Hey there!
I'm currently a student in 42 Paris, since November 2021. Due to school recommendations, I choose not to show publicly most of my projects, but I still can show you if asked!
- 🦀 Rust (My current favorite)
- C
- C++
- Python
- Typescript (particularly with NestJS)
Even if I can't show the code publicly, I'll still describe those projects.
- Implementing a basic shell in C. It's the first "big" project of 42 in my opinion, the first to require working in group, and while it seemed impossible at first, we did way more than what the subject asked (handled subshells, priority operators, some environment variables...)
- A ray-tracer in C. This one might have been my favorite, the second group project. It was really interesting, and once more we went overboard and implemented a lot more than the mandatory requirements (normal mapping, patterns, multiple light source and colored light)
- An IRC server in C++. Once again a group project, and we as always validated all bonuses (file downloading and creating a basic IRC bot)
- Some C++ containers. It was really interesting to see how those constructs, that we use daily, are made, and to understand how they work. I did Vector, Stack (adapting the Vector), as well as Map and Set (both are implemented through a RB tree).
- A linear algebra library in Rust. This one is public, but I wanted to talk about it anyway, because it was really interesting (and I'm pretty proud of my static-sized Matrix and Vector, that eludes all math errors possibility)
I'm currently working on a 3D object vizualizer, with, of course, homemade 3D object parser.
- 🇫🇷 Français : Natif
- 🇬🇧 English: Proficient
- 🇯🇵 日本語:中級