(well_completion_tables) < 2:
return {}
return None

first_df = well_completion_tables[0].to_pandas
second_df = well_completion_tables[1].to_pandas
Expand All @@ -61,10 +72,190 @@ def get_well_completion_data(self, realization: Optional[int]) -> pd.DataFrame:

if "OP/SH" in first_df.columns and "KH" in second_df.columns:
first_df["KH"] = second_df["KH"]
return first_df
return WellCompletionDataBuilder(first_df).create_data()

if "OP/SH" in second_df.columns and "KH" in first_df.columns:
second_df["KH"] = first_df["KH"]
return second_df
return WellCompletionDataBuilder(second_df).create_data()

raise ValueError('Expected columns "OP/SH" and "KH" not found in tables')

class WellCompletionDataBuilder:
Class for building well completion data from a pandas dataframe with well completion data
Accessor retrieves well completions data from Sumo as table data. This builder class handles
the pandas dataframe and provides a data structure for API to consume.

def __init__(self, well_completion_df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
# NOTE: Which level of verification?
# - Only columns names?
# - Verify dtype of columns?
# - Verify dimension of columns - only 2D df?

expected_columns = set(["WELL", "DATE", "ZONE", "REAL", "OP/SH", "KH"])
if expected_columns != set(well_completion_df.columns):
raise ValueError(f"Expected columns: {expected_columns} - got: {well_completion_df.columns}")

self._well_completion_df = well_completion_df

# NOTE: Metadata should be provided by Sumo?
# _kh_unit = (
# kh_metadata.unit
# if kh_metadata is not None and kh_metadata.unit is not None
# else ""
# )
self._kh_unit = "mDm" # NOTE: How to find metadata?
self._kh_decimal_places = 2
self._datemap = {dte: i for i, dte in enumerate(sorted(self._well_completion_df["DATE"].unique()))}
self._zones = list(sorted(self._well_completion_df["ZONE"].unique()))

self._well_completion_df["TIMESTEP"] = self._well_completion_df["DATE"].map(self._datemap)

# - How to handle well attributes? Should be provided by Sumo?
# - How to handle theme colors?
self._well_attributes: Dict[
str, Dict[str, WellCompletionAttributeType]
] = {} # Each well has dict of attributes
self._theme_colors = ["#6EA35A", "#EDAF4C", "#CA413D"] # Hard coded

def _dummy_stratigraphy(self) -> List[WellCompletionZone]:
Returns a default stratigraphy for TESTING, should be provided by Sumo
return [
WellCompletionZone(name="Valysar", color="#6EA35A"),
WellCompletionZone(name="Therys", color="#EDAF4C"),
WellCompletionZone(name="Volon", color="#CA413D"),

def create_data(self) -> WellCompletionData:
"""Creates well completion dataset for front-end"""

return WellCompletionData(
kh=WellCompletionUnitInfo(unit=self._kh_unit, decimalPlaces=self._kh_decimal_places)
stratigraphy=self._extract_stratigraphy(self._dummy_stratigraphy(), self._zones),
timeSteps=[pd.to_datetime(str(dte)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for dte in self._datemap.keys()],

def _extract_wells(self) -> List[WellCompletionWell]:
"""Generates the wells part of the dataset to front-end"""
well_list = []
no_real = self._well_completion_df["REAL"].nunique()
for well_name, well_group in self._well_completion_df.groupby("WELL"):
well_data = self._extract_well(well_group, well_name, no_real)
well_data.attributes = self._well_attributes[well_name] if well_name in self._well_attributes else {}
return well_list

def _extract_well(self, well_group: pd.DataFrame, well_name: str, no_real: int) -> WellCompletionWell:
"""Extract completion events and kh values for a single well"""
well: WellCompletionWell = WellCompletionWell(name=well_name, attributes={}, completions={})

completions: Dict[str, Completions] = {}
for (zone, timestep), group_df in well_group.groupby(["ZONE", "TIMESTEP"]):
data = group_df["OP/SH"].value_counts()
if zone not in completions:
completions[zone] = Completions(t=[], open=[], shut=[], kh_mean=[], kh_min=[], kh_max=[])

zone_completions = completions[zone]
zone_completions.t.append(int(timestep))["OPEN"] / no_real if "OPEN" in data else 0))
zone_completions.shut.append(float(data["SHUT"] / no_real if "SHUT" in data else 0))
zone_completions.kh_mean.append(round(float(group_df["KH"].mean()), 2))
zone_completions.kh_min.append(round(float(group_df["KH"].min()), 2))
zone_completions.kh_max.append(round(float(group_df["KH"].max()), 2))

well.completions = completions
return well

def _extract_stratigraphy(
self, stratigraphy: Optional[List[WellCompletionZone]], zones: List[str]
) -> List[WellCompletionZone]:
"""Returns the stratigraphy part of the dataset to front-end"""
color_iterator = itertools.cycle(self._theme_colors)

# If no stratigraphy file is found then the stratigraphy is
# created from the unique zones in the wellcompletiondata input.
# They will then probably not come in the correct order.
if stratigraphy is None:
return [WellCompletionZone(name=zone, color=next(color_iterator)) for zone in zones]

# If stratigraphy is not None the following is done:
stratigraphy, remaining_valid_zones = self._filter_valid_nodes(stratigraphy, zones)

if remaining_valid_zones:
raise ValueError(
"The following zones are defined in the well completion data, "
f"but not in the stratigraphy: {remaining_valid_zones}"

return self._add_colors_to_stratigraphy(stratigraphy, color_iterator)

def _add_colors_to_stratigraphy(
stratigraphy: List[WellCompletionZone],
color_iterator: Iterator,
zone_color_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> List[WellCompletionZone]:
"""Add colors to the stratigraphy tree. The function will recursively parse the tree.
There are tree sources of color:
1. The color is given in the stratigraphy list, in which case nothing is done to the node
2. The color is the optional the zone->color map
3. If none of the above applies, the color will be taken from the theme color iterable for \
the leaves. For other levels, a dummy color grey is used
for zone in stratigraphy:
if zone.color == "":
if zone_color_mapping is not None and in zone_color_mapping:
zone.color = zone_color_mapping[]
elif zone.subzones is None:
zone = next(color_iterator) # theme colors only applied on leaves
zone.color = "#808080" # grey
if zone.subzones is not None:
zone.subzones = self._add_colors_to_stratigraphy(
return stratigraphy

def _filter_valid_nodes(
self, stratigraphy: List[WellCompletionZone], valid_zone_names: List[str]
) -> Tuple[List[WellCompletionZone], List[str]]:
"""Returns the stratigraphy tree with only valid nodes.
A node is considered valid if it self or one of it's subzones are in the
valid zone names list (passed from the lyr file)
The function recursively parses the tree to add valid nodes.

output = []
remaining_valid_zones = valid_zone_names
for zone in stratigraphy:
if zone.subzones is not None:
zone.subzones, remaining_valid_zones = self._filter_valid_nodes(zone.subzones, remaining_valid_zones)
if in remaining_valid_zones:
remaining_valid_zones = [
elm for elm in remaining_valid_zones if elm !=
] # remove zone name from valid zones if it is found in the stratigraphy
elif zone.subzones is not None:

return output, remaining_valid_zones
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,12 +14,9 @@ class Completions(BaseModel):
kh_max: List[float]

class WellCompletionWellInfo(BaseModel):
class WellCompletionWell(BaseModel):
name: str
attributes: Dict[str, WellCompletionAttributeType]

class WellCompletionWell(WellCompletionWellInfo):
completions: Dict[str, Completions]

Expand All @@ -38,8 +35,8 @@ class WellCompletionUnits(BaseModel):
kh: WellCompletionUnitInfo

class WellCompletionDataSet(BaseModel):
"""Type definition for well completion data set"""
class WellCompletionData(BaseModel):
"""Type definition for well completion data"""

version: str
units: WellCompletionUnits
Expand Down

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