🌱 I currently provide trading bot services as a freelancer.
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📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences and freelance portfolio https://bionluk.com/ernsunar
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qr-generator-telegram-bot PublicThis is a Telegram bot that converts user text messages to QR codes and sends them back to the user. Bu, kullanıcı metin mesajlarını QR kodlarına dönüştüren ve kullanıcıya geri gönderen bir Telegra…
Telegram-Knowledge-Challenge-Bot PublicThe Knowledge Challenge Bot is a Telegram bot that provides users with educational quizzes on various topics. Users can start quizzes, answer questions, and earn points based on their performance. …
ChatGPT-Desktop-ChatBot PublicOpenAI Chatbot is a Python-based chatbot that uses the OpenAI API to generate responses to user messages. With customizable parameters and natural language conversation support, it can be tailored …
Python 1
Telegram-Private-Channel-Listener PublicReceive messages of private channels in Telegram instantly
Python 15
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