I'm Eray özen, Student at 👨💻 Bursa Uludag University. I am a tech and management enthusiast, Would love to be a cloud evangelist and see myself as a Product / Program Manager in my later career.
- 🏄 Community guy who loves being involved in communities and help students grow
- 😄 I will usually be a part of hackathons as a #Mentor, #Participants and a #Organiser
- 🌱 I love to speak at public events and have been a speaker at many events. I organise Workshops, Webinars etc to help student Communitiess
- 👯 And Many More...
- 💬 Ask me about anything and everything!
- 📫 How to reach me: message me at Whatsapp
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love meeting new people and eating food!
- 💬 Ping Me about #cloud, #RPA, #CommunityOps, #DevRel, #speaking opportunity, #Marketing #CampusOps and anything you like