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Lazy loaded, responsive images for Angular


npm install --save angular-lazy-responsive-images

and then import the component into your module

import {LazyImageModule} from 'angular-lazy-responsive-images';

imports: [LazyImageModule],

Placement in template

<lazy-image [sources]="your_sources"

<ng-template #imageLoadingTemplate>
    <!-- Whatever should be shown during the loading -->
<ng-template #imageErrorTemplate>
    <!-- Whatever should be shown during the loading -->

Options overview

disableLazyLoading - boolean value (default: false), specify if a component needs to load the image even if out of the viewport stretchStrategy - can take either crop, original or stretch.

Stretch strategies

original - displays original image in it's original ratio, fitted to the width of container.

crop - will display the image in it's orignal ratio regardless if it fits the canvas or not.

maxCropPercentage - an integer between 0 and 100. Option 'maxCropPercentage' determines how much of the image surface can be cropped, beyond that, it's going to be contained in the canvas. The default is 20%.

canvasRatio - a float, so 4:3 ratio is actually 1.333.... Stretches the width of canvas to 100% and presves the given ratio.

stretch - the picture will be preserved in its original ratio and contained in the canvas.

If crop or stretch strategy is set, but no canvasRatio given, the height is not set (so one can apply height by CSS class).

Image sources

sources - takes a list of URLs to your images, associated with the media queries that need to be matched to display them, e.g.

let sources = [
        media: '(min-width: 468px)',
        url: ''
        media: '(max-width: 467px)',
        url: ''


loadingTpl - shown during loading. Reference to ng-template as shown in the example above. errorTpl - shown if image fails to load. Reference to ng-template as shown in the example above.


It is using window.matchMedia(), check here for compatibility table (TLDR; IE10 and higher).


Always run npm run build before.

To publish a package run: npm publish ./dist/angular-lazy-responsive-images

If you want only to run it locally use npm pack as follows:

  1. npm pack ./dist/angular-lazy-responsive-images
  2. In your project npm i ../PATH_TO_TAR/angular-lazy-responsive-images-X.X.X.tgz where X.X.X is the current version of a library.